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The language of the black child, his dialect, has for years been a drawback for the school age child. The child who speaks a black dialect has come a long way in learning "his" language and perhaps feels he has mastered it rather well. But when he enters school, he often discovers that his language is unacceptable at best and openly rejected at worst. If his language is not rejected, it is rarely if ever drawn upon and utilized in the materials and learning activities of the school.
Historically, black children have been required to read, or attempt to read, in the standard dialect, and are presently required to do so. There are no indications to suggest otherwise in the future.
How should one introduce the speaker of black dialect to formal reading instruction? Furthermore, what kind of materials should be used?
Recommended Citation
O'Brube, W. S. (1986). The Black Child, His Dialect, and His Reading. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 26 (3). Retrieved from