About This Journal | Journal of College Access | Western Michigan University | Western Michigan University

About This Journal

The Journal of College Access (JCA) focuses on the current trends, research, practices, and development of all types of programs, policies, and activities related to the access of and success in postsecondary education. Issues of college aspiration, qualification, application, enrollment, and persistence are the primary emphases.

The Journal was co-founded by Dr. Patrick O’Connor and Dr. Christopher Tremblay. O’Connor is associate dean of college counseling at Cranbrook Schools, and Chief Strategist and CEO of College is Yours, an organization dedicated to expanding college opportunity. He is a board member and past chair of the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN). Tremblay is Executive Director of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs for the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan and is the former Director of Strategic Engagement for the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN).

JCA is affiliated with the Michigan College Access Network, a statewide non-profit organization with a mission to increase college readiness, participation, and completion in Michigan, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college going students, and students of color.

JCA is also affiliated with the Center for Postsecondary Readiness and Success at American University. This affiliation began in the Summer of 2019.

JCA is also affiliated with the Center for Equity and Postsecondary Attainment at San Diego State University. This affiliation began in February 2021.

JCA’s artwork and designs were completed by Alexandra Levitin and Ashley Orban, graphic design majors in the WMU College of Fine Arts. Special thanks to the WMU Design Center in the Gwen Frostic School of Art for their support and involvement.

JCA is a part of WMU’s ScholarWorks, a digital showcase of research, scholarly and creative output.

JCA was launched in March 2014 and its inaugural issue was published in January 2015.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

JCA is indexed in ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) and in EBSCO.

AUTHOR INDEX (all published articles)

SUBJECT INDEX (all published articles)