All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 2018
Sequential Solid-State and Slurry Fermentation for Direct Succinic Acid Production from Non-Hydrolyzed Lignocellulosic Biomass using Mixed Fungal Cultures, Jerico Z. Alcantara
Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Knot Configuration Effect on the Mechanical Performance of Surgical Suture, Arz Y. Qwam Alden
Detection of Bedrock Fractures and Joints Beneath Cover: Geophysical Approaches to an Engineering Geology Problem, Muthanna Yousif Yaqoob Aldiney
Protecting Privacy of Data in the Internet of Things with Policy Enforcement Fog Module, Abduljaleel Al-Hasnawi
High School Science Teachers’ Professional Development and Self-Efficacy in using Technology Tools in the Classroom, Zahrah Hussain Aljuzayri
An Integrated Decision Support Framework for Life-Cycle Building Asset Management, Maha Reda Alkasisbeh
Retinex-Based Visibility Enhancement System for Inclement Weather with Tracking and Distance Estimation Capabilities, Marwan S. Alluhaidan
High Power DC-AC and AC-DC Multilevel Converter Based on H-Bridge Topology Using Improved Control Strategies, Haider Neamah Hashim Almahmoodi
WLAN Access Points RSSI-Fingerprinting and Compressive Sensing for Indoor Positioning Systems, Hussein Nasser Wazeer Al-Moukhles
Effective Reading Strategies for Increasing the Reading Comprehension Level of Third-Grade Students with Learning Disabilities, Nouf Rashdan Almutairi
Generalized Line Graphs, Mohra Abdullah Z. Alqahtani
Flexural Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with Externally Bonded CFRP under Cyclic Loading, Mohammad Ahmad Salameh Al-Qaralleh
Development and Validation of Hybrid Continuum/Structural Finite Element Model for Evaluating Foot and Ankle Biomechanics, Saif Alrafeek
Towards Automated Domain-Oriented Lexicon Construction and Dimension Reduction for Arabic Sentiment Analysis, Hasan A. Alshahrani
Effective Teaching and Learning: Flipped Learning in the Classroom, Mohammed Fahad Alsobaie
Ten Elementary School Teachers’ Voices: How They Build Effective Literacy Learning in the Lives of Their 2nd Grade Children, Merfat Ayesh Alsubaie
University Leaders’ Experiences in Advancing the Development and Transformation of Emerging Saudi Public Universities, Abdulrahman Hamed Alsulami
Development and Characterization of Nano Nickel-Based Conductive Inks for Flexographic Printing of Electronics and New Interpretations of Surface Energies of Solids, Bilge Nazli Altay
Sustainable Transformation of Biorenewables Mediated by Rationally Designed Nanoparticle Catalysts, Hazim A. Al-Zubaidi
Testing for Association in Stratified 2x2 Contingency Tables, Eunice Ampah
Beta-Testing of an Interactive Multimedia Computer Program of Exposure Therapy for PTSD, Marie C. Barrett
A Systematic Comparison of Functional Assessment Outcomes in Organizational Behavior Management, Nathan T. Bechtel
Qualitative Analogue Study on Student Therapist’s Reactions to Client Suicidality, Cynthia A. Beevers
Photoreception and Eye Regeneration Mechanisms in Planarians, Taylor R. Birkholz
Black Graduate Students’ Experiences of Stress and Coping, Shealyn J. Blanchard
The Role of Personal Experience with Death Related Grief Among Counselors Working with Grieving Clients, Stephanie R. Bobbitt
Elucidation of the Toxicity of Anthropogenic Nanoparticles in Environments Containing Heavy Metals, Chartanay Bonner
Mixing Matching and Sabermetrics: Combining Advanced Analytics and the Generalized Matching Law in NFL Football Play-Calling, Jacob Bradley
Training Pediatric Primary Care Providers in Behavior Management Strategies, Kate Burger
Instructor Sense of Community and Instructional Practices as Predictors of Student Sense of Community: A Hierarchical Linear Modeling Analysis, Laurie K. Burgess
Graceful Colorings and Connection in Graphs, Alexis D. Byers
Looking Inward: Higher Education Public Relations and Internal Communication, Kelly A. Campbell
Concussion in Student Athletes: Prevention, Assessment, and Recovery, Miriam A. Carroll-Alfano
Three Essays on the Impacts of China’s Monetary Policy, Shen Chen
Deterioration Prediction Modeling for the Condition Assessment of Concrete Bridge Decks, Aqeed Moshin Chyad
Evaluating Recommendations Versus Utilization of Essential Components of a Functional Analysis Procedure, Alissa Conway
Characterization of a Cholinergic Synapse in a Model of Glaucoma, Cynthia Anne Cooley-Themm
Investigating Generalization of Motorist Yielding to the Gateway Prompt from the Treated Leg of the Intersection to the Untreated Adjacent Leg, Brian J. Crowley-Koch
Web-Based Stimulus Preference Assessment and Reinforcer Assessments for Videos, Hugo Curiel
An Investigation of the Genotoxic and Bacterial Growth Altering Properties of Engineered Nanoparticles, Kelley M. Current
Application of Response-to-Intervention in a Pre-Kindergarten Special Education Classroom, Justin J. Daigle
Assessment for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Striving for Best Practice, Julie Leigh Dalmasso
Response Shift Bias: An Examination of Measurement Invariance in Self-Reported Change, Katherine Nelson Daniels
Exploring the Use of Hierarchal Statistical Analysis and Deep Neural Networks to Detect and Mitigate Covert Timing Channels, Omar Darwish
Experiences of Underrepresented Minority Students in Health Professions Programs, and Their Journeys to the Programs, Alisha L. Davis
