All dissertations completed at Western Michigan University are entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies are available through interlibrary loan for dissertations before 2013. If you have any questions, please contact
Dissertations from 1974
A Study of the Skills of Successful Directors of Community Education in Michigan, George C. Kliminski
The Emerging Role of the Community School Director, Walter Langs Jr.
On the Theory of Hamiltonian Graphs, Linda M. Lesniak
Counselor Trainee Emotional Responses to Initial Counseling Interview Stress, Thomas F. Mooney
A Comparison of Cognitive Styles between the Most Successful Michigan Directors of Community Education and Other Michigan Directors of Community Education, Thomas Russell Niles II
A Survey of the Extent to Which Components Common to Community Education Are Present in Iowa Public Schools, Stephen R. Parson
A Comparison of the Philosophies of Student Personnel Administration as They Relate to the Student Services Offered at Selected Midwestern Universities, Cornelius Patterson Jr.
Analysis of the Relationship between Personal Values and Internship Success of High School Practical Experience Program Students, Arthur J. Pease
Initial Screening and Identification of Predictors for Possible Use in Selecting Foster Mothers for the Mentally Retarded, Terry L. Penniman
A Multiple Regression Approach to Affective Sensitivity in Counselor Trainees, Norman R. Sharp
A Study of the Knowledge Possessed by Selected Students and Adults About Public School Districts in Five Southwestern Minnesota Communities, Clifford Dale Sibley
A Study, in the State of Michigan, of the Effects of Community Education on the Attitudes of Selected Opinion Leaders Towards Public School Education, Stephen L. Stark
The Learn System for Computer-Assisted Instruction, Garret Alan Vander Lugt
A Study of the Relationship between Norm-Referenced Tests and Criterion-Referenced Tests, Marilyn W. Van Valkenburgh
A Comparison of Various Weight Reduction Approaches with Overweight University Female Students, David G. Waite
A Comparative Analysis of the Psychological and Sociological Factors Relating to the Career Specialization Choices of Agency and School Counselors-in Training, Tyrus Wessell Jr.
A Study of the Relationship between Managerial Style of Community College Presidents and Faculty Perceptions of Educational Concepts, Robert James Wollam
An Inventory of Impact Indicators to Measure the Success of Community College Instructional Programs, Michael E. Wooden
A Comparative Study of Financial and Related Information for Michigan Intermediate School Districts, Howard W. Wood
A Study of Leadership Concepts and Their Application in Family-Life Education Training Courses in a Seventh-Day Adventist Community, John B. Youngberg
Dissertations from 1973
Leadership Effectiveness in Education as Related to Congruence between Human Behavior Types and Leadership Styles, Doyle R. Anderson
Educational Leadership Handbook for Philippine Public Schools, Telesforo N. Boquiren
A Study of Student Personnel Services for Adult Part-Time Students at the Community College, John H. Cansfield
Severance Classes and Multiplicative Arithmetic Functions, Timothy B. Carroll
A Comparison of Two Types of Vocational Training, Harry Edwin Clay
Deafness as an Identity in Relation to Future Educational and Occupational Plans among Deaf High School Students, Robert Greg Emerton
Urban High School Dropouts and Graduates: A Comparative Study of Pupil-Teacher Relationships and Profile Characteristics, Barry C. Fitzgerald
The Integrated Basic Science Course at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Dorothy Nichols Hackett
An Investigation of the Relationship between Personality Characteristics of Principals and the Support Given Community Education, William M. Hetrick
Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer in Indolylketones, Larry E. Hewitt
An Empirical Investigation of Variation in Students' Premarital Sex Standards and Behavior, Robert L. Horton
Leadership Training Model for Community School Directors, Wilbur D. Johnson
The Effects of Skin Color and /or Situational Phenomena upon Race Relations, Wyatt Douglass Kirk
A Theoretical Model for the Development of Organizational Goals and Objectives, John W. Kofel
The Perceived Effects of Physical Distance, Intervening Obstacles, and Race During Interviews between Administrators and Teachers, James L. Kraai
Family Structure, Child Mental Patients and Length of Hospitalization, Martha Bullock Lamberts
Effects of a Career Education Program at the Upper Elementary Level, Christine Lowe
Using the Construct of Instructor Credibility to Forecast Student Decision- Making Behaviors, Robert David Mendelsohn
A Study of Parent, Student, and Teacher Value Systems in a Mid-West Christian School System, Carl T. Mulder
Linear Operators between Nonarchimedean Banach Spaces, Krishnamachari S. Nadathur
Toward the Development of a Substantive, Sociological Theory of Teacher, Teacher-Aide Relationships, John H. Natzke
Faculty Attitudes toward the Role of Intercollegiate Athletics in Selected Institutions of Higher Education, William D. Neal
The Effect of Integrated Grouping and of Studying Minority Culture in Reducing Cultural Cleavage in Elementary Classrooms, Daniel L. Paul
The Effect of Western Material Goods upon the Social Structure of the Family among the Shirishana, John Fred Peters
The Effects of a Student Determined Curriculum Versus a Traditionally Determined Curriculum on the Health Interests and Cognitive Development in Health of College Students, James H. Price Jr.
