All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact

This department was called Educational Leadership until around 2000. Then departmental responsibilities were redistributed between Educational Studies and Teaching, Learning, and Leadership, both active until 2007. This list includes dissertations from all three of those earlier departments.


Dissertations from 1982


A Correlation Study of Financial Planning Process Characteristics and Administrators' Perceptions of Process Worth, Congruence, and Change in Selected Michigan Private Colleges, Gary Hammerberg


The Importance of, and Capability to Perform, Program Evaluation as Perceived by Wisconsin District Media Directors, Roger Leslie Hartz


A Study of the Differences Between Prison College Graduates and the Total Released Inmate Population on Recidivism by Risk Category, James Jay Haviland


Quantity-Comparative Expression in Young Children: An Analysis of Responsive and Productive Language, Sandra-Rae Howe


A Needs Analysis Study for the Establishment of a Community College Educational System in the United Arab Emirates, Hussain M. Joma


The Development and Assessment of Instructional Materials for the Teaching of Leadership Skills to Second Grade Students in Selected Public Schools, Sharon Rose Lockett


Leadership Styles in Educational Leader Positions: An Investigation of Some Common Factors in Socialization and Employment Environment Conditions, Gerald E. Lohr


The Relationship of Treatment Team Interpersonal Communication to Staff to Client Relationships in a Residential Treatment Setting, Martin L. Mitchell


Women in Educational Leader Positions: An Investigation of Some Common Factors in Socialization, Educational Background, and Career Commitment, Elaine Barr Morris


The Design, Field Test, and Description of a Model for Collaborative Long-Range Community Planning, Ozzie D. Parks


A Study of Leisure Counseling Services for The Older Adult in Kalamazoo County, Linda Law Powell


An Investigation of a Procedure to Assess Aggregated Item Bias in a Minimum-Competency Test, Laurence E. Rudolph


A Study of Effects of a Systematically Designed Promotional Message on the Acceptance of Michigan Regional Educational Media Centers by Nonusers, Jaswant Singh


The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Support for Employee Communication Skill Improvement, Roberta M. Supnick

Dissertations from 1981


Self-Esteem and Altruism Perceived as Motivational Factors for Alumni Giving, and Their Relationships to Various Donor Characteristics, Gerald Leonard Anderson


A Cross-Cultural Study of Selected Leadership Principles, Reza Assadi


Development and Validation of a Model for Retaining Pregnant Adolescents and School-Age Parents in the Jamaican School System, D. Deloris Brissett


A Comparative Study of Student and Faculty Morale Determinants and Relationships in Southern Baptist Institutions of Higher Education, Jack Elliotte Brown Jr.


An Investigation of the Relationships between Various Institutional Variables and Compliance with Title IX in Intercollegiate Athletics, Richard C. Cadigan


Leadership Behavior of Community Mental Health Centers' Program Supervisors in Michigan as Perceived by Program Supervisors, Immediate Superordinates, and Immediate Subordinates, Mamie Pang Campbell


A Study of Job Satisfaction of the Elementary School Secretary, John Raymond Chirco


A Study of Needed Competencies for the Position of Principal in the Guam Public Schools, Jose Quinene Cruz


Attitudes of Administrators, School Board Members, and Teachers Relating to Labor Peace, Larry Eldon Engel


The Development of Instructional Materials to Facilitate the Interaction of Handicapped and Nonhandicapped Third Grade Students in Selected Parochial Schools, James Nicholas Gonwa


A Model for the Training of School Councils in South Australia, Kevin R. Griffiths


A Model for Inservice Professional Development of Educational Administrators, Rofithah Hashim


Comparative Ratings of Printed Nutrition Materials Developed by Industry and Government Producers, Cheryl L. Holmes


A Descriptive Study of In-Service Training Programming for Correctional Officers in County Jails in the State of Michigan, Deborah S. Karns


A Study of Financially Supportive and Financially Nonsupportive Alumni of Los Angeles Baptist College, Richard Steven Koole


The Relationship between Knowledge of Teamwork, Satisfaction, and Perceived Performance Effectiveness among Professional Human Service Teams, Sonya Monroe-Clay


An Analysis of Perceptions of Michigan Superintendents, Principals, and Teachers in Regard to Present Versus Preferred Teacher Evaluation Systems, JoAnn A. Noonan