Geography Lessons, Samantha Deal
Assessing the Supports and Variables Needed for Graduation of Students Receiving Special Education Service: A Longitudinal Study, Jennifer DeWaard
ASD Program Development in Special Education Teacher Preparation: An Exploratory Study, Christine DeWildt
Elucidating the Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles on Microbial Organisms in the Environment, Niluka Madhumi Dissanayake
Impacts of Cohort Membership on Teacher Candidates in an Alternative Certification Program, Katherine Eaton
Social Comparison Feedback and Goal-Setting under Fixed Pay and Incentive Pay, Yngvi Freyr Einarsson
Effects of Multi-Day Music Enrichment on Salivary Cortisol and Cage Behavior in Shelter Dogs, Stacy D. Engerbretson
Probabilistic and Extremal Problems in Combinatorics, Sean English
Teaching Eye Contact and Responding to Name to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Amelia M. Fonger
The Role of Response to Intervention in Michigan High Poverty Elementary Schools That Are Beating the Odds, Alina J. Fortenberry
(Don’t) Stand by Me: Social Regulation of Response to Threat in Interracial Dyads, Carmelita Sharonique Foster
Further Development of a Supervision System for Behavior Analysts to Support Evidence-Based Supervision Practices, Katie Lynn Garza
Assessing Land Deformation and Sea Encroachment in the Nile Delta: A Radar Interferometric and Modeling Approach, Esayas Gebrekidan Gebremichael
Color-Blind Racial Ideology, Social Justice Attitudes, and Cultural Competency in U.S. Medical Students and Resident Physicians, Jennifer G. Hahm
Induced Graph Colorings, Ian Hart
Strongly Bonded Supervisory Relationships: Demystifying the Bond Aspect of the Supervisory Working Alliance, Melissa Heinrich
Edge Induced Weightings of Uniform Hypergraphs and Related Problems, Laars C. Helenius
Using Mindset Pedagogy to Promote Growth and Increase Efficacy in Student Writers, Sara Hoeve
Optimized Insulation and Filter Design of Rotating Machines Fed by Fast Front Pulses, Mohammed Khalil Hussain
Primary Care Physician Delivered Brief Behavioral Intervention for Adult Obesity and Associated Health Conditions, Julia C. Huston
Implication of Item and Test Differential Functioning in Criterion-Referenced Tests, Xiaojie Hu
Hybrid Model - Statistical Features and Deep Neural Network for Brain Tumor Classification in MRI Images, Mustafa Rashid Ismael
Integrated Compressive Sensing and Feature Descriptors- A Framework for Facial Recognition Systems, Ali Kadhem Jaber
The Assembly and Function of PWI Domain Containing Complexes and Poxvirus Proteins, Nafiseh Jandaghi Jafari
The Effects of Decoding Instruction on Oral Reading Fluency for Older Students with Reading Delays, Gaige J. Johnson
Denoising Large Neuroimage MRI Data Using Spatial Random Effect Models, Leonard Chukuma Johnson
Counselor Educators’ Perceptions of Nontraditional Master’s-Level Counseling Students and How Those Perceptions Shape Teaching Practices, Pamela J. Jordan
The Struggle for Counterhegemony: Pashtun and Baloch Nationalism in Pakistan, Dervaish Khan
Decomposition and Ionization of Ionic Liquids, Forrest Grady Kidd III
Preformative and Developmental Evaluation Theories Used to Reveal Dimensions of Merit When Implementing an Ethics Committee into a Hospice Organization, Michael Lawrence Albin Kiella
Demonstrating Functional Analytic Psychotherapy as an Independent Variable in Efficacy Research: A New Measure of Treatment Fidelity, Lindsey E. Knott
Radiative Double Electron Capture (RDEC) by Fully-Stripped Fluorine Ions in Collisions with Nitrogen, Nuwan Sisira Kumara
Support Assurance-Based Software Development for Mission Critical Domains Using the Model Driven Architecture, Chung-Ling Lin
Diabetes Prevention Program: Exploring Spirituality and Spiritual Interventions on Outcomes, Sharon E. Plutko Long
A Holistic Computational Approach to Boosting the Performance of Protein Search Engines, Majdi Ahmad Mosa Maabreh
The Place of Art in Black Panther Party Revolutionary Thought and Practice: From Revolution to Reform, A Content Analysis, Michael James Macaluso
A Critical Inquiry Approach to Teaching Young Adult Literature, Steffany Comfort Maher
The Impact of Michigan’s Administrative Rule/Policy Change for Nonmedical Vaccine Exemptions, Duduzile Phindile Mashinini
Measurements of Fluid Structures and Mass Transport in Channel with Fabric Base, Karl David McAllister
Teaching Matching-to-Sample to Low-Performing Children with Autism, Blaire E. Michelin
Hybrid Processes in Material Removal of Hard and Brittle Materials, Hossein Mohammadi
Exploring the Role of Semi-Supervised Deep Reinforcement Learning and Ensemble Methods in Support of the Internet of Things, Mehdi Mohammadi
Incidence of Head Injury Among Synchronized Skaters: Rates, Risks, and Behaviors, Gretchen L. Mohney
Preventing Sexual Victimization: An Assertiveness Training Program for Female Adolescents, Emily Morgan
The Lived Experience of New Community College Student Affairs Professionals, Eric L. Mullen
Effects of Generalized Imitation Training on Functional Speech Acquisition During Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Training, Mindy K. Newhouse-Oisten
Statistical Models for Correlated Data, Xiaomeng Niu
Administrative Barriers to Compliance with the 2010 NCAA Policy on Concussion Management, Tyler Norman