The Procedural Comparison Method of Performance Analysis for Comprehensive Community Colleges, Robert Walter Pricer
Student Activism and Implications for Academic Governance in the Bicol University, Legazpi City, Philippines, Jaime Red Recana
Workshop Attributes as Predictors of Effectiveness for Inservice Education of School Administrators, Wayne Richard Robbins
Women's Roles: A Marxist-Existentialist Analysis, Ellen Ruth Robert
An Evaluation of Local Vocational Advisory Councils in Michigan, William B. Rogan Jr.
A Comparison of Change in Counselor Candidates as a Result of Differing Group Experiences, Joseph Christian Seelig
An Evaluation of Achievement by the Use of Behavioral Objectives in an Audio -Tutorial Biological Science Class, Theodore R. Shields
The Meaning of Selected Educational or Educationally - Related Concepts as Adjudged on the Semantic Differential by Professional School Personnel in a Public School System, Gerald Edward Smith
A Study of University Research Administration; Organizational Structure, Function and Effectiveness, Louis H. Steinberg
An In-Service Program Designed to Change Elementary Teacher Attitudes Toward Black Dialect, Donald E. Thompson
A Study of Relationships between the Use of Management-by-Objectives and Perceived Effectiveness in Selected Community Junior College Student Personnel Units, Peter Vande Guchte
Local Connectivity in Graphs, Donald W. VanderJagt
The Effects of Students' and Teachers' Racial Identities on Student and Teacher Perceptions of the Teacher Role, Karen Van Wagner
On Hamiltonian - Connected Graphs, James E. Williamson
Marriage Enrichment: A Preventative Counseling Program Designed to Attain Marriage Potential, Roger Gene Wittrup
Attitudinal Factors Relating to the Acceptance of Educational Accountability, Marshall Wolfe
Dissertations from 1972
Changes in Superintendents' Behaviors Following Feedback as Perceived by Their School Board Members and Principals, David Edwin Bartz
Current and Future Characterizations of Self; A Theoretical Model for Analyzing the Sources and Functions of Self-Conceptions, Robert Bilby
Completions of Lattices with Semicomplementation, Alan A. Bishop
A Study of Job Satisfiers and Job Dissatisfiers of Ministers of Education, Howard L. Bixby
A Study of the Relation between Classroom Verbal Interaction Patterns and Racial Composition, Teacher Race, and Grade Level, James William Boothe Jr.
A Study of the Use of Subordinate Feedback in Changing Manager Image, Kenneth B. Bootsma
A Study of Factors Influencing Voter Attitude toward Schools and the Relationship of Those Factors to Voter Support of School Bond Proposals, Douglas B. Cole Jr.
Factors Instrumental in Female Occupational Status: A Comparison to Factors Instrumental in Male Occupational Status, Peter Y. DeJong
Discrete Approximations to Continuous Optimal Control Problems, Maurice L. Eggen
Black Studies and the Enhancement of Self-Concept as it Relates to Achievement Level in Negro High School Students, David L. Fisher
A Study of Role Stress among Students in Representative High Schools in Michigan, Thomas Lou Fish
The Relationship of Student Ratings of Teachers to Teacher Exodus, Roger Neil Grabinski
A Study of Non-Transferring Community College Graduates from Selected Michigan Community Colleges, Paul Richard Heath
A Study of the Ombudsman in Higher Education with Emphasis on Western Michigan University, Charles F. Hewitt
The Effect of Annotating Articles from Scientific American on Student Understanding, John A. Knapp II
Staff Perceptions of the Role of the Curriculum Director as a Decision-Maker in Elementary Schools, Leona Mirza
Convergence of Bounds in Optimization, Pascal D. Mubenga
The Effect of Occupational Exploratory Experiences upon the Occupational Awareness and Occupational Analysis of Junior High School Seventh and Eighth Grade Students, Edward Lewis Pelkey
A Study of the Relationships between Student Opinions and Verbal Interaction Patterns, Charles F. Porter
A Study of the Relationship of Teacher Role Stress to Student Ratings of Teacher and Other Selected Variables, Matthew Proctor Jr.
Verbal Interaction Patterns, Student Opinions, and Teacher Perceptions in Classrooms with Mexican American Student Enrollment, Richard M. Sanchez
Effects of Speech Compression of Counseling Interviews on Therapeutic Process Variables, Reiko Schwab
Polysomes from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Philip Y. Shen
Modern Elementary Science Curricula and Student Achievement, Ben A. Smith
An Investigation of the Relationship between Emergent Leadership and Several Potential Predictor Variables in an Academic Setting, Melvin James Tessin
Study of the Discrepancies between Student Evaluations and Faculty Self-Perceptions of Instructional Procedures in Higher Education, Eugene W. Thompson
The Effects of Positive and Negative Teacher Behavior on Student Rating of Teachers, George Smith Ticknor
Student Ratings of Secondary-School Science Teachers, Charles E. Townsend
A Study of the Differential Prediction of Community College Grade Point Average, Albert B. Truesdell
The Effect of Stereoelectronic Control and Long Range Interaction on the Stability of Bicyclic Enolate Anions, Edwin M. Van Dam
The Relationships between Two Methods of Teaching College Biology in Achievement and Attitude, Judson M. Vander Wal
Parental Surveillance of Students in Relation to Social Status and Race, John A. Vonk Jr.
The Wittig Reaction with Carbohydrates and the Addition of Benzenesulfonyl Azides to Indoles, George R. Wellman
Purification and Properties of Phenylalanine Transfer RNA from Bacillus Licheniformis and Bacillus Stearothermophilus, Cynthia R.Y. Yang