All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 1980
The Affects of Parent Death, Long Term Illness and Divorce on Children Running Away from Home, Robert J. Ackerman
A Study of Localism in a Regional State University, Raymond E. Alie
Administrative Preparedness: Perceptions of Problems and Qualifications, William Joseph Banach
Differential Implementation of a Performance Objective Directed at the Reduction of Suspensions at Five Desegregated Junior High Schools, Walden A. Baskerville Jr.
A Discrete Trial Choice Procedure for Assessing the Periodic Equivalent of Aperiodic Ratio Schedules, Michael Joseph Boivin
An Analysis of Teacher Morale and Absenteeism in a Declining Enrollment School District, Terry M. Booth
The Amelioration of Interpersonal Perceptual Accuracy and Psychological Adjustment of Psychiatric Outpatients through Brief Perception Therapy: Three Case Studies, Carole Marie Bullmer
The Influence of Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Mentors on the Professional Development and Personality Characteristics of Women in Human Services, Barbara Jean Charlesworth Quinn
A Discrete-Trial Procedure to Measure Preference for Variable-Interval Over Fixed-Interval Schedules of Food Reinforcement in Pigeons, Robert I. Cobez
A Method for Community Education Directors to Identify Activities Which Are Potential Time Wasters, Frank Glenn Cookingham
A Strategy for Inservice Education of Junior-High/Middle-School Science Teachers in the Grand Rapids Public School System, David Andrew DeGraaf
Underutilization of Temporary Employees as a Determinant of Turnover, Elizabeth de la Ossa
Marketing Techniques Utilized by Community College Continuing Education Divisions in Michigan, John George Dezek
Accountability and University Teaching: Toward the Systematic Mediation of Professional Power, Paul Alan Dorsey
A Study of Decision Origins and their Relationship to Selected Elementary Principals' Consultative Responses in Decision-Making Situations, Shawn Peter Dryer
A Field Study of Goal-Based and Goal-Free Evaluation Techniques, John W. Evers
The Structured Meeting System: A Procedure for Supervising the Completion of Nonrecurring Tasks, Barbara J. Fulton
Regional Bargaining: Its Impact on Local Control of School Districts in Macomb County, Genevieve Eleanor Gangler
A Limnological Investigation of a Tropical Fresh-Water Ecosystem: The Belize River, Belize, Central America, Victor J. Gonzalez
Jungian Typology and Marriage Compatibility, Peter C. K. Graham-Mist
The Development of a Special Education Procedures Manual, Duane H. Greenwold
Relationship of Educational Values and Attitudes Toward "Double Sessions" in a Rural Community, Patrick Clayton Harrington
An Investigation of "Spirituotherapy": An Approach to Christian Counseling, Robert Q. Hendershott
A Procedure for Monitoring Individualized Education Programs for the Handicapped, George T.L. Holt
An Examination of Potential Problems that May Be Encountered in the Administration of an Educational Corporation in the Management of Medical Doctors, Kathy Anne Hulst House
A Field Test of a Reading Program Needs Assessment Strategy, Linda Jane Howard Vingelen
A Test of a Sociological Causal Model of Alcohol and Deviant Drinking Patterns, Ruby E. Ivens
Professionals, Bureaucrats, and Radicals: A Study in the Sociology of Social Workers, David Russell Joslyn
The Effects of Progressive Cigarette Smoke Dilution Upon Smoking Pattern and Stress Responses in Humans, David M. Keenan
A Descriptive Study of the Leadership Styles of Michigan Juvenile Court Administrators Utilizing the Application of the Managerial Grid Theory, Zigmund S. Kryszak Jr.
