OJOT - The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy | Vol 5 | Iss 4

Volume 5, Issue 4 (2017) Fall 2017

Letter from the Editor

Applied Research

Topics in Education


Art in Occupational Therapy Education: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study of an Arts-Based Module
Susan Coppola, Adrienne F. Miao, Carolyn Allmendinger, and Wanqing Zhang


Passing the NBCOT Examination: Preadmission, Academic, and Fieldwork Factors
Sharon D. Novalis, Jill M. Cyranowski, and Cathy D. Dolhi


Overview of Instructional Technology Used in the Education of Occupational Therapy Students: A Survey Study
Bryan M. Gee, Lisa Salazar, Jessica Porter, Camiel Clark, and Theodore W. Peterson

Occupation and the Artist


Diane Powers Dirette, Ph.D., OTL, FAOTA
Managing Editor
Carla Chase, EdD, OTR/L
Associate Editor
Allison Chamberlain Fox, MS, OTR/L
Copy Editor
Cynthia J. Cunningham, Ph.D.
Art Editor
Jennifer Fortuna, MS, OTR/L

You may contact the editors at ot-ojot@wmich.edu

Occupation and the Artist

The “Occupation and the Artist” section of OJOT highlights the use of art in the practice of OT and in the occupations of both consumers of OT services and its practitioners. Click here to explore this unique feature of OJOT.

Sponsor Profile

Be sure to follow the link from the left side of the OJOT site to read about the sponsor(s), unique to each quarterly issue. Or click here to view the Sponsor Profile Gallery.