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Teachers, like members of other professional groups, are expected to learn, to grow, and to renew themselves. Although the need for effective inservice is evident and the qualities of effective inservice appear to be well-documented (Samuels and Pearson, 1988), school administrators seem still to be relying heavily on ineffective inservice formats. As university professors, we are frequently called to present the typical "one-shot" inservice session designed to provide "something for everyone" in less than two hours, with no provision for teacher participation or for follow-up activities and discussion.
Recommended Citation
Thistlethwaite, L., Barclay, K. D., Castle, M., & Lewis, W. J. (1991). Multi-Session Reading Inservice: A Step In The Right Direction. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 31 (4). Retrieved from