All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact

This department was called Educational Leadership until around 2000. Then departmental responsibilities were redistributed between Educational Studies and Teaching, Learning, and Leadership, both active until 2007. This list includes dissertations from all three of those earlier departments.


Dissertations from 1986


The Effects of Mentoring of the Career Paths of Administrators in Community Colleges in the State of Michigan, Marianne Adam


A Study of the Impact of Supervisory Style on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in the Secondary Schools in Kuwait, Abdulaziz D-M Al-Duaij


Perceptions of American College Students about Arabs: The Role of Mass Media and Personal Contact in the Formation of Stereotypes, Mansour Owaid Aljeaid


A Preferred Interpersonal Leadership Style: Perceived by a Chief Board Officer as Compared to a Chief Executive Officer in a Hospital Setting, Nelson Alward


A Study of the Relationship between Oral Communication Apprehension and Cognitive Restructuring in High School Speech Class, Lolita Fox Balch


The Relationship between Learning Disabilities and Juvenile Delinquency in Macomb County Juvenile Court (1983-84), Rita M. Bologna


A Study of the Relationship between Michigan Public School Principals' Perceptions of Self-Actualization Needs and Their Perceptions of Satisfaction with their Job, James Mervyn Cambridge


Self-Esteem in Elementary School Children, Joyce Carson


Executive Personality Types: A Comparison of Military and Civilian Leaders in a Single Organization, John Edward DeWald


The Impact of Summer Recruitment Projects on Students for the Cooperative Education Program in Design Technology at Macomb Community College, David A. Feighan


The Use of Microcomputer Programs to Improve the Reliability and Validity of Content Analysis in Evaluation, Richard D. Frisbie


Service Begets Sales: An Investigation into the Relationship of Automotive Dealership Customer Service Satisfaction with Sales Success, Ivyl L. Gilbert


An Analysis of Selected Factors Related to Predicting the Academic Success of Black Students Attending Predominantly White Colleges, John Hair


The Validation of and the Need for Administrative Computer Competencies in Michigan, Larry Joseph Ivens


A Study of the Attitudes of Michigan School Board Presidents toward Superintendents' Political and Policy Leadership in Third and Fourth Class School Districts, Jon Bradley Johnson


Teachers' Opinions of Affirmative Action and Faculty Seniority in a Court Ordered Desegregated Public School System, Monroe Johnson Jr.


Relationship of Admission Variables to Success for Licensed Practical Nurses in Associate Degree in Nursing Ladder Program, Sally Kathryn Johnson


The Christian as Leader: A Study of Technical, Human and Spiritual Behaviors in Leadership Theory, Nicholas Velthuis Kroeze IV


A Study of Wage Differentials between Females and Males in Administrative Positions in a Michigan University, Barbara S. Liggett


Successful Women: A Racial Comparison of Variables Contributing to Socialization and Leadership Development, J. Baraka Love


School Consolidation as Viewed by Michigan Public School Superintendents, Dennis Owen McMahon


Factors Affecting Faculty Attitudes toward the Use of Instructional Media in Selected Public Colleges and Universities in Michigan, Abdelgader Ali El Musrati


Relationship of University Faculty Loyalty and Faculty Perceptions of Department Chairperson Leadership Style, Thomas A. Ongwela


A Comparison of Perceptions Related to School District Consolidation, Grace A. Peapples


Field Testing of an Instrument for Measuring Educator Knowledge of Laws of the State of Michigan, Barbara A. Souve


Gender and Assumptions Underpinning Research among Doctoral Students, Eileen F. Stryker


The Relationship between the Leader Behaviors of Pastors and Church Growth in the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, Clinton Anthony Valley


Perception of Effectiveness as a Factor in Schedule Management System Usage in Industries Involved in Department of Defense Development Programs, Lyle Adelbert Wolcott

Dissertations from 1985


A Study of the Relationship of Selected Characteristics of Michigan School Superintendents and the Superintendents' Types and Degrees of Political Participation with the State Legislature, Gary Allen


Performance Appraisal System Design and Evaluation, Joe Baker Jr.


