OJOT - The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy | Vol 11 | Iss 2

Volume 11, Issue 2 (2023) Spring 2023

Letter from the Editor


Promoting Equity for Women in Medical Journal Editing
Allison Chamberlain Miller and Diane Powers Dirette

Applied Research


Imposter Phenomenon: The Occupational Experiences of First-Generation College Students
Karen McCarthy, Kevin Chavez, Krysta Gastelum, Javier Gomez, Jacqueline Salas, Yashi Severson, and Jamie Zabat


Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for Infants with Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy: A Pilot Study
Denise Justice, Kate Wan-Chu Chang, Lynnette T. Rasmussen, and Lynda J-S Yang


Identifying Grasp and Pinch Patterns in Ceramic Interventions: Video Analysis of Adults Completing Ceramic Activities
Jeanine Beasley, Amber Chapman, Brianne Halliwill, Allison M. Mann, Kaitlyn S. Spalding, Jennifer K. Fortuna, Dianna Lunsford, and Madeline Kaczmarczyk


Novice and Expert Observer Accuracy of the Threshold Wheelchair Skill: A Pilot Eye-Tracking Study
Diane E. MacKenzie, R. Lee Kirby, Cher Smith, Zainab Al Lawati, Eric Lee, and Sorayya Askari

Topics in Education


Understanding the Doctoral Capstone Coordinator Position: A Unique Faculty Role in Occupational Therapy Education
Hannah L.W. Harris, Anne F. Kiraly-Alvarez, Paula J. Costello, and Bernadette Schmeltz

Opinions in the Profession

Occupation and the Artist


Diane Powers Dirette, PhD, OTL, FAOTA
Managing Editor
Nancy Hock, Ph.D., OTRL, CHT
Associate Editor
Allison Chamberlain Miller, MS, OTR/L, CAPS
Copy Editor
Cynthia J. Cunningham, PhD
Art Editor
Jennifer Fortuna, PhD, OTR/L
Assistant Copy Editor
Aditi Tuell, MS, OTR/L, CHT, CLT

You may contact the editors at ot-ojot@wmich.edu

Occupation and the Artist

The “Occupation and the Artist” section of OJOT highlights the use of art in the practice of OT and in the occupations of both consumers of OT services and its practitioners. Click here to explore this unique feature of OJOT.

Sponsor Profile

Please visit the Sponsor Profile Gallery to learn about the generous sponsor for this issue.