A Comparison of Three Operational Definitions of Job Satisfaction, Thomas J. Kuieck
The Validation of a Programmed Text: Behavioral Counseling for Alcohol-Related Problems, Suzanne Carol Leiphart
Stereochemistry and Circular Dichorism of Some Cobalt(III) Complexes with Ethylenediamine-N, N’-Diacetic Acid and N, N'-Dimethylethylenediamine-N ,N'-Diacetic Acid, Godfrey Chinenye Mbah
Programmed Review Tests in a PSI Course, Terry E. McSween
An Analysis of Cadmium and Lead Uptake in Hydroponically Grown Corn Seedlings, Julie Jones Medlin
The Effects of Two Training Procedures on the Acquisition and Retention of a Sight-Word Vocabulary in Remedial Readers, Marilyn Monteiro
Development of a Model of Technical Education for the Country of Malawi, Tommy H. Nkungula
The Development and Use of a Film on Public Art in the City of Kalamazoo, Michigan, for the Purpose of Building Community, Sesta V. Peekstok
Effect of Participation in Cooperative Education on Level of Career Maturity Attitudes of Senior Students in Selected Muskegon County High Schools, William Howard Pendell
A Comparative Study of the Trust Territory Students’ Perceptions of Factors Affecting Satisfaction of College Life at Selected Institutions of Higher Learning, Vicente-Roman Leon Guerrero Perez
The Repeated Acquisition Procedure as a Means of Analyzing Rule-Governed Behavior, Margaret E. Peterson
An Analysis of the Decision-Making Process Used by Chief Student Personnel Administrators, Lawrence Anthony Pfaff
Grievance Procedures in Teacher Negotiated Contracts in Selected School Districts in the State of Michigan and Frequency of Grievances Filed, Patricia Carr Portwine
Status Inconsistency and Attitudes toward Collective Bargaining at Western Michigan University, Thomas R. Radecki
Feasibility Study for a Comprehensive Community College System in the United Arab Emirates, Kadhim Abdul Rassool-Ali
A Study of Four Year State University Related Foundations, Timothy Arthur Reilley
Standard Setting in Accounting and Auditing: Considerations for Educational Evaluation, Jeri P. Ridings
The Effects of Hypnosis and Mastery Imagery on Task Performance, Robert J. Russell
Self Reported Job Functions of Psychologists and Other Mental Health Workers in Michigan's Community Mental Health Settings, David J. Sluyter
Preference Reversal: Effects of Ratio and Reinforcement Parameters, Kenneth Ray Stephens
Teaching Health-Related Behaviors to Young Children through Social Skills Training, Mary Louise Stevens
Needs Assessments for Technical Assistance: A Conceptual Overview and Comparison of Three Strategies, Tanya M. Suarez
Developing a Verbal Repertoire Using Sign Language and Skinner's Analysis of Verbal Behavior, Mark L. Sundberg
The Interrelationship of Leader Self-Actualization and Life Stressors to the Resultant Incidence of Reported Medical Problems of Middle Management Educators, John S. Thatcher
The Relationship between Selected Demographic Characteristics and Mental Health Board Members' Endorsement of Community Mental Health Ideology, Kathryn S. Thiel
Creating Deviance: The Collective Stigmatization of Cigarette Smoking, Ronald Jay Troyer
A Discrete-Trial Choice Procedure and the Psychophysics of Amount of Reinforcement: A Preliminary Analysis, Frans van Haaren
The Effects of Sex-Role Attitudes on Womens' Self-Actualization and Life Satisfaction, Mary Ann Vigilanti
The Effects of "Perceived Success" and "Union Militancy" on the Opinions of School Principals, Michael Roy Williamson
Impact of Federal Legislation on Coaches' Salaries for High School Athletic Teams, Frank Joseph Wisniewski
Effects of Thioridazine (Mellaril) on Titrating Delayed Matching to Sample Performance in Mentally Retarded Adults, Timothy Theodore Wysocki
A Comparison of Computer-Generated Advising and One-to-One Advising for Community College Students, Chris G. Zichterman
Dissertations from 1979
Capitalism and Brain-Drain: A Dialectical Analysis of the Migration of Highly Qualified Manpower from Less Developed to More Developed Capitalist Countries "Iran and the U.S.", Mohammad Abdollahi
Community Education Directors in Michigan; A Systematic Study of Their Attitudes Relative to Section 96 of the State School Aid Act, Geoffrey E. Balkam
A Social Psychological Model of Drug Use, Gregory A. Blevins
Spermatogenesis in Limnodrilus Hoffmeisteri (Clap); A Morphological and Environmental Study of the Development of Two Sperm Types, Edward Michael Block
The Use of Advance Organizers in the Teaching of English Grammar to Emotionally Impaired Adolescents, Garrett Boersma Jr.
