All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 2019
Analyzing Unemployment, Education-Occupation Mismatch, and Immigrant’s Participation in the US Labor Market, Riyadh Naeem Arooq Arooq
High-Performance Reductive Strategies for Big Data from LC-MS/MS Proteomics, Muaaz Gul Awan
A Single Session of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Health-Related Behavior Change: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Monica Barreto
An Exploratory Investigation into the Role of Evaluation Theory in Evaluative Thinking, Lyssa Wilson Becho
At The Crossroads of Race, Class and Culture: Identifying the Unintended Consequences of Technology on the Agency of Blues Musicians, Michael D. Berghoef
Three Essays on Liquidity Shocks and Their Implication for Asset Pricing and Valuation Models, Nardos M. Beyene
Network Equivalents Applied to Transient Analysis of Large Distribution Systems, Ghassan Abdul-Hussein Bilal
The Role of Mental Models in Sensemaking during the Data-Driven Decision-Making Process and Their Impact on Instructional Practice, Ann M. Bingham
Using Novel Spectroscopy Tool to Study Organized Self-Assemblies, Mohammad Rafe M Bin Hatshan
The Lived Experience of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Transitioning from High School to a Liberal Arts College, Joseph D. Bishop
Outside Looking In: Non-Standard Work and the Politics of Labor Market Segmentation, Kathleen Bolter
Essays in the Application of Machine Learning in Development Economics, Dweepobotee Brahma
Measurement of Defusion: Further Validation of the Drexel Defusion Scale, Christopher A. Briggs
Artist as Academic Leader, George H. Brown
From the Boots on the Ground: A Comparison of the Attitudes and Beliefs of Military Members and Mental Health Professionals Regarding the Moral Injury Construct, Karis L. Callaway
Teacher and Parent Perspectives on Alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards Following Teacher Professional Development, Adam C. Channell
Are We Globalized? Transformative Education and Internationalization within NASPAA Programs, Li Cheng
An Experimental Comparison of Visual and Statistical Analyses, Stevie A. Collini
The Complex, Tim Conrad
Examining the Effects of Cell Phone Use on Caregiver Supervision and Child Injury Risk, McKenna Corlis
An Examination of the Relationship between Adolescent Depression, Anhedonia, and Behavioral Therapy, Alison A. DeLizza
Optimum Leverage Level of the Banking Sector, Sagara Uditha Dewasurendra
Karczma/Taberna: Public Houses in Cracow during the Jagiellonian Dynasty, Peter Paul Dobek
Values in Evaluations of Maternal and Child Health Programs, Erica Lynn Dodds
The Efficacy Actions of Priority School Leaders during the Dynamic Change of School Reform, Micole D. Dyson
Fatigue Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted CFRP Composites, Tamer Ghaith Mousa Eljufout
The Effectiveness of Oral Retelling as a Reading Comprehension Strategy for Elementary Students with Reading Delays, Brandi Michelle Fontenot
Sexual Coercion: The Role of Communication and Heteronormative Beliefs, Brianna Lindley Forbis
University Auxiliary Services: A Review of Factors Impacting Privatization Decisions, Rita S. Gordon
Constraints and Context: Testing the Effects of Anthropogenic Noise and Social Factors on Avian Signaling Behavior, Erin E. Grabarczyk
The Relationship between Student Math Achievement and Teachers Utilizing a Process Involving Interim Instructional Assessments, Douglas B. Greer
Evaluation of Data Collection Operations for Real-Time Influenza Surveillance during an Emergency, Yuwen Gu
Anomalous Site Detection among Travel Paths as an Unsupervised Learning Problem, Megan A. Hammond
Attempts to Reduce Elopement Using Blocking, a Time-Out Procedure, and Differential Reinforcement, Sydney M. Harbaugh
Analyzing Impacts of Transportation and Non-Transportation Activities on Human Health with an Advanced Platform for Collecting Travel and Physical Activity Data, Raed Abdullah Hasan
Behavioral Skills Training and Literacy: Supporting Reading Instructors in Adult Education Centers, Mya L. Hernandez
Traumas Migratorios y Reconfiguración Identitaria en Narraciones Mexicanas, Centroamericanas y Caribeñas Contemporáneas, Viridiana García Hernández
Examining the Relationships of Coping Style and Athletic Identity with Adjustment to College among First-Year Division III Collegiate Athletes, Kate Hibbard-Gibbons
College Adjustment, Belongingness, Academic Self-Efficacy, Persistence, and Academic Success among First-Generation College Students, Heather R. Highhouse
Functional Analysis of Excessive Crying in Infancy: Two Empirical Case Studies, Jamie L. Hirsh
Improving Protein Analysis by Desorption Electrospray Ionization (DESI-MS), Elahe Honarvar
Development of Heat Transfer Correlations for Low-Reynolds Numbers, Flows in Horizontal Circular Pipes, Latif Eyada Ibraheem
Embedded Silver Nanoparticles for Metal Enhanced Photoluminescence, Shahid Iqbal
Synthesis and Characterization of New Schiff Bases Ligands with their Transition and Actinide Metals, Sali Nabeel Hanna Jabrou
Investigation of Structural, Optical and Electronic Properties of Modified Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskites, Rasanjali Jayathissa
Negotiating American Racial Constructs: First- Generation African Caribbean Immigrants’ Experience with Race, Rommel Johnson
Developing Early Warning Systems for Debris Flows and Harmful Algal Blooms, Sita Karki
Sensitivity of the Theoretical Electron Capture Shape and Comparisons to Experiment, Katrina E. Koehler
