Volume 10, Issue 1 (2017) Fall
Complete Issue
Editor's Note
The Unpardonable Reader
Ariel Berry
“People You May (or May Not) Know:” Usage Intensity, Status Motivation, and Intimate Self-Disclosure as Predictors of Bridging Social Capital on Facebook
Ryan Paul Castillo 2209867
Printed Dot Quality in Response to Doctor Blade Angle in Gravure Printing
Bilge N. Altay, Alexandra Pekarovicova, and Paul D. Fleming
Green Burials: The Deinstitutionalization of Death
A A. Bouverette 3906173
Chinese Propaganda and the People’s Republic in the Twentieth Century
Christopher E. Maiytt
Waves of Beauty
Taylor McDonald
Totality in Carbondale
Grant Haynes
Stylolites Cathodoluminescence under Cross Polarized Light
Katherine Dvorak
High Aspirations
deniz toker
Creative Writing
Wrought Constituent
Kenneth Jakubas
Loving Her
Tavia Lloyd

- Director & Editor
- Christina G. Collins