All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 2017
A House Divided Cannot Stand: The Case for Latino-Black Coalitions, Sarah Perez
Implementing the Primary Care Behavioral Health Model in a Pediatric Setting: Description, Satisfaction, and Potential Economic Outcomes, Rachel A. Petts
A Corporate Model: Aligning National Nonprofit Expectations with Regional/Local Efforts to Serve the Mission, Emma A. Powell
Mitral Cell Dendritic Arbors are Negatively Affected by Various Forms of Deafferentation and Can Recover in Adult Zebrafish, Joanna M. Pozzuto
Peri-Operative Regional Nerve Blocks (PNB) in the Treatment of Pain in Patients Undergoing Operative Fixation of Lower Extremity Fractures, Joshua K. Radi
Bicultural Identity Integration and Individual Resilience as Moderators of Acculturation Stress and Psychological Wellbeing of Asian Bicultural Immigrants, Hartini Abdul Rahman
Fluid Manipulations Using a Piezo Electric Transformer for Sensing and Spray Generation Applications, Zeinab Ramshani
Frequency and Nature of Elementary School Teacher-Student Interactions, Thomas Ratkos
High School Seniors' Educational Experience lnfluencing the Decision to Pursue a Career in Nursing, Ryan L. Rowe
An Investigation of Turkish Middle School Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Orientations towards Direct and Inquiry Instructional Approaches, Selcuk Sahingoz
Protecting Sensitive Data in Clouds Using Active Data Bundles and Agent-Based Secure Multi-Party Computation, Akram Y. Sarhan
Artificial Immune Systems: Applications, Multi-Class Classification, Optimizations, and Analysis, Brian Haroldo Schmidt
Race and Sexual Orientation lssues in Graduate Classrooms: How Faculty in Psychology Experience them Emerging Alongside One Another, Raymond L. Sheets Jr.
Self-Generated Absorption Filter Based Optical Densitometry Calculations for Expanded Gamut and Spot Color Printing on Paperboard for Packaging Applications and Proposed OBA Index, Awadhoot Vijaykant Shendye
Spatial Analysis of Time between Two Consecutive Dental and Two Consecutive Well-Child Visits for Foster Care Youth, Chenyang Shi
Education and Nutrition Problems in Rural China, Rong Shi
Investigation of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention with Survivors of Interpersonal Violence, Laura Elise Stayton
16th Century Shakespeare and 21st Century Students, Sheridan Lynn Steelman
Speaking Our Truth: Gender Minority People's Experiences with Discrimination, Codie L. Stone
Experimental Therapy of Human Triple Negative Breast Cancer Using Oncolytic Tanapoxvirus Recombinants Expressing Interleukin-2 And Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1, Yogesh R. Suryawanshi
How Friendships between Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students Affect Anti-Heterosexist Identity Development, Amber L. Sylvan
Are the Leadership Behaviors of K–12 Leaders in Mid-Western Urban School Districts Influenced by their Beliefs and Attitudes Regarding Spirituality?, Ericka M. Taylor
Practicing Piracy: Violence, ldentity, and Cultural lnteraction in the Later Medieval Mediterranean, David D. Terry
Optical Properties of Quantum-Sized Gold and Silver Nanoclusters, Viraj Dhanushka Thanthirige
Distributed Model Predictive Control of Power Converters in Microsrids Under Different Modes of Operation, Riyadh Toman Thahab Toman
Superintendents’ Response to the Revised School Code Requiring Merit Pay in Selected Michigan School Districts, Mark A. Tompkins
Critical Success Factors for Agile Project Management in Non-Software Related Product Development Teams, Jeff Totten
Good Looking in the Dark: A Narrative across Three Mediums, Aimee J. Valentine
A Hybrid Parallel Approach to High-Performance Compression of Big Genomic Files and in Compresso Data Processing, Sandino N. Vargas Pérez
Statistical and Clinical Equivalence of Measurements, Puntipa Wanitjirattikal
