All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 2023
Racial Identity, Student-Professor Interactions, and Social Support: Predictors of Graduate Experiences for Black Women in Graduate Programs, Darrielle Allen
Early Carbonate Diagenesis of the Miocene Dam Formation in Southwestern Qatar, Mohammed Al-Musawi
Wideband Parameter Estimation of Overhead Transmission Lines from Terminal Measurements, Fahad J. Alqahtani
Three Essays on International Migration and Remittances, Mir Tanzim Nur Angkur
Statistical Clustering of Networks with Additional Information, Paul Atandoh
Assessing and Characterizing Marijuana Use Disorders (DSM-5) — National Survey on Drug Use and Health, United States, 2020, Alejandro Azofeifa-Ujueta
National Emergency Department Sample in Geriatric Subsequent Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Visits and Associations with Sex, Falls, Payor, and Discharge Outcomes, Carrie Ann Barrett
Development and Validation of Simulation Protocols for Assessing Stresses in a Network Tied Arch with a Posttensioned Tie Girder, Kanchani Lakamalika Kumari Basnayake Mudiyanselage
Examination of a Measure to Assess Clients’ Perceptions of the Client-Provider Relationship in Home Visiting Services, Bethelhem Belachew
Zonality in Graphs, Andrew Bowling
AV Operation and Energy Efficiency Improved Through The Evaluation and Demonstration of AV Sensor Technology, Nicholas Brown
Community College Students’ Awareness of Their Reading and Writing Proficiency, Martha Paulina Campusano Rojas
School Accountability Within the Dominican Republic: A Qualitative Study of School Principals’ Beliefs and Knowledge, Massiel Cohen Camacho
The Impact of Historical Narratives on Students' NOS Understanding and Science Motivation, Peng Dai
A Two-Session ACT Intervention with Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tabitha Anne DiBacco
You Don't Need Eyes to See: The Lived-Experience of College Graduates Who Are Black Men, Born into Poverty, and Living with a Visual Impairment, Ronald Dillard
Exploring the Dimensions of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Affirmative Clinical Supervision, Lindsey N. Dollar
Origin of the Mega-Streamlined Morphology in NE Africa and Arabia: Remote Sensing and Field-Based Investigations, Mohamed Samy Mohamed Elhebery
The Difficult Night Window, Christopher Emery
On Phishing: Proposing a Host-Based Multi-Layer Passive/Active Anti-Phishing Approach Combating Counterfeit Websites, Wesam Harbi Fadheel
Improving Autonomous Vehicles Operational Performance Using Resilience Engineering, Johan Fanas Rojas
Moral Discourses of Atheist Organizations: Moral Contrasts, Symbolic Boundaries, and Collective Identities, Alexander Fether
Investigating the Critical Literacy Practices of Adult Learners: A Case Study of Four Leveled Reading Courses at a Community College, Anna Fontaine
Evaluation of a Classroom Management Video Training Package, Avner Fraidlin
The Effects of Mindfulness and Exercise on Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review, Collin Tyler Garner
Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment: Examining the Perspectives of Survivors and Speech-Language Pathologists, Patricia Lynn Geels
Investigation of Public Trust in Science in Connection with Views about Tentative Nature of Science and Epistemological Beliefs, Asghar Pervaiz Gill
Measuring Multicultural Competence in Counseling, Martha Mae Golubski
Strategies to Increase Engagement in K-12 Stem Programs Among BIPOC Students Grades 3rd – 8th, Denisha C. Griffey
Visual Circuitry in Adaptive Behavior: Extraction of Complex Visual Image Information by Arrays of Non-Image Forming Eyes, Thomas Kipp Halladay Groves
Learning Finite Mixture of Ising Graphical Models, Chong Gu
Essays on the Impact of Shocks on Trade, Migration, and Agriculture in Mozambique, Ana Lidia Gungulo
Experiences of Female Muslim International Graduate Students with Children in the U.S.: Strategies to Cope with Academics and Family Life, Nizoramo M. Haitova
A Mixed Methods Investigation of Pediatric Medication Administration Dosing Errors in Emergency Medical Services, Bryan M. Harmer
Simulating Strongly Coupled Many-Body Systems with Quantum Algorithms, Manqoba Qedindaba Hlatshwayo
A Narrative Inquiry Study of Adult Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Their Journey into Individual Counseling, Alex Houseknecht
Investigation of the Philosophical Foundations and Use of Culturally Responsive Evaluation, Ouen Hunter
The Skin I’m in: A Critical Content Analysis of Picture Books Written by Black Authors, Angela LaTrece Justice
Reactive Oxygen Species and Weak Magnetic Fields: Unraveling the Mechanisms of Planarian Regeneration and Tissue Growth, Luke James Kinsey
Analysis of U.S. Housing Markets Using Advanced Econometric Models and Machine Learning Algorithms, Cody Kirby
Evaluating the Performance of Estimators in SEM and IRT With Ordinal Variables, Bo Klauth
Using Visual Imagery to Develop Multiplication Fact Strategies, Gina Kling
Felicidad Aplataná: How Dominican Migrants Living in the Nordic Countries Make Sense of their Happiness, Ivanna Lajara
A Framework for Flourishing: Belonging, Confidence, and Connectedness in Academic Libraries, Kathleen Anne Langan
A Critical Analysis of Discrepancies in Behavioral Health Program Ratings by Evidence-Based Practice Registers for Behavioral Health, Miranda Jade Lee-Easton
