All master’s theses completed through the Graduate College of Western Michigan University since 2012 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. We have a few digital copies of earlier years. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Analysis of Two Heat-Treated Ni-Mn Melt-Spun Heusler Alloys for Magnetocaloric Applications, Sohaib Jabran
Obliquely Impinging Jet Heat Transfer Fields: Effects of Mach Number on Nozzle-to-Plate Distance, Thinnesh Ragupathy
Design and Simulation of Flow Channel of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), Rishya Shringhan Ravichandran
Development of a Deployable Langmuir Probe Spacecraft Potential and Space Ion Number Density Sensor, Brendan Schulz
Diagnosing Discharge Events within a Novel Miniature Simplified Coaxial Ion Trap Mass Analyzer, David Virgil Sirbescu-Stanley
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Retrofitting the American Football Helmet with Energy Absorbing Metals, João Pedro Beleza Pereira Seixas e Sousa
Improving Future Vehicle Fuel Economy and Operational Design Domain Through Novel Data Pipelines, Kyle James Carow
Nonlinear finite element model for functionally graded porous circular/annular micro-plates under thermal and mechanical load, Enrique Nava Munoz
3D Printed Poly Lactic Acid Structures for Cell Growth and Nanoparticle Transport-Simulation and Experimental Validation, Shrikrushna Vinayak Sonawane
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Dynamic Maneuvers For Satellite On-Orbit Servicing Utilizing Novel Continuum Robotics: Development & Experimentation, Nathan Dalton
Design, Manufacture, and Characterization of a Novel Miniature Coaxial Ion Trap Mass Analyzer, Kyle Davis Lyman
The Design and Development of a Miniature Gridded ECR Ion Thruster, Nicholas Nuzzo
Design and Optimization of An Electron Cyclotron Resonance Thruster, Austen Thomas
Measurement of Low-Speed Impinging Jet Structure Using Temperature Sensitive Paint, Arthur Dean Woodworth
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Standardized 1x6U CubeSat Structure Design, Maximilian H. Brummel
Simulation and Analysis of Engine Torque – Measurement and Study of Its Effect on Heavy Duty Vehicles, Iqbal Singh Chahal
Probabilistic Approach to Predict Contact Fatigue of Straight Toothed Net-Shape Forged Bevel Gears, Caleb Gurd
3D Printing of Lab on Chip Structures for Cell Growth and Experimental Validation of Magnetic Nanoparticle Flow Simulations, Prabhjot Singh
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Vehicle Performance Analysis of an Autonomous Electric Shuttle Modified for Wheelchair Accessibility, Johan Fanas Rojas
Vehicle Velocity Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks and Effect of Real-World Signals on Prediction Window, Tushar Dnyaneshwar Gaikwad
Optimized System for On-Route Charging of Battery Electric Buses and High-Fidelity Modelling and Simulation of In-Motion Wireless Power Transfer, Yogesh Bappasaheb Jagdale
Development of a Single Emitter Ionic Liquid Ion Source Research Platform, Thomas V. Kerber
Fatigue Damage Characterization by Surface Roughness and Instrumented Micro – Hardness Measurements, Suraj Sanjay Nikam
Comparison of Optimal Energy Management Strategies Using Dynamic Programming, Model Predictive Control, and Constant Velocity Prediction, Amol Arvind Patil
Development of a Finite Element Model of the Stamping Process to Predict the Natural Frequencies of Dimpled Beams, Varad Vasudeo Pendse
Prediction of Isotropic Strain Hardening Material Properties Using Gradient Boosted Regression Tree Method and Hyperparameter Optimization, Darren R. Promer
Transition to Renewable Energy Generation to Mitigate Climate Change: Implications on Japanese and Indian Energy Policies, Vaibhav S. Pujari