The Influence of Training Procedures on Generalization Performance in Scent-Detection Rats, Erin Watkins
Three Essays on Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Behavior, Wan Wei
Effects of Historical Story Telling on Student Understanding of NOS and Mendelian Genetics, Cody Tyler Williams
Modelling Student Misconceptions Using Nested Logit Item Response Models, Mustafa Yildiz
Oncolytic Tanapoxvirus for Melanoma Therapy, Tiantian Zhang
Discriminative and Reinforcing Effects of Cocaine-Levamisole Combinations, Zachary J. Zimmermann
Dissertations from 2016
Indoor Localization of Mobile Devices Based on Wi-Fi Signals Via Convex Optimization and Bregman Divergence, Osamah Ali Abdullah
Three Essays on the Economics of Child Labor and Child Education, Kofi Acheampong
Fault Detection and Localization in Solar Photovoltaic Systems using Sensing Frameworks, Masoud Mohsen Alajmi
Examining the Existence and Importance of Ten Skills for Successful School Leaders from Saudi Principals’ Perspectives, Khalifah Albalawi
The Empowerment of Academic Women Leaders at Saudi Universities and Its Relationship to Their Administrative Creativity, Azala M. Al Ghamdi
Empirical Evaluation of Different Features of Design in Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Deyab Almaleki
A Metaevaluation of School Counseling Program Evaluations, Saeed Mohammed Almueed
Development and Evaluation of Matrix Material Formulations for Potential Integration into Immunodiagnostic Biosensors, Payam Aminayi
Culturally Relevant Education for Rural Schools: Creating Relevancy in Rural America, Joshua J. Anderson
Three Essays Assessing Global Value Chain Fragmentation on International Trade Using the World Input-Output Database, Johanna Retana Attoh
Compressive Sensing Framework for Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis, Khalfalla Ahmad Kh. Awedat
Ghost Notes, Scott M. Bade
A Formative Evaluation of a Program Providing Support to College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Kourtney Kay Bakalyar
Integration of Professional Identity and Christian Religious Identity in Undergraduate Social Work Students, Lolene K. Bargerstock
Factors Affecting Community Participation in Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Molly Bathje
Personality Factors, Self-Care, and Perceived Stress Levels on Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students, Jennifer L. Bauer
Who Controls Immigration Judges?: Towards a Multi-Institutional Model of Administration Judge Behavior, Mark Richard Beougher
The Behavioral Revolution in Contemporary Political Science: Narrative, Identity, Practice, Joshua R. Berkenpas
Discriminative Stimulus Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone and 4-Methylmethcathinone, Michael D. Berquist
A Transdiagnostic Approach to Emotion Regulation: The Development and Validation of Two Scales of Emotion Regulation, Lauren M. Borges
The Influence of Feedback on Implicit Bias in a Sample of Primarily Caucasian Women Counselors-in-Training, Branson L. Boykins
Design and Validation of an Electro-Hydraulic Pressure-Control Valve and Closed-Loop Controller, Jerry Boza
Yoga as an Ancillary Treatment to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression, Jeralee M. Briggs
The Relationship between Student Achievement and Professional Learning Communities at the Middle School Level, Michael S. Burde
A Prospective Investigation of Behavioral Risk Factors and Sexual Victimization Outcome in College Females, Tara E. Casady
On Myrtle: A Novel, Laurie Ann Cedilnik
Resolving Classes and Resolvable Spaces in Rational Homotopy Theory, Timothy L. Clark
Using Postfeedback Delays to Reduce Racing in Online Learning, Anna L. Conard
From Novice to Independent Researcher: A Content Analysis of PhD Student Blogs, Sarah J. Cox