Concurrent Operants Treatment of Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior using Random Reinforcement Schedules, Rebecca Kolb
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization, Daniel S. Kolosa
Serial and Concurrent Response Presentation: Their Effects on Resurgence, Michael P. Kranak
Deliberation for Devolution in the Public Sphere: A Case Study from Pakistan, Beenish Kulsoom
Hardware/Software Co-Design of a Reconfigurable Accelerator Platform for Fuzzy Logic-Based Spatial Image Processing Filters, Aous Hammad Kurdi
Exploring the Dynamics of Scientific Research, Shilpa Lakhanpal
Simultaneous X-Ray Emission Accompanying Two Electron Capture for Fluorine on Gas Targets, David S. La Mantia
Nonparametric Tests for Ordered Alternatives in a Two-Stage Nested Design, Bang Le
Are the Most Educated Indeed the Least Religious? A Study Across Countries, Faiths, and Generations, Yevgeniya Leontyeva Abbott
Measuring Contextual Factors Associated with Experiential Avoidance Using a Behavior Analogue Paradigm, Meaghan M. Lewis
The Impact of Goal Orientation and Learning Organization on Mobbing of Academic Advisors in the U.S., Bette A. Ludwig
The Use of Principal Feedback from Teachers to Create Effective Leadership, Kevin Richard Macina
The Effects of Self-Observation on Implementation of Direct Instruction Reading Curricula, Katherine Mahaffy
Quantification and Influence of Cation Sublattice Disorder in Ternary Materials with Specific Application to ZnSnN2, Robert Allen Makin III
The Effects of Energy Dashboards and Competition Programming on Cyclic Electricity Consumption on a College Campus, Katherine Jane-Binder Martini
Exploring Wheelchair Service Delivery in a Dedicated Seating Department, Cara E. Masselink
Assessing Infrastructure Elements using Automated Object Detection Technique in Smart City Applications, Majid Mastali
“Called Forth by Imminent Dangers”: The American Gothic in Mysteries of Detection and Detective Fiction (1799-1929), Keli Masten
A Phenomenological Investigation of Women’s Infertility and Miscarriage Grief Experiences, Tristan McBain
Functional Assessment and Treatment of Elopement Occasioned by Transitions, Denice Rios Mojica
A Component Analysis of an Electronic Data Collection Package, Cody Morris
Female Senior Student Affairs Officers’ Experiences in Decision Making Across Their Careers, Somaia Hamza Mustafa
Toward Self-Reconfigurable Parametric Systems: Reinforcement Learning Approach, Ting-Yu Mu
The Relationship of an iPad, a Video Magnifier, and Large Print Text with Oral Reading Outcomes for Children with Low Vision, Rosemary L. Nave Stawasz
Assessing the Cost, Quality, and Effectiveness of Local Government Training Methodologies, Michael Dean Norman
Professional Learning Communities in Michigan’s Center-Based Schools: A Mixed Methods Study, Benjamin L. Oakley
Description of the Final Phase of Augusto Roa Bastos’ Narrative, Marlene Camacho Ochoa
Scalable Algorithms and Hybrid Parallelization Strategies for Multivariate Integration with ParAdapt and CUDA, Omofolakunmi Elizabeth Olagbemi
Variations in Ramsey Theory, Drake Olejniczak
Comorbid Symptom Treatment in Parkinson’s Disease Using Neurofeedback, JoAnne McFarland O'Rourke
Methodology to Qualify and Monitor a Chemically Bonded Sand System used in Foundries, Prayag Pravinbhai Patel
Three Essays on Food Insecurity in Nigeria, Pimam Manzi Pidalatan
Delaying Kindergarten Entrance by Participating in Pre-Kindergarten and Academic Achievement in Elementary School: Red-Shirting and Achievement Scores, Rachael Postle-Brown
The Impact of a Multisensory Stimulation Environment within a Memory Care Assisted Living Facility, Dana M. Prince
A New Chronostratigraphic Framework for the Silurian (Wenlockian) Niagara and Salina Units of the Michigan Basin, Matthew Rine
Change in Attribution Perspective, Shame, and Academic Identity for Freshmen on Probation Enrolled in University Academic Recovery Courses: A Mixed Methods Study, Christine L. Robinson
Playing Merlin: Authorship from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Neomedievalisms, Keith Russo
A Case Study of a Jail Participating in an Animal-Assisted Crisis Response Program, Erica Schlau
Finding the Right Words: Exemplary Educators Essence of Vocabulary Instruction, Mackenzie W. Sheahan
A Two-Stage Bayesian Variable Selection Method with the Extension of Lasso for Geo-Referenced Count Data, Yuqian Shen
College with Conviction: Formerly Incarcerated Students’ Sense of Belonging in Higher Education, Colleen Kay Stano
Reducing Problem Behaviors in a School Setting: A Practitioner Model Project, Kohei Togashi
Smart Sensors with Dual Modes of Signal Transduction for Monitoring Molecules Pertinent to Health and the Environment, Jared T. Wabeke
College Students with Physical Disabilities: An Exploratory Investigation within Counselor Education, Adam Tolbert Wall
A Pilot Study: Identifying the Characteristics of Postsecondary Offices of Disability Services Associated with High Graduation Rates, Tiffany B. White
Banking Supervisory and Regulatory Policy in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Determinants and Impacts, Nanda Ayu Wijayanti
The Social-Construct of Race and Ethnicity: One’s Self-Identity after a DNA Test, Kathryn Ann Wilson
Dissertations from 2018
The Effect of Maternal Employment on Family Well-Being, Bezawit Teshome Agiro
Nanojars: Versatile Platform for Pyrazole Synthesis and Chemistry, and Selective Extraction of Anions, Basil Mohammed Ahmed
Vision-Based Framework for Monitoring of Eating Behavior of Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease, Haitham Al-Anssari