All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 2020
Adopting Educational Technology: A Study of Dominican Republic Higher Education Faculty Related to their Classroom Usage, Attitudes, Barriers, and Motivations, Leipzig Elizabeth Guzmán Mena
Extremal Problems on Induced Graph Colorings, James Hallas
Essays on Climate Change-Related Extreme Events, Alvin E. Harris
Are They Ready? Implementing 21st-Century Learning Skills Integration into Indonesia Science Instruction, Esty Haryani
Application of Artificial Intelligence and Geographic Information System for Developing Automated Walkability Score, Md Mehedi Hasan
Community College Student Success: Connections to Student Perceptions of Faculty Behaviors, and Classroom Motivators, Victor A. Henry Ubiera
Inverse Problems for Polynomial and Rational Matrices, Richard Allen Hollister
On Simes’s Second Conjecture: An Extended Single-Step Simes Test Procedure for Multiple Testing, Matthew G. Hudson
The Assessment of Co2 Exposures, Workload Demands, and Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk on Heart Rate for Select Craft Brewery Job Tasks, David L. Huizen
The Voices of Single-Headed Household African American Mothers Concerning the High School Completion of Their Daughters, Lametria A. Johnson_Eaddy
Mindfulness and Technology: Evaluating an Online Mindfulness Intervention for Symptoms Related to Sexual Assault, Erica Catherine Johnson
Behind the Higher Hill: A Novel, Bradford Kammin
Saudi Arabian Science Teachers and Formative Assessment in the Gender Segregated Male School System, Khalid Abdullah Kariri
Increasing Odds: the Impact of Casino Gaming Size, Location, and Economic Stream Style Differences on County Revenue in Pennsylvania, Brandon W. Koch
Our Shared Vision: Representations of the Trans-Mississippi American West, Joshua D. Koenig
The Effects of Low Dose Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Administration in a Rodent Model of Delay Discounting, Robert J. Kohler
Training Practitioners on the Effects of Psychotropic Medication Via a Web-Based Platform, Anita Li
Computer Simulations of Muscle Driven Undulatory Locomotion, Ye Luo
Turbulence Investigations in the Core-Flow of an Internal Combustion Engine, James R. MacDonald
Development of Functional Materials and Devices on Flexible Platforms Using Additive Print Manufacturing Processes for Biomedical and Environmental Applications, Dinesh Maddipatla
The Role of Search Consultants in Interpreting and Communicating Organizational Identity During Presidential Searches at Small, Private Colleges, Dawn M. Markell
Applications of Image Processing Techniques and Spatial Data Analytics for Pressure Mapping Analysis, Joan Yamil Martinez
Understanding the School Experience of Recent LGBTQ+ Graduates in the Dominican Republic’s Education System, Rossina Matos
Relationships between Kindergarten Entrance Age and Attendance Rates in Kindergarten through Second Grade, Julie A. McDonald
Politically and Historically Bound: Examining Whiteness and Intersectionality among Self-Identified Feminists, Olivia M. McLaughlin
Let’s Talk Fluency: Elementary Educators’ Perceptions of the Impact and Implementation of Fluency Instruction within the Leveled Literacy Intervention Framework, Megan L. Michalczak
Resource Optimization in Support of IoT Applications, Ihab Ahmed Mohammed
Efficient and Robust Adaptive Filtering Framework Based on Individualized Log-Term Time-Varying Stepsize Adjustment Mechanism, Haider Abdallatif Mohammed Kazim
Performance Management Training Evaluation in an Autism Treatment Facility, James D. Morrison
Enhancement of Critical Current in High-Temperature Superconductors by Ion Beam Irradiation Induced Defects, Prashanta Mani Niraula
Novice Second-Career Teachers: Experiences and Meaning-Making of the Transition Process, Paula Dennisse Núñez del Rosario
