Honors theses completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors or we have been unable to reach the authors, so the theses may be only available from on-campus computers. If you are an author of an honors thesis and would like to make it available off campus or if you have any questions, please contact wmu-scholarworks@wmich.edu.
Theses from 2024
Perceptions and Attitudes of Western Michigan University Students on Antibiotic Medications, Emily Boask
Effects of Peer Mentoring on Success and Satisfaction in Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Pilot Study, Rebecca Fraley
Medication Errors: The RaDonda Vaught Case, Nayeli Guandique-Benitez
Ethics of AI in the classroom, Kyle Kos
Flying Safely: Mitigating Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Risks in Long- Haul Travel, Archana Shrestha
Theses from 2023
Loneliness Among College Students, Jaime Benson
Communication Techniques for Nursing Students, Karlee Coddens
Photo voice: The Study of the Perception of Mental Health Resources Among International Students at WMU., Ritu Manandhar
Intimate Partner Violence in Nursing Students: Prevalence and Impact of Educational Workshop, Sara Michalowski
Safe Patient Care Act Advocation, Julia Rhodes
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on New Graduate Nurses and Their Nursing Judgement and Decision Making, Chase Rosengarten
Spiritual Care Within the Field of Healthcare, Summer Sirrine
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on New Graduate Nurses and Their Nursing Judgement and Decision Making, Marisa Szydlowski
The Impact of the War in Gaza on Pediatric Mental Health, Noura Warsi
Theses from 2022
Ways to Decrease Risk of Postpartum Hemorrhage, Madison Holcomb
Exploring the Gap: Positive and Negative Experiences of the Clinical Nurse Educator, Ariana Johnson
The Effects of Holistic Modalities on Stress Reduction in Nursing Students Attending School during the Pandemic, Rachel Kamp
The Effects of COVID-19 on Well-Being of Healthcare Workers, Hannah Meissner
Communication Techniques for Nursing Students, Erin Raby
Sexual Assault: Disclosure, Healthcare Barriers and Facilitators, and Interventions, Meghan Stepnitz
Theses from 2021
Use of a Simulation to Promote Improved Care for Transgender Patients, Eboni Brown
Barriers of Bronson School of Nursing Program, Karla Kline
Exploring the Lived Experience of Adolescent Caregivers, Abbigale Laurentius
Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on CHHS Students, Macey Seal
Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on CHHS Students, Linnea Wood
Theses from 2020
The impact of vaccine coverage and exemptions on the resurgence of vaccine preventable disease: A review of the literature, Kara Costantino
Working as a healthcare professional on the frontlines during a pandemic, Lauren Hodlick
Prevalence of Sexual Harassment among Nursing Students, Emily M. Johnson
The Opioid Crisis: Implications for Western Michigan University, Kennedy Koebbe
Effects of Maternal Chemotherapy on Fetal and Childhood Development, Payton May
Nursing Students’ Bladder Health Behaviors During Clinical Shifts, Peyten Oudekerk
Veteran Suicide in the United States, Aubrey Reynolds-Erspamer
Mental Health Inpatient Hospitalization: What Nursing Can Learn From "Sensory Rooms.", Haley Wilson
Theses from 2019
Testing Resilience in Empower Success Participants, Megan Berichon
Testing Resilience in Empower Success Participants, Taylor Birgy
RN to APN Role Transition, Bethney Hernandez
The Use of Life Story Interventions Between Older Adult with Dementia and Caregivers: A State of the Science, Katelyn Mater
Development of a Scale for Compassion Fatigue in PICU Nurses, Kara Talbert
Theses from 2018
Vaccine Refusal Dilemmas, Yessica Garcia
Inter-professional Education: A Literature Analysis and Description of PACER Study at Western Michigan University, Kari Scholten
Insertion of IL-2 Gene into Tanapoxvirus Genome, Helen Woyczesczyk
Theses from 2017
Perceived Sources of Academic Stress in the Nursing Program, Iana Fontanilla
Healthcare Resources for the Deaf Community: A Study of Kalamazoo Area Hospitals, Rachel Kellogg
Alternate Therapies for Veterans with PTSD, Jamie Kish
Self-Reported Professional Competencies of RN-to-BSN Students, Nicole Thompson
Theses from 2016
Using Focus Groups to Identify Ways to Reduce Infant Mortality in Kalamazoo, Leah Dries
The Barriers and Facilitators to becoming a Baby-Friendly Hospital, Bohn Emily
The Use of Hydrotherapy in Labor to Promote Physiologic Labor, Nicolette Johnson