Adaptive Instruction Through Reflection: How Preservice Teachers Create and Implement individualized Literacy Lessons in a University Reading Center, Jennifer Marie Lennon
Functional Generalized Linear Mixed Models, Harmony Luce
Three Essays on Work and Marital Satisfaction in China, Peng Luo
A Critical Comparison of Answering Behavior Threshold Determination Methods as an Indicator of Engagement on the 2015 PISA Science Items, Lauri Elizabeth Mackelburg-Davis
A Multi-Objective Stochastic Programming Model for Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chains under Uncertainty, Mohammad H. Majdfaghihi
Essays on Agglomeration Economies and Industrial Clusters, Ahmad Aswin Masudi
Irregular Domination in Graphs, Caryn Mays
Using Explicit Instruction and Frequency Building to a Performance Criterion to Teach Writing to College Students with Disabilities, Alyssa R. McElroy
High-Dimensional Variable Selection Via Knockoffs Using Gradient Boosting, Amr Essam Mohamed
Oncolytic Tanapoxvirus recombinants expressing mIL-2, Flagellin-C, and mCCL2 regress human cancer xenografts in immune deficient nude mice and immune cell reconstituted BALB/c nude mice., Michael Leonard Monaco
Enabling Energy Efficiency in Connected and Automated Vehicles through Predictive Control Techniques, Farhang Motallebiaraghi
Risk and Resilience Factors for Black Individuals Who Face Racial Discrimination, Tabitha M. Mpamira
An Engineering Approach for Evaluating the Lifetime Experience of Sex Trafficking Victimization, Kimberly Starr Nagulpelli
Research Training and Certification Protocol for Medical Students, Michelle Arisleida Padley
Opportunity That Transforms Lives: Exploring the Lived Experience of Graduates from a New Community College in the Dominican Republic, Sally Joslyn Peña Martinez
Analysis of Trauma Screening as a Potential Predictor of Congregate Care Placement as a Key Factor in Caseworker Decision Making, Amy Louise Perricone
Reflections of Elementary Principals Leading Through Disruption and Crisis: An Exploration of Pandemic Leadership, Nicole Renee Peterson
The Effects of Adolescent Trauma, Mental Health Treatment, and Demographic Variables on Educational Outcome, Christopher Postema
Exposure to Videos of Police Brutality Against Black Americans and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among U.S. Adults, Ingrid Rauk
Telehealth Functional Behavior Assessment in Practice: A Demonstration of the Clinical Utility of Dynamic Probability Analyses and Estimates of Contingency Strength, Lilith Michaele Reuter-Yuill
Design and Implementation of an Efficient Priority Queue Data Structure, James A. Rhodes
Leadership Identity Development Among Aspiring Women Leaders in Higher Education: A Phenomenological Study of Formal Mentoring, Malia E. Roberts
Teaching and Assessing Cornhole as a Leisure Activity for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Katarina Rotta
Socially Aware Natural Language Processing with Commonsense Reasoning and Fairness in Intelligent Systems, Sirwe Saeedi
Effects of a Self-Forgiveness Intervention on Recovery from Substance Use Disorders, Michael Saltzman
An Analogue Study of Expected Working Alliance and Hope with Victims of Military Sexual Trauma Among Civilian and Military-Oriented Therapists, Alishia D. Salyer
Exploring Biotic and Abiotic Constraints on Competition for Signal Space Within Birdsong Communities, Joanna M. Sblendorio
Sustainable Diamond-Like Carbon Fabricated Gravure Cylinders for Printing Fine Lines of Electrodes and Graphic Structures, Chandramohan Seetharamiah Srinivasaraju
Promoting Equal Interactions in Early Childhood Settings, Daphne Snyder
A Phenomenological Investigation of the Meaning Making Experiences of Christian Women Who had an Abortion, Anne E. Stocker
The Correlational and Predictive Ability of Pre-season Risk Screenings on Hip and Groin Problems in Competitive Male Ice Hockey Players, William Suits
Using the Lens of Flourishing to Understand the Professional Well-being of K-12 Teachers Who Have Worked in Urban Schools for Over a Decade, Candis M. Thomas
Side-Stepping God: How the Nonreligious Find Success in Alcoholics Anonymous, Caitlin Trombley
Teaching without a Roadmap: A Mixed Methods Study of New Teachers' Experience with a Missing Curriculum, Christopher Reid Williams
Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Pieces, Nicholas Eric Witt
Student Experience and Learning in a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience, Allison Witucki
Implementation of Team-Based Learning in the Pre-Clerkship Medical Curriculum: Investigating Essential Elements, Jade Woodcock
Anti-Woman Invective on the Early Modern Stage: Abuse, Degradation, and Resistance, Savannah Xaver
Advanced Materials for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Jian Yang
Nonparametric Tests for Replicated Latin Squares, Joseph Yang
Antiracist School Counseling Pedagogy: A Quasi-Experimental Multiple Regression Analysis, Star L. Zetocha
Dissertations from 2022
Model Predictive Controller Design For Internal Combustion Engines Based On The Second Law Of Thermodynamics, Muataz Abotabik
Investigating Pedestrian Distraction By Phone At Intersection Crossings, Safety Implications And Potential Treatments, Lusanni Mercedes Acosta Rodriguez
Frequency Domain Modeling And Optimal Parameter Tuning Of Power Converters For Dynamic Analysis Of The Grid Integration Of Photovoltaic Systems, Hussein Abdulrazzaq Lafta Alameri