Only the River Remains: History and Memory of the Eastland Disaster in the Great Lakes Region, 1915 – 2015, Caitlyn Perry Dial
The Federal School Improvement Grant: Telling the Story through Quantitative Outcomes, Gregg B. Dionne
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Adolescent Difficulties with Emotion Regulation: An Open Trial, Julissa A. Duenas
Some Nonparametric Ordered Restricted Inference Problems in the Context of a Statistical Education Study, Bradford M. Dykes
Bayesian Rank Based Methods for Linear and Generalized Linear Models, James Kodzo Dzikunu
La Sexualidad Como Vehículo De La Identidad De Género, Sexual Y Nacional En La Novelística Panhispánica Del Siglo XXI, Leticia Isabel Espinoza
An Integrated Approach for a Better Understanding of the Paleo-Hydrology and Landscape Evolution in the Sahara During the Previous Wet Climatic Periods, Abotalib Zaki Abotalib Farag
Work Stress: A Review, Analysis, and Extension of the Job Demands-Control (-Support) Model, Marcus J. Fila
Statistical Methodology for Data with Multiple Limits of Detection, Robert M. Flikkema
Transitioning Children with Autism from One-on-One Discrete-Trial Settings to Special Education Classrooms, Jennifer L. Freeman
A Metaevaluation of the Commission on Fire Accreditation International Accreditation Process, Stacy A. French
Assessing the Impact of Historical Story Telling on Student Learning of Natural Selection, Janice Marie Fulford
Single and Multiple Leadership Roles of Building Principals: Perceived Differences in Leadership Responsibilities in Selected Midwestern Districts, Michael A. Gaunt
The Experience of Teachers and Deans in an Intensive Weekly Observation/Feedback Model, Kathleen A. Grinwis
Exploration of Peer Learning in a Formal Cohort Healthcare Leadership Development Program, Melinda Marie Gruber
Session-By-Session Feedback from Psychotherapy Outcome Assessment: An Analysis of Treatment Utility, Lynn Hallberg Hall
Examining International Stock Market Integration: Effects on Portfolio Statistical Moments, Changes to Systematic Risk Significance, and Investor Purchasing of Foreign Equities, Justin Kingsley Hanig
Conceptualization, Measurement, and Effects of Helicopter Parenting on College Students from the Millennial Generation, BaoChun Z. Hind
Human Behavior and Safety Auditing: The Effects of Altering Response Effort on Data Collection Behaviors of Internal and External Auditors, Krista L. Hinz
Seventh-Day Adventists and ‘Race’ Relations in the U.S.: The Case of Black-White Structural Segregation, Cleran Hollancid
Essays on Portfolio Choice and Risk Management, Yi-Chin Hsin
Flexographic Printing of Conductive Silver Inks onto PDMS: Surface Treatment and Novel Processes for Creating Printed Electronic Devices, Michael James Joyce
N-Terminal Domains of Copper ATPases In Plasmodium Falciparum, Dictyostelium Dicsoideum, Human ATP7B and a Chimera of Atox1 with Metal Binding Domain four of ATP7B, Javan Kilango Kisaka
Students Engaged in a Learn and Earn Program: Exploring Characteristics that Identify those Interested in a Career in Manufacturing, Amy M. Koning
Pedagogical Moves as Characteristics of One Instructor’s Instrumental Orchestrations with Tinkerplots and the TI-73 Explorer: A Case Study, James L. Kratky
Copper Complexes: Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme-Substrate Binding Analogs, Copper Phthalocyanines and Pyrrole Copper Oxidase Mimics for Galactose Oxidase Catalysis, Joseph Wayne Kreft
Sensing Gyroscopic Properties of Rotating Magnetic Nanoparticles in Solution, Brian Gerald Krug
Understanding Factors Related to Negative Mental Health Outcomes Following Childhood Unintentional Injuries, Jennifer T. Kuhn
Subjective Selves: Visual Metaphor and the Figure of the Artist in Contemporary Comics, Catherine Kyle
Chromatic Connectivity of Graphs, Elliot Laforge
Guided Educational Tourism as Informal Science Education: An Empirical Study, Joseph Martin Lane