Relationship between Ambulation and Position Changes during Labor and Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing, Zoe Nokomis
The Effect of Bedside Handoffs on Patients’ Perceived Fears, Maija Paldan
Characteristics of Patients who Experience Fear During Hospitalization, Marlena Vande Streek
Theses from 2015
Quality of Life in Adolescents with Cancer, Alexis Guastella
Access to Healthcare: Understanding Disparities among LGBT & Black Communities, Taylor Jones
Family Centered Care in ICU Settings, Victoria Kingsinger
Quality of Life in Adolescents with Cancer, Molly Ryan
Theses from 2014
The Effects of Pet Therapy on Undergraduate Nursing Students' Perceived Stress and Exam Performance, Kathleen Bajorek
A Cross-Cultural Study Exploring Structural Factors of Men's Sheds, Sarah Dryden
Plant a Seed: Gardening and Nutrition with Elementary School Students, Kaisa Heib
Assessing Nurses' Knowledge of Needle Phobia, Jessica Hurlbut
Maternal and Neonatal Health Indicators: A Comparison Between Women Receiving Traditional and Centering (Group) Prenatal Care, Leslie Stork
Theses from 2013
Secondary Analysis of Adolescent and Young Adult Sexual Health in Kalamazoo and Jackson Counties, Kayla Bolter
Prevalence of Pregnancy Folkloric Beliefs Among Nurse-Midwifery Client Populations, Iris Aleece Campbell
Physical Activity in Health Profession Students, Sara Haller
Labor Support and Doula Care, Emily Lathrop
Physical Activity in Health Profession Students, Andrea Mahon
Interdisciplinary Health Fair and the Tendencies of Young Adults to Receive Follow-Up Health Care, Kaelyn Monroe
Secondary Analysis of Adolescent and Young Adult Sexual Health in Kalamazoo and Jackson Counties, Jenna Moreau
Interdisciplinary Health Fair and the Tendencies of Young Adults to Receive Follow-Up Health Care, Alexandra Scheidt
Tendencies of Young Adults to Receive Follow-Up Care, Abby Smith
Theses from 2012
Student Attitudes Toward Older Adults, Anna Feenstra
Nursing Informatics Competencies: Implications for Safe and Effective Practice, Hayes Greer
Perceptions of Insufficient Milk Supply in Low-Income WIC Women, Rebecca Heidarisafa
Theses from 2011
The Effects of Circumcision on Breastfeeding 24 Hours Post-Procedure, Trevor J. Barnum
Nursing Students Use of Nonpharmacologic Pain Relief Techniques, Lauren R. Brim
Comparisons among College Students Who Do and Do Not Obtain Routine Pap Smears, Heenashree I. Patel
Theses from 2010
Ethical Views of Nursing Students on Voluntary Assisted Suicide (VAS), Amy Bowron
Cyberbullying: Nurses' Role in Detection and Prevention, Lisa Gasser
Nursing Image in Current Oscar-Nominated Film, Melissa A. Robbins
Theses from 2009
Western Michigan University and Healthcare Careers Promotion, Jennifer Arthur
Factors That Affect Labor Support Behaviors of Nurses, Samantha Jean Barrett
Factors Related to Breastfeeding Discontinuation Between Discharge and Two Weeks Postpartum, Elizabeth Brand
Ethical Views of Nursing and Pre-Medical Students on Voluntary-Assisted Euthanasia (VAE), Gaurav Chand
Nursing Clinical Practice Improvements, Damian Elrod
A Needs Assessment of Breastfeeding Support at the Western Michigan University College of Health and Human Services, Lisa R. Hamilton
Implications for Nursing Involvement in Health Care Reform: An International Comparison, Erin McCuen
Addressing the Unforgettable Killer in a Forgetful Mind: A Look into the Advances of Treating Alzheimer's Disease, Heather Tews
Theses from 2008
Ethics of a "Model" Health Care System, Amber Heath
The Foundation, Education, and Practice of Osteopathic Medicine, Anthony P. Salvador
Ethnomedicine in Health Systems of the World: A Semester at Sea Survey of Health System Usage in 11 Countries, Stephanie Schley
Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Pain Relief Labor Supportive Measures by Nurses and Patients, Jillian Steeby
Theses from 2007
Healthy Behaviors in Health Care Profession Students, Tena Hoekstra
Exploring Personal Experiences of Volunteer Caregivers in End-of-Life Care, Meghan Lindsay
A Study of the Impact of Adult Day Care Centers on the Caregivers of Clients with Dementia, Abby L. Olsen
Nurses' Perceptions of Adult Numerical Pain Scale Assessment Tool, Ricci Schenkel
Communing With Nature: A Movie for Relaxation and Meditation, Katie E. Summers
Theses from 2006
Exploring the Relationship Between U.K. Midwives and First-Time Mothers Receiving One-to-One vs. Standard Midwifery Care During the Postnatal Period, Danielle Matthys