"An Instrument for the Evaluation of Secondary Reading Programs" by Robert P. Cooter Jr.

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In recent years public interest in and concern over the effectiveness of secondary reading programs has grown steadily. According to recent findings by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (Micklos, 1981) high school students have failed to measure a significant gain in total reading scores in the past ten years and have actually declined in the area of inferential comprehension. With the recent review of American education by a select bipartisan commission has come a renewed interest in quality reading programs for our schools. During the 1982-83 academic year, a study (Cooter, 1983) sought to determine what the characteristics of a theoretically sound secondary reading program are, according to experts in the field, and to develop an instrument which may be used to begin an evaluation of existing secondary reading programs. This article will briefly discuss the procedure involved and present the Secondary Reading Program Inventory (SRPI).

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