Theoretical and Experimental Study on Thermoelectric Generators Using Liquid-To-Liquid Flow Ducts at a Temperature Range Between 10ºC and 100ºC, Sudarshan Rawale
A Multiscale Thermomechanical Metal Additive Manufacturing Simulation and the Impact of Geometry on Residual Stress and Distortion, Luis Fernando Silva Velasco
Synthesis and Characterization of Non-PGM Catalysts for Fuel Cell Applications, Sudharsan Sridhar
Mission Architecture Analysis: Exploring Long-Period Comets From Multiple Staging Orbits, Gabriel Prescinotti Vivan
Skin Friction Topology in Junction Flow Affected By Upstream Rod, Bo Ching Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Gearbox Baffle Optimization, Megan Arduin
Optimal Energy Management for Forward-Looking Serial-Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Rule-Based Control Strategy, Abhijit Bhaskar Jadhav
Inconel 625 Additive Manufacturing Process Parameter Investigation on an EOS M290, Joseph W. Johnson
Modeling and Simulation with Optimal Gear Ratio for a Forward-Looking, Velocity-Driven, Power-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Sonal Babasaheb Kanap
Model Based Development of Enhanced Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator and Effect of Thermoelectric Leg Length on eMMRTG, Swapnil Dnyandev Magdum
Design, Fabrication and Testing of 3D Printed Lab-On-Chip Devices for Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Applications, Piyush Prakash Pokharna
Model Predictive Control Synthesis for the Innovative Control Effector Tailless Fighter Aircraft, Christopher Proctor
Training Set Density Estimation for Trajectory Predictions Using Artificial Neural Networks, Zachary Reinke
Hybrid Optical-Flow-Cross-Correlation Method for Particle Image Velocimetry, David Moussa Salazar
Control Law Synthesis for Lockheed Martin’s Innovative Control Effectors Aircraft Concept, Cameron James Segard
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Forward-Looking, Velocity-Driven, Powertrain Modeling and Optimal Control for Continuous Variable Transmission, Paresh Deshmukh
Liquid-To-Liquid Low Grade Waste Heat Recovery Using a Two-Channel Loop, Waleed Farwana
Variable Reluctance Virtual Torque Sensor for Automotive Applications, Vivek Iddum
Design of a Portable Biogas Purification and Storage System, Anilkumar Kosna
Control-Oriented Automatic Transmission- Based Powertrain Modeling and Simulation with Judder, Harshal B. Kundale
Investigation of Discrete Element Methods for Stud to Turf Interactions, Justin Rittenhouse
Optimization of Analytical Inverse Heat Transfer Recovery Solution, Nathan Schick
Experimental Comparison Between Hollow Cathodes with Cermet, Lanthanum Hexaboride, and Barium Oxide Insert Materials, Nagual Simmons
Determination of Chemical Notch, Kchem on Aluminum and Steel When Subjected Under Slow Strain Rate Test in Corrosive Environment, Joshua Teo Lee Kuok
Multi-Scale Analysis of Composite Materials Using Calculix and the Method of Cells: An Open Source Implementation, Francisco A. Yapor Genao
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Effect of Design Parameters on Thermal Performance of a Vane Type Disc Brake Rotor, Yogesh Satish Dalal
Atmospheric Microbial Community Sampling System for Varying Altitude Collection, Kenneth David Domingue
Finite Element Analysis of Tibiofemoral Contact Mechanics, Erika Fojtik
Development of Empirical and Virtual Tools for the Study of Bicycle Safety, Brent Kostich
A Virtual Reality Based Powered Wheelchair Simulator, Yuliia Sergeeva
Satellite Sequencing Optimization and Observational Orbit Determination Using Genetic Algorithms, Andrew W. Verstraete
Model Predictive Power Management of a Hybrid Electric Propulsion System for Aircraft, Tyler J. Wall
Experimental Study of Global Luminescent Oil-Film (GLOF) Skin-Friction Meter on Delta Wings, Patrick Nicholas Wewengkang
