Dissertations from 2024
Jagg Beeti, Shahana Afsar
Reclaiming Shadows, Samantha Atkins
Picturing the Teaching of the Holocaust: A Narrative Case Study of Four English Language Arts Teachers Who Teach the Holocaust, Shelley L. Esman
Creature Constellation, Alyssa Jewell
The Earth Speaks History: Narrative and the Anthropocene in Contemporary Climate Fiction, Hana Khalid Saeed
Methods and Metacognition: Teaching an Historically and Culturally Responsive Holocaust Unit, Katie Sluiter
Performativity and the Formal Elements of Comics: Reading Nonviolent Resistance in Graphic Novels, Krista Turner
Dissertations from 2023
The Difficult Night Window, Christopher Emery
Anti-Woman Invective on the Early Modern Stage: Abuse, Degradation, and Resistance, Savannah Xaver
Dissertations from 2022
Sprawl, Andrew Collard
Slow Shutter, Robert Cummiskey
Encouraging Activism in Secondary English: Reading and Writing for Social Justice, Elisabeth Spinner
Dissertations from 2021
Adapting Independent Reading for the Virtual Classroom, Ellen J. Foley
Any Other Place, Marquita Kai Harris
American Eidolons: Saying, Not Knowing the Immanent Sublime Poetics of William Carlos Williams, Walt Whitman, and H.D., Lucas J. McCarthy
Movement and Meaning in Early Medieval England: The Kinesic Style of Old English Saints’ Lives, Rebecca Straple-Sovers
Dissertations from 2020
The Home for Children Who Cannot Speak, Ariel Berry
Light-Echo, Robert Evory
Behind the Higher Hill: A Novel, Bradford Kammin
Migratory Sound, Sara Lupita Olivares
Dissertations from 2019
The Complex, Tim Conrad
“Called Forth by Imminent Dangers”: The American Gothic in Mysteries of Detection and Detective Fiction (1799-1929), Keli Masten
Playing Merlin: Authorship from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Neomedievalisms, Keith Russo
Dissertations from 2018
Geography Lessons, Samantha Deal
Using Mindset Pedagogy to Promote Growth and Increase Efficacy in Student Writers, Sara Hoeve
A Critical Inquiry Approach to Teaching Young Adult Literature, Steffany Comfort Maher
Boys on the Road: Mobilities and Childhood Geographies in Young Adult Road Trip Novels, Jason Vanfosson
Dissertations from 2017
Rebranding Mediocrity: A Rhetorical Analysis of Common Core Textbooks for College-Bound Writers, E. Suzanne Ehst
The Collage Effect: Form and Participatory Reading in Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Krystal Howard
Preparing Teachers in English Language Arts: Mentor Teachers Speak, Lindsay J. Jeffers
Four Films, Michael Marberry
16th Century Shakespeare and 21st Century Students, Sheridan Lynn Steelman
Good Looking in the Dark: A Narrative across Three Mediums, Aimee J. Valentine
Dissertations from 2016
Culturally Relevant Education for Rural Schools: Creating Relevancy in Rural America, Joshua J. Anderson
Ghost Notes, Scott M. Bade
On Myrtle: A Novel, Laurie Ann Cedilnik
Subjective Selves: Visual Metaphor and the Figure of the Artist in Contemporary Comics, Catherine Kyle
All Roads, Colleen O’Brien
Paris Burn, Iliana Rocha
The Night We Set the Dead Kid on Fire, Ephraim Scott Sommers
Dissertations from 2015
Literacy Practices among Migrant Teachers: Educator Perspectives and Critical Observations, Briana Asmus
ln the Gorge, Brandon Krieg
Using Stories as the Landscape of Writing: A Case Study of Mentor Texts in the Elementary Classroom, Christine McDowell
Chrome Pig: Poems, Glenn Shaheen
Dissertations from 2014
Investigations into the Unconfirmed Miracles at Puraquequara, Traci Brimhall
Battling the Separate Spheres: New Woman Writers and British Women Writers of World War I, Christine Haskill
Reassurance in Negative Space, Elizabyth A. Hiscox
Blue Violets, Brandon Davis Jennings
Bound by Words: Oath-taking and Oath-breaking in Medieval lceland and Anglo-Saxon England, Gregory L. Laing
All the Proud Fathers, Dan Mancilla
