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About This Journal
OJOT: Providing open access to clinical solutions and educational resources
The mission of The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy (OJOT) is to publish high quality articles that focus on applied research, practice, and education in the occupational therapy profession. OJOT is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal with quarterly publications. Peer-review is completed by members of the OJOT Editorial Review Board, who are selected through an application process assessing the individual’s experience and areas of specialty in practice, education, and/or research. To apply, please contact the editors at to request the OJOT Editorial Review Board Application.
The specific categories of articles published in OJOT include Applied Research (quantitative and qualitative), Guidelines for Practice and Technological Guidelines, Opinions in the Profession, Topics in Education, and Letters to the Editor. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy is available to readers and researchers worldwide, regardless of affiliation with a subscribing library or institution, as an electronic journal that is easily accessible online. As an open-access publication, each edition of OJOT is available to readers for free.
The editors of OJOT invite you to submit articles in any of the categories listed above, for consideration by the OJOT Editorial Review Board and potential publication in a future issue. Of the last 100 submissions (as of 5/12/22), the acceptance rate of all peer-reviewed articles was 16%. The all-time acceptance rate is 43%. We are in the process of applying for an official impact factor from the Web of Science. In the meantime, we calculated from Google Scholar that the average number of times the 168 peer-reviewed articles published in OJOT between 2012-2017 have been cited is 4.26 (H-index 3.00). For more information on submitting an article for publication, see the Policies page.
OJOT's design as an open-access, electronic scholarly journal is intended to benefit the following parties:
- Authors: of such articles, who will see their papers more read, more cited, and better integrated into the structure of science- Academic readers: in general institutions that cannot afford the journal or where the journal is out of scope
- Researchers: who will have their research published in a timely manner and disseminated to a large audience
- Readers: in general, who may be interested in occupational therapy and have better access
- The general public: who will have the opportunity to see what occupational therapy is about
- Taxpayers: who will see the results of the research they pay for
- Patients: and the therapists caring for them, who will be able to keep abreast of the latest research
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy is published through Western Michigan University's (WMU) Department of Occupational Therapy (OT) in the College of Health and Human Services. The OT Department is the first and oldest non-teacher education program at WMU and the highest ranking OT program in Michigan by US News and World Report. Since 1922, the WMU OT program has been a leader and innovator in the field and our graduates have made significant contributions through the nation and the world.
You may contact the editors of OJOT at
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The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy participates in industry-standard discovery and preservation tools. Articles from the journal are placed in the world’s major library catalogs and databases (OCLC Worldcat, ProQuest’s Summon, Ex Libris’s Primo, and EBSCO Discovery). OJOT is preserved in CLOCKSS and Portico, the two leading preservation archives that guarantee persistent access for the very long term. Articles also receive Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) from the CrossRef organization to ensure they can always be found.

OJOT is proud to partner with MedBridge to provide education and patient engagement tools for OT.
Advance your knowledge and improve outcomes using MedBridge. Click here to receive a discount on an annual subscription today! Use promo code: OJOT.
Last updated 7/15/2023