A Phenomenological Study of Faculty Members’ Experiences with Attempting To Integrate Religion and Spirituality into Counseling Psychology Doctoral Training, Theresa M. Nutten
Student Perceptions of their Undergraduate Science Laboratories, Eva N. Nyutu
Migratory Sound, Sara Lupita Olivares
Pairwise Comparisons and Homogeneity of Odds Ratios in Stratified 2 X 2 Contingency Tables, Sanduni Pathum Laksara Palliyage
Monitoring Salt Diapir Related Land Deformation and Distribution: A Geophysical and Remote Sensing Approach Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia, Hannah G. Pankratz
Female Graduate Students’ Experiences and Career Orientations in Stem: A Comparative Case Study, Jasvir K. Pannu
Examining the Effects of a Fitbit Treatment Package on the Physical Activity for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Kimberly M. Peck
Using a Video Modeling Treatment Package to Teach Imitation to Children with Autism, Sofia F. Peters
The Role of Homologous Cyclin B’s in the Cell Cycle and, in Their Absence, the Effect on Zebrafish Early Development, Tetiana Petrachkova
Undergraduate Educational Research Experiences in the Study of Interior Design, Julia Virginia Pimentel Jiménez
Efficient Hardware/Software Partitioning Techniques for a Cloud-scale CPU-FPGA Platform, Samah Ziyad Rahamneh
Dominican Nursing Students’ Self-Reported Mastery of International Nursing Competencies, Wady Ramirez
Can a Brief Online Intervention Change Low-Income Caregivers’ Reported Use of Spanking? A Randomized Controlled Trial, Hilary L. Richardson
Occupational Therapy as Part of a Team-Based Approach in Primary Care Settings, Lydia Royeen
Integrating Detailed Petrography, Geochemistry, and Mineralogy to Elucidate Extensive Early Diagenesis in the Eocene Carbonates of Qatar, Brooks H. Ryan
Novel Material for Advanced Environmental Applications, Tahseen Sulaiman Saeed
Numerical Analysis of Stone Column Ground Improvement Under Compression Loading with Emphases on the Soil-Structure Interaction Effect, Wjdan Dhaif Sahi
Statistical Downscaling Techniques to Enhance the Spatial Resolution of the Grace Satellite Data and to Fill Temporal Gaps, Hossein Sahour
Atmospheric Turbulence Distortion in Video: Restoration Utilizing Sparse Analysis, Benjamin J. Sanda
Women’s Lived Experiences in their Pathways to Leadership Positions in Universities in the Dominican Republic, Laura Sartori
An Exploration of Preschool Choice with Low-Income Families: The Critical Role of Positive Attitudes, Behavioral Norms and Control Beliefs, Laurel E. Schmitt
Schools’ Civil Rights Obligations to English Learners: Leadership Perceptions on Key Issues, Pamela R. Schwallier
On the Local Theory of Profinite Groups, Mohammad Shatnawi
The Effects of a Course Oriented In Critical Race Theory on White Counselor Trainees’ Multicultural Counseling Competence, White Privilege Attitudes, and Cross Racial Contact, Dawnielle D. Simmons
A Functional Analysis of Losses in a Risky Choice Procedure, David W. Sottile
Multicultural Competence, White Privilege Attitudes and the Working Alliance in Clinical Supervision, Michelle A. Stahl
Three Essays on Macroeconomy of Pakistan, Ateeb Akhter Shah Syed
Teaching Receptive Identification to Children Who Were Unsuccessful with a Standard Training Program, Kaylee R. Tomak
Teaching Children with Autism to Make Independent Requests Using an Echoic-To-Mand Procedure, Michael L. Tomak
Objectively Determining the Language-Related Communication Challenges for In-Flight Operations, Fehime Utkan
Ally or Enemy: The Impact of Leadership on United States Army Combat Veterans’ Deployment Experiences Who Have Served in Iraq and Afghanistan, Derik Van Baale
