ScholarWorks > HHS > OT > OJOT > Vol. 11 > Iss. 3 (2023)
Volume 11, Issue 3 (2023) Summer 2023
Letter from the Editor
Reflections From the Other Side of Acute Care
Debbie Amini
Applied Research
Social Participation and Navigation with Adolescent and Young Adult Brain Tumor Survivors: Usability and Potential Benefits
Gary Bedell, Nicole Porter, Miranda Cullen, Zachary Gould, and Stephanie Freeman
Predictors of Occupational Competence in People Hospitalized with Chronic Conditions
Melanie Morriss Tkach, Patricia Bowyer, Marsha Neville, Timothy J. Wolf, and Gerald Goodman
Encounters With Ethical Problems During the First 5 Years of Practice in Occupational Therapy: A Survey
Brenda S. Howard, Michele Govern, Alexandra M. Gambrel, Morgan Haney, Haylee Ottinger, Travis W. Rippe, and Alyssa Earls
Feasibility of a Stress Reduction Program Among Foster Youth in College
Alexis Melinda Ferioli Morin and Jennifer E. Lape
Use of a Performance-Based Occupational Therapy Assessment of Executive Function with the Homeless Population: A Case Report
Emily Raphael-Greenfield, Kimberlee Baltich, Tess Wilson, and Rebecca Lowinger
Integrating Sleep Promotion Education into Acute Care Orthopedics Occupational Therapy Practice: A Case Series Study
Rebecca Ludwig, Aaron M. Eakman, and Catherine Siengsukon
Guidelines for Practice and Technological Guidelines
Spirituality and Occupation in Living (SOiL) Model: Conceptualizing Occupational Performance Through the lens of Spirituality
Clark Patrick Heard
Topics in Education
Occupational Therapy Curricula Patterns for Acquired Brain Injury-Related Vision Disorders for Entry-Level Programs: A Survey
Laura Schmeiser, Alicia Reiser, and Caitlyn Foy
Sequential Simulations During Introductory Part-Time Fieldwork: Design, Implementation, and Student Satisfaction
Kaitlin R. Sibbald and Diane E. MacKenzie
Teaching Critical Reflection in Occupational Therapy: A Quantitative Pre/Post Evaluation of Student Learning
Morgan Nelson, Lisa Jaegers, Quinn P. Tyminski, Niki Kiepek, and Crystal Dieleman
Opinions in the Profession
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM): Critiquing its Applicability With Indigenous Peoples and Communities
Tara Price and Tara Pride
Applying the Ecological Model of Human Performance and the SlutWalk Movement to Support those Affected by Rape Culture in the Context of Occupational Therapy
Angela Klukken and Sally Wasmuth
The Promise of Occupational Therapy: Occupational Engagement
Daniel Cezar da Cruz
Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor: Re: Burke, Bundy, & Lane (2023) article “If Reasoning, Reflection, and Evidence-Based Practice are Essential to Practice, We Must Define Them”
Angela Benfield and Mark V. Johnston
Occupation and the Artist
Developing a Holistic Outlook through Art
Jennifer K. Fortuna

- Editor-in-Chief
- Diane Powers Dirette, PhD, OTL, FAOTA
- Managing Editor
- Nancy Hock, Ph.D., OTRL, CHT
- Associate Editor
- Allison Chamberlain Miller, MS, OTR/L, CAPS
- Assistant Editors
- Debbie Amini, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA Molly Bathje, PhD, OTR/L Rosanne DiZazzo-Miller, Ph.D, DrOT, OTRL, CDP, FMiOTA, FAOTA Beth Elenko, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, CLA, FAOTA Bryan Gee, PhD, OTD, OTR/L, BCP, CLA, FAOTA Shirley P. O'Brien, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
- Copy Editor
- Cynthia J. Cunningham, PhD
- Art Editor
- Jennifer Fortuna, PhD, OTR/L
- Assistant Copy Editor
- Aditi Tuell, MS, OTR/L, CHT, CLT You may at
Occupation and the Artist
Would you like to learn about the art featured on the cover? The “Occupation and the Artist” section of OJOT highlights the use of art in the practice of OT and in the occupations of both consumers of OT services and its practitioners. Click here to explore this unique feature of OJOT.
Sponsor Profile
Please visit the Sponsor Profile Gallery to learn about the generous sponsor for this issue.