All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact

This department was called Educational Leadership until around 2000. Then departmental responsibilities were redistributed between Educational Studies and Teaching, Learning, and Leadership, both active until 2007. This list includes dissertations from all three of those earlier departments.


Dissertations from 1972


A Study of the Relation between Classroom Verbal Interaction Patterns and Racial Composition, Teacher Race, and Grade Level, James William Boothe Jr.


A Study of Factors Influencing Voter Attitude toward Schools and the Relationship of Those Factors to Voter Support of School Bond Proposals, Douglas B. Cole Jr.


Black Studies and the Enhancement of Self-Concept as it Relates to Achievement Level in Negro High School Students, David L. Fisher


The Relationship of Student Ratings of Teachers to Teacher Exodus, Roger Neil Grabinski


A Study of Non-Transferring Community College Graduates from Selected Michigan Community Colleges, Paul Richard Heath


The Effect of Occupational Exploratory Experiences upon the Occupational Awareness and Occupational Analysis of Junior High School Seventh and Eighth Grade Students, Edward Lewis Pelkey


A Study of the Relationships between Student Opinions and Verbal Interaction Patterns, Charles F. Porter


Verbal Interaction Patterns, Student Opinions, and Teacher Perceptions in Classrooms with Mexican American Student Enrollment, Richard M. Sanchez


An Investigation of the Relationship between Emergent Leadership and Several Potential Predictor Variables in an Academic Setting, Melvin James Tessin


Study of the Discrepancies between Student Evaluations and Faculty Self-Perceptions of Instructional Procedures in Higher Education, Eugene W. Thompson


The Effects of Positive and Negative Teacher Behavior on Student Rating of Teachers, George Smith Ticknor


A Study of the Differential Prediction of Community College Grade Point Average, Albert B. Truesdell