ScholarWorks > HHS > OT > OJOT > Vol. 1 > Iss. 1 (2012)
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2012) Fall 2012
Letter from the Editor
Letter from the Editor: Welcome to OJOT!
Diane Powers Dirette
Applied Research
Associations of Physiological Factors, Age, and Sensory Over-Responsivity with Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Michelle A. Suarez, Nickola W. Nelson, and Amy B. Curtis
The Effects of a Summer Camp Experience on Factors of Resilience in At-Risk Youth
MaryBeth Merryman, Amanda Mezei, Jill A. Bush, and Marcie Weinstein
Enhancing Social Skills in Adolescents with High Functioning Autism using Motor-based Role-play Intervention
Sharon A. Gutman, Emily I. Raphael-Greenfield, Neal Carlson, Rachel Friedman, and Amanda Iger
Examining the Sensory Profiles of At-Risk Youth Participating in a Pre-employment Program
Chi-Kwan Shea and Robyn Wu
Topics in Education
OT-PEP: Development of a Professional Education Paradigm for Occupational Therapy
Christine E. Wright
Opinions in the Profession
Diagnostic Statistical Manual 5 Changes to the Autism Diagnostic Criteria: A Critical Moment for Occupational Therapists
Rondalyn Varney Whitney and Heather Miller-Kuhaneck
Occupation and the Artist

- Editor-in-Chief
- Diane Powers Dirette, Ph.D., OTL
- Interim Managing Editor
- Ben Atchison, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA
- Associate Editor
- Allison K. Fox, MS, OT
- Copy Editor
- Cynthia Klekar, Ph.D.
- Art Editor
- Molly Bathje, MS, OTR/L contact the editors at
Occupation and the Artist
The “Occupation and the Artist” section of the Open Journal of Occupational Therapy (OJOT) highlights the use of art in the practice of occupational therapy (OT) and in the occupations of both consumers of OT services and its practitioners. Click here to explore this unique feature of OJOT.