A Study of the Feasibility of Developing a Training Model to Incorporate Management by Objectives in Higher Education in Iraq, Nadhim J. Bakri


A Study of Effects of Persistence and Nonpersistence in Mastery Learning PSI Remedial English in a Two-Year College, John H. Corbin


To Establish the Degree of Interest for New Technical Instructional Programs at Taif Junior College, Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Said Sulayman Derbas


Differences in Typology among Nurses at Different Levels of Management in Acute Care Institutions as Measured by the MBTI, Catherine Marie DeVet


A Descriptive Study of Six Career Developmental Tasks as a Function of the Performance Ratings of Supervisory Personnel of the Financial Department within One Division of a Multi-National, Fortune 500 Manufacturing Corporation, Claudia Mettler Duranceau


The Relationship between Nonsupervisory Employees' Self-Assessment of Their Supervisory Skills and the Amount of Satisfaction They Believe They Would Receive From Being a Supervisor, Arthur W. Hoffman


Contributions to the Career and Managerial Development of Women: The Importance of Selected Components as Perceived by a Group of Community College Female Educators, Daniel A. Jaksen


Continuing Professional Education for Teachers and its Relationship to Teacher Effectiveness, Gregory Allen Knoblock


Implementation and Meta-Evaluation of an Experimental Method for Evaluating an Administrator Training Program, Nancy B. Larsen


An Assessment of Attitudes of Faculty Men and Faculty Women Toward Faculty Women in Higher Education in the Republic of Korea, Kyunghui Lee


A Study of the Relationship between Church Sponsored K-12 Education and Church Membership in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Warren Earl Minder


A Study of the Academic Problems Encountered by Saudi Students at Western Michigan University, Ali Hajjan Mustafa


Holland Area Employer-Sponsored Community Coordinated Child Care: A Case Study, Bonnie Church Piller


The Relationship between Managerial Experience and Conflict Management Styles of Men and of Women in Community College Administration, Betty Pritchard


A Study of the Relationship between High School Graduation Requirements and Student A.C.T. Assessment Scores in Public High Schools in the State of Michigan, William M. Pritchard


The Effect of Task Responsibilities on Assistant Principals' Roles, Sandra B. Sirotti

Dissertations from 1984


The Influences of Schooling, Job Experience, Information About Job Openings, Mentoring, Geographic Mobility, and Discrimination on the Selection of College and University Presidents, Raymond D. Davis


A Study of the Work Values and Achievement Motivation of Persons Eligible for Federal Job Training Programs in a Rural Service Delivery Area, John Desiderio


The Evaluation of a School-Court Program that Deals with Chronic Absenteeism of Middle School Students, Robert A. Duell


Job Position as a Moderator of Opinion Regarding School Finance among Seventh-Day Adventist Administrators, Gregory A. Gerard


The Effects of Immediacy to Parenthood on the Perceptions of Importance of Parent Education Topics, Nancy Mauro Gerard


A Descriptive Study of the Leadership Styles of School Business Officials in Selected Michigan School Districts, Daniel S. Gilmore


A Comparative Study of the Career Aspirations, Job Seeking Patterns, and Career Patterns of Male and Female Doctoral Recipients in Educational Administration, Alice J. Hullhorst


Geographic Place Location Knowledge: An Empirical Investigation into the Performance of University Undergraduate Students as a Result of Cognitive Theory Based Instruction, Sharafat Khan


The Relationship of Declining Enrollment, Community Involvement, Tax Support, and Assessed Evaluation to Labor Peace in Some Selected Michigan School Districts, William Right Kirby


The Impact of Gender on the Perceived Importance of Criteria for Selection and for Promotion of Administrators in One Institution of Higher Education, Karen R. LaRoe


Criteria for “Reduction-in-Force” Staffing Decisions: Opinions of Teachers and Administrators from Large NEA Districts in Connecticut, Lorraine A. Marcantonio


The Propensity toward Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Rehabilitation Needs of Alternative Education Students in Western Michigan, Joseph Steven Miller


An Investigation of the Relationship between In-School System Student Transiency and Student Reading Achievement, W. Craig Misner


The Relationship between Demographic Factors and Leader Behavior of Department Chairpersons of Colleges of Education in Michigan, John H. Ortyoyande


The Relationship between Conflict-Communication Values and the Relationship between Principals' Conflict Management Effectiveness and Involvement of Teachers in Decision Making in Small High Schools in Michigan, Michael Kenneth Ryan


The Comparison of Achievement of Weekend Course Student Groups and Concurrent Course Student Groups of Nazareth College Management Division, Norm Woodin

Dissertations from 1983


A Test of the Validity of the Equipercentile Assumption: An Analysis Using a Data Base of Title-I Eligible Students, Christine Applin Ameen