Markovian Multiserver Queueing Systems with Servers in Series, Nancy Jean Boynton
Knowledge and Attitudes Expressed Toward the Mainstreaming Process by Preservice and Certified Elementary Teachers, R. Wayne Buletza
Uniform Factorizations of Graphs, David Burns
An Alternatives Prevention Approach to Drug Abuse, Wilma Joan Busse
Comparison between Inpatients, Outpatients, and Normals on Three Self-Report Depression Inventories, Floyd C. Byerly
Stimulation of Concern Levels for Students Preparing to Teach Handicapped Children Using Systematic Feedback of Practicum, Roger N. Carlsen
Effects of Decreasing Financial Support on Student Affairs in Selected Midwestern Colleges and Universities, Betty C. Chang
Personality Correlates of Endometriosis, Mary Lou Collins
The Attitudes of Students toward the Social, Political, and Economic Development of Guam, Franklin S. Cruz
A Descriptive Analysis of the Characteristics and Achievements of Black Upward Bound and Black Non Upward Bound Students at Western Michigan University from 1971-1976, Luther Roseman Dease
The Use of Sensory Extinction in the Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior, Michael F. Dorsey
The Effects of Differential Group Treatments on the Self-Actualization of Counselors in Training, Pamela Elizabeth
The Content of Consumer Education Teacher Preparation as Reported by Business Education and Home Economics Professors in Michigan, Michael Thomas Glenn
Traceability in Graphs, Ronald J. Gould
A Study of an Administrator's Use of Authority as it Relates to Teacher Loyalty, Job Satisfaction, and Alienation in the Public Schools of Guam, Jose S. Leon Guerrero Jr.
Cognitive Clusters and the Phenomenology of Depression in Psychiatric Populations, Steven A. Harris
The Revision and Validation of an Instrument Designed to Assess Spatial Conceptual Abilities in Visually Impaired Children, Everett W. Hill
Degree of Client Manifest Anxiety as a Function of Interaction Distance: An Investigation of the Female-Female Counseling Dyad, Philip H. Knight
The Perceived Practicability of Human Skills in Expanding Community Education Settings: Selected Descriptors and Environmental Conditions, J. Patrick McMahon
A Staff Development Model for Student Affairs Administrators at Private Colleges, H. Bart Merkle
The Relationship Between Cognitive Style Match and Observer Ratings of Cotherapy Teams, Philip R. Mitchell
A Descriptive Analysis of Bilingual Education Teacher-Training Programs in the State of Michigan, Gilbert L. Montez
Changing Student Perceptions of Police (1968-1974) and an Evaluation of the Impact of Police-School Liaison Programs, Rodney J. Mulder
An Evaluation of Cued Speech Training on Lipreading Performance in Deaf Persons, Nancy A. Neef
The Relationship between Intellectual Development and Ratings of Teaching Effectiveness, Carol Ann Norman
Evaluation and Training of Behavior Modification Skills in Institutional Staff: An Indirect Approach, Terry J. Page
Social Workers, Social Activism, and the Community Mental Health Center, Sandra J. Potter
A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Users and Non-Users of the Management-by-Objectives System in Student Personnel Divisions in Baccalaureate Institutions, Berthold Michael Price
Differences in Encoding and Decoding of Emotion via Facial Expressions among Normal and Mildly Emotionally Handicapped Boys, Thomas M. Reed
Myths of Madness: An Essay on the Science of Soul, Thomas William Ross