All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 2021
The Acquisition of Dental Competencies and Clinical Skills: Perceptions from Students, Faculty, Practicing Dentists and Industry Professionals in the Dominican Republic, Laura Virginia Reyes Alardo
Preclinical Behavioral Assessment of Chronic, Intermittent Low-Dose Psilocybin in Rodent Models of Depression and Anxiety, Harmony I. Risca
Psychological Wellbeing and Sense of Community Among African Americans: Does Purpose In Life Matter?, Yatesha D. Robinson
The Neuroanatomical, Neurochemical, and Phenomenological Correlates of Social Bonding, Empathy, and Flow in Music Improvisation, Edward A. Roth
Refugee Social Relations: The Development of Social Ties Among Burmese and Congolese Refugees in West Michigan, Diane M. Roushangar
Maintenance of Cognitive Demand During Repeated Task Enactments Using a Teaching Practice That Builds on Student Thinking, Joshua M. Ruk
Behavioral Economic Modeling of the Effects of Symptom, Severity, and Cost on Seeking Medical Care, Mark J. Rzeszutek
Young Adults with Disabilities Acquire Vocational Skills with Video Modeling, Carly Schroeder-MacKay
A Model for Evaluating Charitable Contributions in Nonprofit Organizations in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Kristen Smith
Predicting Student Success in Coursework within a Regional Online School: An Analysis of Student-Level and School-Level Predictors, Cary J. Stamas
"Not in My Town": A Community's Response to Water and Soil Pollution, Karolina Staros
Movement and Meaning in Early Medieval England: The Kinesic Style of Old English Saints’ Lives, Rebecca Straple-Sovers
Centering Trans-Gender Experiences of Marginalization, Precarity, and Representation: Developing a Theory of Trans-Precarity, Christine E. Strayer
Michigan Municipal Manager Perceptions on LGBTQ+ Inclusion: A Narrative Policy Framework Case Study, Christopher R. Surfus
Dominating Functions in Graphs, Maria Talanda-Fisher
An Examination of Types of Health Insurance and the Reported Prevalence of Autism in the United States, Jennifer L. Thompson
Analysis of Demand under Time and Quantity Restriction Frames, Haily K. Traxler
The Lived Experiences of African American Counselors: An Exploration of Their Reactions to Trauma Survivors, Zanovia P. Tucker
The Social Support Networks of Students Who Identify As Black and Latino/A/X in STEM and SBE Graduate Programs at Predominantly White Institutions, Kristi A. Tullis
Effects of Behavioral Skills Training on Preservice Teachers’ Ability to Code Articles, Rena VanDerwall
Regulation of Injury and Stress Responses in Planarians, Alanna V. Van Huizen
Optimized Insulation Design of Power Transformer Windings under Fast Voltage Pulses, Juan Manuel Villanueva Ramirez
The Regenerative Potential and Mechanism of an Alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agonist in the Adult Mammalian Retina, Sarah E. Webster
To Write or Type? A Comparison of Flashcard Creation Methods on College Students’ Exam Scores, Sally Weigandt
Applied Microeconomics and Business Intelligence in the Digital Age, Thomas J. Weinandy
Essays on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies, Jiasong Wu
Three Essays on US PhD Education and Applications of Machine Learning Methods, Qing Zang
Development of Sensor, Sensory System and Signal Processing Algorithm for Intelligent Sensing Applications, Xingzhe Zhang
Estimation of Odds Ratio In 2 x 2 Contingency Tables With Small Cell Counts, Guohao Zhu
Dissertations from 2020
On Codes Over Rings: The MacWilliams Extension Theorem and the MacWilliams Identities, Noha Abdelghany
Response of Deep Aquifers to Climate Variability, Karem Fathy Abdelgaber Abdelmohsen
Cross Language Information Transfer Between Modern Standard Arabic and Its Dialects – a Framework for Automatic Speech Recognition System Language Model, Tiba Zaki Abdulhameed
