All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 1982
Effects of Community College Administrative Budgetary Decisions upon Continuing Education Students’ Perceptions, Drew William Allbritten
A Model for a Self-Contained Videotape Training Program, Theodore D. Apking
A Study to Determine the Relationship between the Amount of Innovation Present in an Organization and the Governance Structure of the Organization, Patricia M. Bauhs
The Student Services Needs of Adult Evening Students, Louis Edward Bednar
The Facilitative Teacher-Student Relationship and Selected Educational Outcomes, Richard Roy Benedict
Teachers' Growth/Development and the Organizational Climate of Elementary Schools, Louise Birch
Relationships in Organizations Between Leaders' Personality Characteristics and Their Hierarchical Levels and Role Foci, Loretta Church
The Effects of Pentazocine and Tripelennamine on Analgesia and Locomotion, James Philip Cleary
A Comparative Analysis of the Role of the Academic Department Chairperson, Stanley Lawrence Coleman
Teaching General Behavior Modification Performance Skills with Written Instructions, James D. Cowart
Factors in the Control of Corporations: Structural and Bureaucratic Impediments, Doris Jean Cubbernuss
The Power of the School Business Official in the Decision-Making Processes of the Boards of Education in Selected Michigan School Districts, Robert Del Fein
Random Factors and Isofactors in Graphs and Digraphs, John Frederick Fink
The Behavioral and Resource Needs Assessment of the Hispanic Community in Kalamazoo County, Roberto Flachier
The Effects of a Residential Basic Counseling Skills Training Program, Richard W. Fox
A Petrographic Analysis of Ceramics from Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Arizona: Onsite or Specialized Manufacture, Elizabeth M. Garrett
Determining the Skill and Training Needs of Community Education Directors: An Inquiry into Methods, Duane Douglas Gates
Path-Goal Theory of Leader Behavior and Its Relation to Job Satisfaction as Moderated by the Intrinsic Motivation of the Task, Diane Lloyd Gillo
The Relationship Between Sales and Service Performance by Group Insurance Representatives Who Perform Both Functions, Ralph F. Hagemeier
The Importance of, and Capability to Perform, Program Evaluation as Perceived by Wisconsin District Media Directors, Roger Leslie Hartz
A Study of the Differences Between Prison College Graduates and the Total Released Inmate Population on Recidivism by Risk Category, James Jay Haviland
Quantity-Comparative Expression in Young Children: An Analysis of Responsive and Productive Language, Sandra-Rae Howe
A Needs Analysis Study for the Establishment of a Community College Educational System in the United Arab Emirates, Hussain M. Joma
A Behaviorally-Based Graduate Practicum Program in Applied Behavior Analysis, James Harper Kaye
Modification of Staff Behavior in a Mental Health Center, Craig Wendell Knapp
An Application of Taoist Thought in Short Term Psychotherapy, David Leslie Knoblauch
Kinetics of Ternary Complex Formation Reactions of the Nickel(II) Complexes of Ethylenediaminediacetate and Triethylenetetramine with Bidentate Donors, Lawrence H. Kolopajlo
Control of Simultaneously Reinforceable Concurrent Human Operants by a Multiple Reinforcer-Source Procedure, Stephen LeDoux
The Development and Assessment of Instructional Materials for the Teaching of Leadership Skills to Second Grade Students in Selected Public Schools, Sharon Rose Lockett
The Relationship of Treatment Team Interpersonal Communication to Staff to Client Relationships in a Residential Treatment Setting, Martin L. Mitchell
Women in Educational Leader Positions: An Investigation of Some Common Factors in Socialization, Educational Background, and Career Commitment, Elaine Barr Morris
Occupational-Educational Maturity: A Measure of Career Awareness, Ralph George O'Sullivan
The Effects of Fading and Rule-Stating on the Instructed Reacquisition of a Five-Link Behavioral Chain, Okechukwu S. Ozuzu
The Design, Field Test, and Description of a Model for Collaborative Long-Range Community Planning, Ozzie D. Parks
The Relationship of Competency as Part of the Self-Concept to Occupational Role: A Comparison Study of Females in Three Occupational Roles, Merry Carson Pattison
Fidelity of DNA Polymerase in Vitro, Yannacos C. Philopoulos
A Study of Leisure Counseling Services for The Older Adult in Kalamazoo County, Linda Law Powell
Determination of Organophosphorus Compounds by HPLC with Post-Column Photochemical Degradation Followed by the Formation of Reduced Heieropolymolybdate, Stephen R. Priebe
An Investigation of a Procedure to Assess Aggregated Item Bias in a Minimum-Competency Test, Laurence E. Rudolph
A Behavioral Approach to the Establishment of Nutritional Eating Habits in Young Children, Paul Joseph Smith Knight II
The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Support for Employee Communication Skill Improvement, Roberta M. Supnick
A Study of Hypnotic Age Regression Using the Rorschach Scored by the Exner Comprehensive System, Scott William Trylch
The Use of Bonus Pay to Produce Cost Effective Behavior Change in the Direct Care Staff of a Residential Mental Health Program, William F. Uhlman
Micellarly Catalyzed Reaction of Substituted Benzohydroxamic Acids, Nop Utrapiromsuk
Ground-Water Flow Along the Total Shoreline of Austin Lake and Its Environmental Contribution to Pollution of the Lake, William Thomas Williams
A Component Analysis of Behavioral Procedures for Increasing Work Rate in Mentally Retarded Adults, Stephen Emory Wong
Dissertations from 1981
Self-Esteem and Altruism Perceived as Motivational Factors for Alumni Giving, and Their Relationships to Various Donor Characteristics, Gerald Leonard Anderson
A Cross-Cultural Study of Selected Leadership Principles, Reza Assadi
A Nonvocal Method for Teaching Reading and Spelling to the Deaf, Amy A. Barmeier
Development and Validation of a Model for Retaining Pregnant Adolescents and School-Age Parents in the Jamaican School System, D. Deloris Brissett
Key Predictors of Vocational Rehabilitation Outcomes Among Clients with Psychiatric Disturbance, William Douglas Brooks
A Comparative Study of Student and Faculty Morale Determinants and Relationships in Southern Baptist Institutions of Higher Education, Jack Elliotte Brown Jr.