An Empirical Study of the Equipercentile Assumption as a No-Treatment Expectation in Title I Evaluations, Alan C. Nowakowski


A Descriptive Study of Special Programs for Minority Students in Public Four Year Higher Education Institutions within the State of Michigan, Richard Redden


The Public Financing of Higher Education in Nigeria, Gabriel O. Taylor


Predicting Success in Business Data Processing for Students Enrolling in a College Data Processing Program, Stuart James Travis

Dissertations from 1980


A Study of Localism in a Regional State University, Raymond E. Alie


Administrative Preparedness: Perceptions of Problems and Qualifications, William Joseph Banach


An Analysis of Teacher Morale and Absenteeism in a Declining Enrollment School District, Terry M. Booth


A Method for Community Education Directors to Identify Activities Which Are Potential Time Wasters, Frank Glenn Cookingham


A Strategy for Inservice Education of Junior-High/Middle-School Science Teachers in the Grand Rapids Public School System, David Andrew DeGraaf


Marketing Techniques Utilized by Community College Continuing Education Divisions in Michigan, John George Dezek


A Study of Decision Origins and their Relationship to Selected Elementary Principals' Consultative Responses in Decision-Making Situations, Shawn Peter Dryer


A Field Study of Goal-Based and Goal-Free Evaluation Techniques, John W. Evers


Regional Bargaining: Its Impact on Local Control of School Districts in Macomb County, Genevieve Eleanor Gangler


The Development of a Special Education Procedures Manual, Duane H. Greenwold


Relationship of Educational Values and Attitudes Toward "Double Sessions" in a Rural Community, Patrick Clayton Harrington


An Examination of Potential Problems that May Be Encountered in the Administration of an Educational Corporation in the Management of Medical Doctors, Kathy Anne Hulst House


A Field Test of a Reading Program Needs Assessment Strategy, Linda Jane Howard Vingelen


A Descriptive Study of the Leadership Styles of Michigan Juvenile Court Administrators Utilizing the Application of the Managerial Grid Theory, Zigmund S. Kryszak Jr.


A Comparison of Three Operational Definitions of Job Satisfaction, Thomas J. Kuieck


The Effects of Alternative Diffusion Channels and Alternative Organizational Positions of Receivers of Diffusion Information upon Receiver Understanding and Practitioner Utilization of an Educational Innovation, Howard T. Major


Development of a Model of Technical Education for the Country of Malawi, Tommy H. Nkungula


The Development and Use of a Film on Public Art in the City of Kalamazoo, Michigan, for the Purpose of Building Community, Sesta V. Peekstok


A Comparative Study of the Trust Territory Students’ Perceptions of Factors Affecting Satisfaction of College Life at Selected Institutions of Higher Learning, Vicente-Roman Leon Guerrero Perez


Grievance Procedures in Teacher Negotiated Contracts in Selected School Districts in the State of Michigan and Frequency of Grievances Filed, Patricia Carr Portwine


Feasibility Study for a Comprehensive Community College System in the United Arab Emirates, Kadhim Abdul Rassool-Ali


A Study of Four Year State University Related Foundations, Timothy Arthur Reilley


Standard Setting in Accounting and Auditing: Considerations for Educational Evaluation, Jeri P. Ridings


Needs Assessments for Technical Assistance: A Conceptual Overview and Comparison of Three Strategies, Tanya M. Suarez


The Interrelationship of Leader Self-Actualization and Life Stressors to the Resultant Incidence of Reported Medical Problems of Middle Management Educators, John S. Thatcher


The Effects of "Perceived Success" and "Union Militancy" on the Opinions of School Principals, Michael Roy Williamson


Impact of Federal Legislation on Coaches' Salaries for High School Athletic Teams, Frank Joseph Wisniewski

Dissertations from 1979


Community Education Directors in Michigan; A Systematic Study of Their Attitudes Relative to Section 96 of the State School Aid Act, Geoffrey E. Balkam


Knowledge and Attitudes Expressed Toward the Mainstreaming Process by Preservice and Certified Elementary Teachers, R. Wayne Buletza


The Attitudes of Students toward the Social, Political, and Economic Development of Guam, Franklin S. Cruz


A Descriptive Analysis of the Characteristics and Achievements of Black Upward Bound and Black Non Upward Bound Students at Western Michigan University from 1971-1976, Luther Roseman Dease


The Content of Consumer Education Teacher Preparation as Reported by Business Education and Home Economics Professors in Michigan, Michael Thomas Glenn


A Study of an Administrator's Use of Authority as it Relates to Teacher Loyalty, Job Satisfaction, and Alienation in the Public Schools of Guam, Jose S. Leon Guerrero Jr.