Three Essays in the Dynamics of Oil Prices, Ahmed Alaabodi
Saudi Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge for Teaching Fractions, Mona Khalifah A Aladil
Embedded Gold Nanoparticles for Metal Enhanced Photoluminescence, Hasna Alali
Strategic Surface Selection for Nanoparticle Immobilization to Enhance Catalytic Reactivity, Sarah Soud R. Albalawi
Statistical Properties and Applications of Press Statistic, Ida Marie Alcantara
Evaporation Rate from Free Water Surface, Safa M. Aldarabseh
Smaller Construction Firms Safety Culture and Climate: Robust Definition, Indicative Categorization, and Tailored Framework, Abdulaziz Alghamdi
Wind Uplifting Performance of Roof-to-Wall Connections and Roof Structures with Elastomeric Adhesives in Light-Frame Wood Buildings, Bilal M. Alhawamdeh
Automatic Food-Intake Monitoring Based on IoT Embedded System for Alzheimer’s Patients, Amer Kais Obaid Aljumaili
Saudi Arabian Women’s Lived Experiences Attaining Higher Education Deanships: Paths, Supports, and Challenges, Sarah Abdullah Allhoian
Maia and Admonita: Mandatory Integrity Control Language and Dynamic Trust Framework for Arbitrary Structured Data, Wassnaa Al-Mawee
What Kind of Support Do New Special Education Teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Need?, Abdulhakeem M. Almoneef
Molecular Genetic Analysis of the Role of M-Line Proteins in Thick Filament Assembly and Attachment in C. Elegans, Sarah Abdulaziz Almuhanna
Changing Energy Consumption Patterns Based on Multi-Agent Human Behavior Modeling for Analyzing the Effects of Feedback Techniques, Mesfer Alrizq
A Qualitative Study Investigating the Common or Shared Experiences of Saudi and American Parents of Students with Autism in the IEP-Process, Alwiah Abdullah Alsaggaf
Comparing Novice and Expert Designers’ Approaches to Design Thinking and Decision Making, Mahdi Alsagour
Fault Location in Transmission Systems Based On Frequency Domain Modeling and the Two-Dimensional Numerical Laplace Transform, Ahmad Ali Khalaif Alshawawreh
A Unified Decentralized Trust Framework for Detection of IoT Device Attacks in Smart Homes, Hussein Salim Qasim Alsheakh
An Integrated Approach (Remote Sensing, Hydrogeology, GIS, and Statistical Modeling) to Identify the Distribution of Shallow Groundwater Occurrences over Southwest Saudi Arabia, Fahad Khudier Alshehri
International, Remote Behavioral-Skills Training of Discrete-Trial Procedures for Teachers in Saudi Arabia, Bayan Alsubaie
Hierarchical Aggregation of Multidimensional Data for Efficient Data Mining, Safaa Khalil Alwajidi
Acculturation, Psychological Well-Being and Substance Use Behaviors in Asian Indian Americans, Sonia Y. Amin
Ethnic Identity, Stress, and Anxiety in Latinx University Students at Predominantly White Institutions, Anel Arias
Examining District Administrators’ Professional Development Decision-Making Processes Concerning New Special Education Teachers, Sarah J. Bacalia
A Signal Detection Framework for Evaluating the Effects of Feedback on Stroke Recognition, Jordan D. Bailey
Investigating Newly Discovered Oscillation Modes in Magnetically Shielded Hall Effect Thrusters Utilizing High Speed Diagnostics, Matthew Joseph Baird
Racial Identity among Native American Adults in the Southwestern United States, Deidre P. Begay
Three Essays on International Financial and Monetary Interactions, Kemal Burak Bekircan
Dominican Public-School Novice Principals’ Description of Their Early Career Experiences and Needs Entering the Principalship, Mary Francis Benzo Hernandez
The Home for Children Who Cannot Speak, Ariel Berry
The Effect of Manufacturing On The Crystalline And Magnetic Properties Of Ni-Mn-Ga Based Heusler Magnetocaloric Alloys, Pranav Bhale
A Qualitative Study Investigating Post-Secondary Services for Students with Learning Disabilities at Saudi Universities, Nahed Mohammed Binbakhit