An Investigation of the Impact of Learning Theory on Training and Conditions of Training in the Corporate Environment, Carolyn Collins-Bondon


The Relationship That Teachers' Concerns and Their Perceptions of Organizational Climate Have with Innovation Maintenance, Frederic Wayne De Vall


The Relationship of Preferred Work Environment and Job Satisfaction of Community College Administrators, Susan Dunn DuFord


A Delphi Study to Identify Possible Futures of Black Colleges: Public and Private, Gloria Jeanette Miller Duval


An Assessment of the Relationships between Selected Teacher Characteristics and Attitudes of Regular Classroom Teachers toward Mainstreaming, Dorothy Mary Elkins


The Implementation of Human Reproductive Programs Following PA 226 of 1977 in Michigan K-12 Public School Districts, Jerry L. Hilton


Some Characteristics Associated with the Effectiveness of Elementary Principals as Demonstrated by Role Perceptions and Utilization of Time, Judith Jean Johansen


A Descriptive Study of Organizational Structure and Its Relationship to Employee Utilization in the Electric Utility Industry, Frederick M. Keaton


A Study of the Relationship between Teachers' Perceptions of Self-Actualization Needs and Their Perceptions of Satisfaction with the Teaching Profession, Margaret Anne Kennard


Interaction Functions of a Computer - Assisted Career Information and Guidance System: Macomb Community College, Joyce Kirkwood


An Analysis of Available Selection Factors for Judging the Educational Merit of Short Duration, Out-of-House, Management Training Programs for American Corporations, Douglas R. Loomer


A Study of the Knowledge about Reading Concepts of Principals of Schools Holding Membership in the Association of Christian Schools International, Maxine Edge Margesson


The Effects of Participation in the Family Support Program on the Adaptive and Maladaptive Behaviors of Developmentally Disabled Individuals, Patricia L. McDonald


Student Leaders as Interpreters of High School Student Opinion, William Gerard Mulcrone


The Relationship between Leadership Style and Perceived Performance on Selected Tasks for UniServ Directors of the Michigan Education Association, David L. Myers


A Study of Michigan Local School District Community Information/Relations Systems, Stanley Joseph Olson


Psychological Typology of the Local Firm Certified Public Accountant, Paul John Otte


A Study of the Relationship of System Openness to Community Education Programming in Selected Rural School Districts, Daniel James Patterson


Effects of Social Support as a Moderator of Role Stress Among School Principals, Richard Glen Siler


A Study of Leadership Training Programs for Charge Nurses in Nursing Homes, Joanne Esther Smith


A Study of the Ability, Achievement, Demographic, and Social Interaction Characteristics of Three Groups of Students: Dropouts, Marginals, and High Achievers, Judy Stewart


A Study of the Role of Vocational Education Instructors as Perceived by Vocational Instructors, Vocational Administrators, Advisory Committee Members, and Vocational Counselors, LaVerne M. Youngblade


A Correlational Analysis between the Teacher Perceiver Interview and Teacher Success in the Chippewa Valley School System, Richard J. Zaranek

Dissertations from 1982


Effects of Community College Administrative Budgetary Decisions upon Continuing Education Students’ Perceptions, Drew William Allbritten


A Study to Determine the Relationship between the Amount of Innovation Present in an Organization and the Governance Structure of the Organization, Patricia M. Bauhs


The Facilitative Teacher-Student Relationship and Selected Educational Outcomes, Richard Roy Benedict


Teachers' Growth/Development and the Organizational Climate of Elementary Schools, Louise Birch


Relationships in Organizations Between Leaders' Personality Characteristics and Their Hierarchical Levels and Role Foci, Loretta Church


A Comparative Analysis of the Role of the Academic Department Chairperson, Stanley Lawrence Coleman


The Power of the School Business Official in the Decision-Making Processes of the Boards of Education in Selected Michigan School Districts, Robert Del Fein


The Investigation of Middle Managers’ Perceptions Concerning Factors and Conditions Necessary to Implement and Adapt Career Development Systems to Their Organizations, Gail A. Ganakas


Determining the Skill and Training Needs of Community Education Directors: An Inquiry into Methods, Duane Douglas Gates


Path-Goal Theory of Leader Behavior and Its Relation to Job Satisfaction as Moderated by the Intrinsic Motivation of the Task, Diane Lloyd Gillo


The Relationship Between Sales and Service Performance by Group Insurance Representatives Who Perform Both Functions, Ralph F. Hagemeier