Methods for Improving Quality of Care within Acute and Post-Acute Settings, Kelly L. VanKoevering
An Examination of Microglial Involvement in Neuroregeneration Following Damage to the Olfactory Bulb, Susanna R. Var
Providing Head Start Services Amid a Global Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Explanatory Study of Capacity, Resources, and Support, Kelly L. Vigants
Investigation of Finite Temperature and Continuum Effects on Nuclear Excitations, Herlik Wibowo
The Effect of Principal Leadership on Student Achievement: A Multivariate Meta-Analysis, Huang Wu
Dissertations from 2019
Multiple SSID Framework for RSS-Fingerprint Based Indoor Positioning Systems, Ahmed Kareem Abed
The Role of Sampling Variability in Developing K-8 Preservice Teachers’ Informal Inferential Reasoning, Omar Abu-Ghalyoun
Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics in Graphene Oxide-Dye and Perovskites Nanocomposites, Abubkr A. Arzaq Abuhagr
Governance and Economic Growth in the Arab World: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis, Adel H. AlAdlani
Teachers Use and Perceptions of the Impact of Response to Intervention (RTI) on Co-Teaching at the Secondary Level in General Education Classrooms, Hawazen Alasiri
Saudi Arabian Female English Language Teachers’ Perspectives on Instructional Supervisors and Supervision, Afaf Mohammed Albalawi
Towards an Architecture for Secure Privacy-Preserving Opportunistic Resource Utilization Networks, Ahmed A. Al-Gburi
Special Education Teachers Use of Reading Strategies to Support Students with Learning Disabilities in Reading, Ali A. Alhamdan
Social Media Sentiment Analysis with a Deep Neural Network: An Enhanced Approach Using User Behavioral Information, Ahmed Sulaiman M. Alharbi
Assessing Physical Demands of Construction Workers Using Wearable Sensors, Salam Salman Chiad Alharishawi
Impacts of Freeway Speed Limit on Safety and Operation Speed of Adjacent Arterial Roads, Fadi Abdallah Alhomaidat
Leadership, Satisfaction, Commitment, and Turnover Intention in the United Arab Emirates Public Sector, Mohammed Humaid Aljanahi
Parameter Determination and Modeling of Transformer Windings for Fast Transients Including Frequency Dependent Effects, Yazid Al-Kraimeen
Factors Contributing to the Attrition of New Student Affairs Professionals, Nicole Millar Allbee
Comparing the Results of and Evaluating Preferences for Functional Analyses and Concurrent Operant Analyses, Marrisa B. Allen
Uniformly Connected Graphs, Nasreen Almohanna
High-Performance Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration and Applications, Ahmed Hassan H. Almulihi
Protecting a Low Voltage Direct Current System Using Solid-State Switching Devices for DC Grid Applications, Ibrahim N. Almutairy
Superintendent Practices and Initiatives for Building Principal Instructional and Collaborative Leadership Capacity in a High-Performing High-Poverty School, Fatemah Ali Al Ramel
Principal Leadership and the Development of Teacher Professionalism and Autonomy within a Collaborative School Culture, Sukinah Ali Al Ramel
Predicting the Complexity of Locality Patterns in Loop Nests in C Scientific Programs, Nasser M. Alsaedi
Approximate Algorithms for Regulatory Motif Discovery in DNA, Hasnaa Imad Al-Shaikhli
Embedded Fault Class Detection Methodology for Condition-Based Machine Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance, Nagdev Amruthnath
The Impact of Character Education Programs on Middle School Bullying Behavior, Kelly M. Amshey
The Learning Experiences of Practicing School Leadership Coaches: A Multiple Case Study, Dustin Anderson
Repression and Resistance: A Social History of the Gay Social Movement of Tijuana, México 1980-1993, Jesse Anguiano
Strategic Molecule Design for Developing Sensors and Electron Transfer Catalysts, Jaliya Samarakoon Arachchilage