An Investigation of the Relationships between Various Institutional Variables and Compliance with Title IX in Intercollegiate Athletics, Richard C. Cadigan
Leadership Behavior of Community Mental Health Centers' Program Supervisors in Michigan as Perceived by Program Supervisors, Immediate Superordinates, and Immediate Subordinates, Mamie Pang Campbell
A Comparative Analysis of the Skills and Satisfaction of Teenagers Taught Decision-Making Models, John T. Chapman
A Study of Job Satisfaction of the Elementary School Secretary, John Raymond Chirco
A Study of Needed Competencies for the Position of Principal in the Guam Public Schools, Jose Quinene Cruz
An Analysis of Primary Prevention in a State Mental Health System, Salvatore Cullari
Component Analysis of a Behavioral-Supervisory System for Masters- and Doctoral-Level Research, Michael J. Dillon
Storm-Sewer Input of Heavy Metals into an Urban Lake Environment, George A. Duba
Attitudes of Administrators, School Board Members, and Teachers Relating to Labor Peace, Larry Eldon Engel
Response Rate, Latency, and Resistance to Change, Stephen Joseph Fath
The Development of Instructional Materials to Facilitate the Interaction of Handicapped and Nonhandicapped Third Grade Students in Selected Parochial Schools, James Nicholas Gonwa
A Model for the Training of School Councils in South Australia, Kevin R. Griffiths
Developmental Counseling and Psychotherapy: Applying the Theories of Piaget, Perry, Kohlberg and Erikson, Toni Perior Gross
The Relationship between Adjacent Residential Development and Breeding Bird Populations, Steven L. Harbron
A Model for Inservice Professional Development of Educational Administrators, Rofithah Hashim
Women’s Roles and Vulnerability to Depression, Monika Johanna Haussmann
A Microbial Reductive Conversion of the Steffimycin Chromophore: Chemical and Mechanistic Studies on a Soluble, Nadhdependent, Nonflavin-Containing Reductase from Streptomyces Steffisburgensis, John Rollin Hofstetter
Comparative Ratings of Printed Nutrition Materials Developed by Industry and Government Producers, Cheryl L. Holmes
Ascribed Status and Suspension: The Mitigative Effects of Family Normative Climate, Kathryn Mary Johnson
A Descriptive Study of In-Service Training Programming for Correctional Officers in County Jails in the State of Michigan, Deborah S. Karns
A Study of Financially Supportive and Financially Nonsupportive Alumni of Los Angeles Baptist College, Richard Steven Koole
Effects of Phenytoin on Schedule-Controlled Performance, Kathleen M. Krafft
The Stress Reducing Properties of Five Intervening Variables, Edward R. Lyon
The Prevalence of Hopelessness in Hospitalized Alcoholics, J. Michael McCarthy
The Evaluation of Beginning Therapist Effectiveness Using Karon's Thematic Apperception Test Pathogenesis Index: A Psychological Approach, Catherine Rae Miller
The Relationship between Knowledge of Teamwork, Satisfaction, and Perceived Performance Effectiveness among Professional Human Service Teams, Sonya Monroe-Clay
Psychophysics of Reinforcement Delay, Larry A. Morse
An Analysis of Perceptions of Michigan Superintendents, Principals, and Teachers in Regard to Present Versus Preferred Teacher Evaluation Systems, JoAnn A. Noonan
An Empirical Study of the Equipercentile Assumption as a No-Treatment Expectation in Title I Evaluations, Alan C. Nowakowski
The Effects of Self-Management Training on Fluid Compliance in Hemodialysis Patients, Glen Roland Peterson
A Descriptive Study of Special Programs for Minority Students in Public Four Year Higher Education Institutions within the State of Michigan, Richard Redden
A Behavioral Contracting Center for High School Students: Description, Research and Analysis, William K. Redmon
Standardization of the Sister Chromatid Exchange Technique in Human Lumphocytes for Mutagen and Carcinogen Testing, Kamlesh Sharma
The Effects of Rules and Videotape Training on Complex Observation Skills, Gerald L. Shook
The Relationship between Interpersonal Perception and Locus of Control, Richard G. Smith
The Interpersonal Dimensions of Depression as Differentiated by Cognitive Style, Frederick Tobias Sulier
Staff Incentive Programs: The Effects of Time Off and Monetary Compensation on Professional Service Delivery, Sharon L. Surratt
The Public Financing of Higher Education in Nigeria, Gabriel O. Taylor
Structural and Organizational Forces in the Etiology of Corporate Crime, Beti Thompson
College Students' Attitudes toward Affirmative Action Policies for Non-Whites and Women, Susan Ann C. Tong
Predicting Success in Business Data Processing for Students Enrolling in a College Data Processing Program, Stuart James Travis
Peer Training of High-Risk Low-Frequency Staff Behaviors in an Institutional Setting, Richard Aart van den Pol
Self Care as an Innovation in Health Care Delivery: The Health Systems Agency as Medium and Barrier, Yvonne Marie Vissing
Goals and Objectives for Teaching Science in the Junior High Schools of Kalamazoo, Michigan, Gary W. Wester