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Second Law of Thermodynamics Analysis of an Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Methane, Muataz Abotabik
Optimization Methodology for CVT Ratio Scheduling with Consideration of Both Engine and CVT Efficiency, Steven Beuerle
Analytical Study of Miniature Thermoelectric Device, Mohammed Dhannoon
Analytical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of a Thermoelectric Generator Including Contact Resistances, Shripad Dhoopagunta
Optimal Design of a Thermoelectric Cooling/Heating System for Car Seat Climate Control (CSCC), Abdulmunaem H. Elarusi
Optimal Design of Automotive Exhaust Thermoelectric Generator (AETEG), Hassan Fagehi
Preliminary Study of Optical-Flow Based Background-Oriented Schlieren Measurements, Hassan A. Ghazwani
Development of an Analytical Model for Beams with Two Dimples in Opposing Directions, Mofareh H. Ghazwani
Modeling, Optimizing and Testing Thermoelectric Generators for Liquid-to-Liquid Low Grade Waste Heat Recovery, Ali Eyddan Hamil
An Exploration of CubeSat Propulsion, Andrew Davis Hine
Design, Modeling and Simulation of a Thermoelectric Cooling System (TEC), Pooja Iyer Mani
A Genetic Algorithm Incorporating Design Choice for the Preliminary Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Kenneth Michael Mull
The Decomposition of Hydroxylammonium Nitrate under Vacuum Conditions, Gregory A. Neff
Experimental Characterization and Simulation of Carbon Nanotube Strain Sensing Films, Nagendra Krishna Chaitanya Tummalapalli
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Implementing a Linear Quadratic Spacecraft Attitude Control System, Daniel Kolosa
Wind Oscillator for Power Genration, RS Vewen Ramasamy
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Localization and System Identification of a Quadcopter UAV, Kenneth Befus
Trajectory Optimization for a Misson to the Trojan Asteroids, Shivaji Senapati Gadsing
Simulation of an Intake Manifold Pre-Heater for Cold Diesel Engine Startup, Patrick K. Kreun
Comparative Analysis of Clavicular Tunnel Confìguration for Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction, Mark Omwansa
Electroplating of Nanoengineered Polymer Substrate, Brandon Voelker
Analytical Performance Evaluation of Thermoelectric Modules Using Effective Material Properties, Sean Lwe Leslie Weera
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Analytical Solutions for a Large-Scale Long-Lived Rotating Layer of Fluid Heated Underneath, Pouya Jalilian
BroncoBlade: An Open Source Wind Turbine Blade Analysis Tool, Alex R. Quinlan
Development of CFD Models for the Purposes of Exploring Free Surface Wave Phenomena, Leonard P. Stoehr
Implementation and Analysis of a 1.4L Turbo Liquid Cooled CAC and AC Condenser System, Mitchell Zajac
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
High Capacity Lithium-Ion Battery Characterization for Vehicular Applications, Sazzad Hossain Ahmed
The Effects of Coolant Temperature on Spark Ignition Engine Performance, Alaa M. Attar
Absorber Geometry Optimization for a New Wave Energy Converter, Rachel A. Durren
Design of a Catenoidal Shaped Anechoic Termination, Kyle Myers
Benchmarking of a Single-Cylinder Engine Toward the Development of a Direct Fuel-Injection System, Michael J. Nienhuis
Experimental Determination of Colburn and Friction Factors in Small Plate Heat Exchangers with High Surface Enlargement Factors, Andrew H. Pike
Passive Control of Thin-Wing Flutter, Nicholas L. Pohl
Computational Analysis of a Wing Oscillator, Ryne Derrick Radermacher
Biofuel Characteristics in Micro Turbojet Engine Application, Ing Huang Tan
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Comparison of Martin’s Empirical Correlation with Measurements on a Compact Plate Heat Exchanger, Abdulmohsen A. Alothman
On-Board Monitoring of Engine Oil, Ryan James Clark