The Influence of Program Sequence, Past Performance, and Participation in Group Activities on Achievement in the Use of the Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIS), Rita Perron Howe


Degree of Client Manifest Anxiety as a Function of Interaction Distance: An Investigation of the Female-Female Counseling Dyad, Philip H. Knight


The Perceived Practicability of Human Skills in Expanding Community Education Settings: Selected Descriptors and Environmental Conditions, J. Patrick McMahon


A Descriptive Analysis of Bilingual Education Teacher-Training Programs in the State of Michigan, Gilbert L. Montez


The Relationship between Intellectual Development and Ratings of Teaching Effectiveness, Carol Ann Norman


Teacher Employment Follow-Up Survey of the 1976-1977 Graduates at Western Michigan University, Ricardo T. Santuyo


A Delphi Study to Identify Possible Futures of Community Education in Michigan, Ilene Gail Sheffer


Community Educational Leaders: A Demographic Description and Investigation of Marital Status, Lynwood Earle Smith

Dissertations from 1978


A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Modern Mathematics in Comparison with Traditional Mathematics in the American Educational System, Kuriakose K. Athappilly


Development and Implementation of an Entry Point Methodology for Community Education Needs Assessment, Craig Cameron


The Development of a Child Abuse and Neglect Detection Instrument for Use by Michigan Elementary School Educators, Anthony K. Citrin


A Descriptive Study of Community Education Models According to Selected Dimensions, Dale L. Cook


Persuasive Communications: A Study of the Theory and Practice of the Role of the Elementary School Principal, Laurence Dickie


The Development and Pilot Operation of an Assessment Center with Implications for the Selection of School Principals, Margaret Gallagher


A Study of Alcohol Knowledge and Information Sources among Rural High School Students, Timothy Patrick Keenan


A Meta Analysis of Comparative Research on the Effects of Desegregation on Academic Achievement, Ronald A. Krol


Foreign Student Perceptions of Four Critical Components Related to Educational Experiences at Western Michigan University, Frances L. Lather


The Functioning of Informal Networks in Relation to the Hiring Process in Higher Education, Barbara Rae Mills


The Effect of Nursing Intervention on Anxiety of Post Operative Patients, Phyllis C. Nicolaou


A Study of the Extent to Which Media Leaders in Michigan Possess Certain Leader Need Dispositions, Ruth Zalewski Otzman


Time Management for University Community Education Center Directors, David Laurence Perry


A Computer Simulation Study of Seven Pairwise Comparison Procedures: Imbalanced Case, Wayne S. Petroelje


The Causal Relationship between Mathematics Achievement and Attitude in Grades 3 to 6: A Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis, D. William Quinn


The Role of Curricular and Instructional Innovation in the Past, Present, and Future of Honors Programs in American Higher Education, Timm R. Rinehart


A Study of the Effects of Community Education Programs on Reducing the Frequency and Severity of Vandalism in Selected Virginia Public Schools, Roger S. Schrock


Disparities Among Selected School and Community Groups Regarding Perceptions of the Meaning of Aims for Community Education, Donald E. Spencer


A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Selected Personality and Interest Testing on Curricular Choice and Progress Level of Students, Rosa Stone


A Study of the Implementation and Attitudes of Superintendents Towards the Michigan State Board of Education Four-Fold Role of a Community School, Gary L. Sullenger


A Study of the Relationship between the Written Communication of Community College Deans and the Deans’ Effectiveness Ratings, Maureen P. Taylor


Predicting Success in Mathematics for Underprepared Community College Students, Nancy Hoffius Taylor


A Descriptive Study of the Development and Field Test of a Needs Assessment Process and the Comparison of the Administration of the Research, Evaluation, Development, Experimentation Center and School Study Councils, Georgia Jackson Van Adestine