Knowledge, Application, and Educational Experiences in Social Justice among Licensed Professional Counselors, Michael Bobbitt
Cardiac Electrophysiology: Exploring Racial and Gender Outcomes of Treatment of Paroxysmal and Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Using Sotalol and Dofetilide, Nicole LaNette Bradford-Love
Accumulation of Polar Vorticity on Giant Planets: Towards a Three-Dimensional Theory, Shawn R. Brueshaber
Beyond the Farm: Capitalism in North-Central Minnesota, 1880-1940, John Byczynski
Experiences of Middle School Principals with Accountability-Related Stress and Coping Skills, Gus T. Calbert
Software Quality Control through Formal Method, Jialiang Chang
Counselor Education Doctoral Students’ Experiences as Developing Gatekeepers, Diana Charnley
Program Testing and Synthesis by Program Semantics, Lin Cheng
A Framework for Using Fused Image Data in Statistical Process Control, Shengfeng Chen
Establishing Auditory Discrimination and Echoic Stimulus Control with an Auditory Matching Procedure, Clare Christe
Teachers’ Experiences in Schools that Serve Rural Communities in The Dominican Republic: Their Readiness to Respond to Challenges, Nidia Beatriz Columna Pérez
Implementing a Professional Learning Community in a Private School in the Dominican Republic: An Instrumental Case Study, Miguelina Adelaida Coronado Cornelio
Parent and Guardian Perspectives Regarding Attendance: Evidence from a Governmental Early Childhood Education and Care Program, Rita L. Cruz Santelises
Trauma and Social Frameworks: the Effect of UASD-Government Conflict Between 1966 and 1978 over Perspectives about Higher Education, Jesús Leonardo D'Alessandro
How and Why Higher Education Information Technology Professionals Keep Their Skill Sets Current, Vicky L. Deur
A Parametric Analysis of the Sunk Cost Effect, Amanda F. Devoto
High Performance and Machine Learning Algorithms for Brain fMRI Data, Taban Eslami
How Elementary Teachers Demonstrate Leadership in the Classroom to Increase Science Learning, Dipsy Anais Etanislao Gonzalez
Light-Echo, Robert Evory
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Free Water Surface Evaporation in Case of Natural Convection, Hassan Fagehi
Community Involvement as a Protective Factor in Black College Students at Predominantly White Institutions, Shelee-Ann M. Flemmings
Exploring Functional Health Literacy in Older Adults with Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Jennifer K. Fortuna
Choosing to Be a Teacher: Understanding the Career Choice of Academically Excellent University Students Who Had Graduated from High Performing High Schools in the Dominican Republic, Marcela Maria Fuster de Hernàndez
Adjustment Issues as Students Transition from High School to the Dominican Republic's First Community College, Alexandra Julia Garcia Munoz
Reflective Teacher Change Processes in the Presence of a Mathematics Professional Development Intervention, Jason P. Gauthier
Experimental Study of Collecting Running Water from Moderately Heated Water Vapors Using Turbulence-Induced Particles Collision (TIPC) Device, Hassan Ali Ghazwani
Use of Dimpling Techniques to Alter the Vibration and Acoustic Characteristics of Beams and Plates, Mofareh Ghazwani
An Evaluation of Different Measures of Social Problem-Solving: Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, Dana B. Goetz
Collateral Consequences: the Experiences of Black Women with Incarcerated Loved Ones, Keiondra Jné Grace
Understanding the Influence of Interdisciplinary Research: An Examination of Carol Hirschon Weiss’s Scholarship, Gregory Dee Greenman II
Teacher Perceptions Regarding the Purpose of K-12 Education, Peter M. Grostic
A Comprehensive Security Approach on Data Race Detection and Deepfake Defense, Yu Guo