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This area of the archive houses the orthographic transcriptions (listed below) that correspond to the audio recordings deposited as primary source data in DARDOSIPCAT. The transcriptions facilitate access to particular sections of MP3 audio, and they serve as a foundation for future analysis of the primary data. These transcriptions may be used, in part or in whole, in published academic research, so long as they are cited appropriately. They may serve as the basis for later phonemic and/or phonetic transcription, or as discursive representations of ways of speaking Spanish in Barcelona in academic pursuits of all kinds, including research as well as all forms of teaching and learning. Though all transcriptions deposited in DARDOSIPCAT have been edited and revised by at least two separate individuals, including native speakers of Spanish, most are still of draft quality, both in terms of accuracy and representation. As such, all transcriptions here are presented "as is" with the hope that future study may improve upon them. Transcription is as much art as science, and DARDOSIPCAT respects the human condition. The only claims that the DARDOSIPCAT Transcriptions make are those of good faith effort and honest intent on the part of transcribers to represent the communicative events as best they could.
All transcriptions are provided in PDF format, which is a widely supported format with public specifications. No special software is necessary to download, open, search, or view these resources. PDF downloads include basic Dublin Core metadata (title, description, creator, and subject), transparently viewable in file information and in PDF readers, as well as additional custom XMP metadata accessible with more specialized software.
Downloads of the DARDOSIPCAT Transcriptions depend on the access settings of particular resources. Most transcriptions are available for download by authorized DARDOSIPCAT users. These transcriptions have been made available with the informed consent of data providers in all cases. Authorized users are reminded that downloads are permitted exclusively for research purposes. All uses of the DARDOSIPCAT Transcriptions are subject to the archive terms and conditions explicitly stated on the consent form required for authorized use (coming soon).
Downloadable transcriptions have been modified to include pseudonyms in place of potentially identifying information to protect the anonymity of the data providers. DARDOSIPCAT Transcriptions soon to be available for download belong to Vann Corpus 2017 (deposits coming soon), which contains 34 longitudinal interviews with individuals who, in 1995, were members of two distinct naturally-occurring social groups in Barcelona. These individuals belong to the first generation of Catalans ever educated in their heritage language to grow up in a democratic Spain. Transcriptions from Vann Corpus 1995 will become available in the next few years as well, including representations of initial linguistic interviews with these individuals as well as several, more spontaneous, group conversations.
The transcription conventions used in these corpora, which include italics for linguistic examples, underline for words in Catalan, and <> marks for overlapping text, will be documented soon.
Individual interview S1-26_Transcription, Vann corpus 2017, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-27_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-28_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-29_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-29_Transcription, Vann corpus 2017, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-30_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-31_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-31_Transcription, Vann corpus 2017, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-32_Transcription, Vann corpus 1995, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-32_Transcription, Vann corpus 2017, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview S1-FW_Transcription, Vann corpus 2017, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview U1-01_Transcription, Vann corpus 2017, Robert E. Vann
Individual interview U1-02_Transcription, Vann corpus 2017, Robert E. Vann