Wielding Eden: Early Modern Voices and the Appropriation of Paradise, Adrienne Redding
Constellarium, Jordan Brynn Rice
Teaching the Writing Methods Course: A Multiple Case Study of Teachers’ Professional Journeys, Teaching Contexts, Theoretical Frames, and Courses, Kristin A. K. Sovis
Dissertations from 2013
NO SECRETS, Andrea England
Reconceiving Self-Abnegation: Female Vulnerability as Embodied (Un)Sovereignty, Renee Lee Gardner
The History of Shakespeare in American Education, 1620-1930, Joseph P. Haughey
Almost Touching, Almost Free, Dustin M. Hoffman
Recombinant Metaphors: Uses of Language and Medieval Interdisciplinarity in Pearl, Lisa M. Horton
Teaching Students About Plagiarism: What it Looks Like and How It Is Measured, Diana Stout
Old English Ecologies: Environmental Readings of Anglo-Saxon Texts and Culture, Ilse Schweitzer VanDonkelaar
Writing the Wrongs: How Gay and Lesbian Playwrights Use the Paranormal in Autobiographical Writing, George William Zorn
Dissertations from 2012
The Campus Queen: A Literary and Cultural Study of High School Royalty, Jamie L. Hammel Culver
Crybaby Lane: A Short Story Cycle, Charles Michael Fischer
Low-Water Mark, Natalie A. Giarratano
Girls, Mothers and Others: Female Representation in the Adolescent Fantasy of J.K. Rowling, Philip Pullman, and Terry Pratchett, Jeanne Hoeker LaHaie
Tea with Edie and Fitz, Adam Pasen
Interpreting and Implementing English Language Arts State Standards/Expectations in Secondary Classrooms, Amanda Stearns-Pfeiffer
Creatures after Their Kind, Emily J. Stinson
Dissertations from 2011
Negotiating Generational Conflict and Identity Formation as a Way to Self Actualization in Contemporary Arab American Women's Literature, Hassan Ali Abdullah Al-Momani
Professional Learning Communities and First-Year Composition Instructors., Erinn Bentley
Gravity: Stories, Michael J. Davis
The Principle of Flickering, Laura K. Donnelly
Cancerland, Marin Love Heinritz
Mysteries in a World That Thinks There Are None, Gary L. McDowell
Contemporary Arab-American and Middle Eastern Women's Voices: New Visions of "Home", Abdullah Kheiro A. Shehabat
AFTER: A POEM, John Chad Sweeney
Dissertations from 2010
Composing Ourselves: Utilizing Literacy Narratives to Promote Knowledge and Reflection in Preservice Secondary English Teachers, Cheryl Henderson Almeda
Where I Turn Bad, Michelle Ann Bonczek
Tongueless: Representation of the Mentally Disabled and the Novel, Brent Walter Cline
This Glass Sun and Other Cities, Elizabeth Marzoni
The Last Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show, Melinda Moustakis
A Habit of Seeing: Stories, Rachel Swearingen
Everything Empty Is Broken, a Novel, Curtis VanDonkelaar
Dissertations from 2009
Mapping the Global Landscape in Women's Diasporic Writing, Martha Addante
Creative Metacriticism: The Portrayal of Literary Theory in Contemporary Fiction, Zaydun Ali Al-Shara
A Hotel Lobby at the Edge of the World, Adam Clay
Little to No Stars, Shannon Tate Jonas
From Picture to Word to the World: A Multimodal, Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching Graphic Novels in the English Classroom, Shannon Renee Mortimore
Like Poetry: A Collection of Short Plays, Kristian O'Hare
Neon Allegiance, Jason Paul Olsen
Adoption and Integration of Best Practice Methods in Secondary English Teaching, Gretchen Rumohr-Voskuil
Dissertations from 2008
You Will Come Safe from the Sea, Peter J. Geye
Jane Addams and the Foundationalist Fallacy: Coming to Voice at Rockford Female Seminary, Lanette Lawrence Grate
Shapeshifter: The Manifestations of Morgan Le Fay, Jill Marie Hebert
The Sins of Kalamazoo, a Full-Length Play Based on the Works of Carl Sandburg, Christine Iaderosa
Intimacy, Elizabeth Knapp
Between the City and the Bush: Suburbia in the Contemporary Australian Novel, Nathanael David O'Reilly
Circumnavigation, Vincent Reusch