Dissertations from 2007
Four Roads: A Novel, Kelly Daniels
The High School Play, Kevin Drzakowski
The Road between Cemeteries, Richard Paul Foss
The Laying on of Maples, Elizabeth Kerlikowske
The Country of the Blind, Thomas Martin
The Biographic and Poetic Dimensions in Gary Synder’s Green Buddhism Poetry: Cold Mountain, Mountains and Rivers Without End, and Danger on Peaks, Byoungkook Park
A Post-Marxist Perspective on Chuck Palahniuk’s Early Novels and the Four Plays of Incarcerated, Ron Riekki
Freshwater Boys, Adam Schuitema
Why the Moon Is Everyone's Image, Janice Marie Zerfas
Dissertations from 2006
What the Machine Says: Poems, Marcel H. Brouwers
Rain Town, Melanie Crow
Misintentions: A Novella and Short Stories, Glenn Deutsch
Doers of the Living Word: Gospel Ideology and the African American Womanist Novel, Rebecca Erin Huskey
Cottonlandia, Lisa Lishman
Unconfessed: A Collection of Short Stories, Kaye Lynn Longberg
Ridge-Runner, Amanda Rachelle Warren
Dissertations from 2005
Willa Cather: The Letters and Novels of a Romantic Modernist, Lisa Bouma Garvelink
The Lost Journals of Sylvia Plath, Kimberly Dawn Knutsen
Starlight Drive, William R. Reynolds Jr.
Hustle, Jason Skipper
Worry, Kristen Tracy
Dissertations from 2004
Nearer, Karen Carcia
Mothers of Us All: When Does Political Message Take Precedence over Art in Some Modern and Contemporary Women’s Poetry, Shanda Hansma Blue Easterday
Dear Beyond, Kirsten Hemmy
Electronic Literacy: Teaching Literary Reading through the Digital Medium, Robert Adams Rozema
Dissertations from 2003
Preparing Teachers to Use Technology: The Webquest in the Secondary English Language Arts Methods Classroom, Melinda C. Dobson
Male and Female He Created Them: Ælfric’s Lives of Saints and Patristic Theories of Gender, Rhonda L. McDaniel
Inroads toward Contemporary Latina Literature: Poetry and Criticism, Adela Josefina Najarro
Dissertations from 2002
Four One Acts: Quaddies, Static, Pluto, Pis Associates, and Woody Woodpecker's Dream Cafe, Douglas Engebretsen
Water Bearing Bodies, Beth M. Martinelli
How Does It Mean? Literary Theory as Metacognitive Reading Strategy in the High School English Classroom, Lisa J. Schade
The Unlocking, Julie Stotz-Ghosh
Becoming Ebony: Poems, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
Dissertations from 2001
"How Should One Love?": Alternative Love Plots and Their Ethical Implications in the Victorian Novel, Jennifer J. Carpentier
Strange Blessing, Gabrielle A. Halko
Ben Jonson and The Mirror: Folly Knows No Gender, Sherry Broadwell Niewoonder
Fay Weldon's Late Bloomers and Comedy and a Lawyer, a Vet, and a Couple of Dogs, One of Them Dead, Susan Rote Siferd
The Sense of Nonsense: An Annotated Edition of Ring W. Lardner’s Short Plays, Scott A. Topping
Floating Holidays: A Novel, Christopher Joseph Torockio
Dissertations from 2000
Saint Venus (With Critical Introduction), Allegra Shevahn Blake
Utah Jazz, A Novel, Dairen DeFrain
Whatever Shines: Poems, Kathleen McGookey
Dark Side of the Dream: The Social Gothic in Vietnam Era America, Greg Smith
The Gothic Wanderer: From Transgression to Redemption, Tyler R. Tichelaar
Dissertations from 1999
A Bare Unpainted Table: A Manuscript of Poems, Gladys Cardiff
Another Person's Skin: Imagining Race in the Works of Crane, Dunbar, Cather and Stevens, Lisa M. DuRose
Indoor/Outdoor: Poems, Jeffrey Greer
Skin: A Work of Fiction, Kellie Wells
Dissertations from 1998
Questions of Power: The Politics of Women's Madness Narratives, Susan Jane Hubert
Genuflect, Gentlemen and Other Stories, Matt B. Mullins