Call for Papers | Journal of Communication Pedadogy (JCP) | Communication | Western Michigan University

Contact: Renee Kaufmann (Editor);

Call for Manuscripts

Journal of Communication Pedagogy

Editor:  Renee Kaufmann, University of Kentucky

Submission Deadline is March 1, 2025 in order to be considered for Volume 9 (2025).

The Journal of Communication Pedagogy (JCP) is a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Central States Communication Association.   The journal publishes only the highest quality articles that extend communication theory, research, and practice in meaningful ways. We seek manuscripts that focus on instructional communication research situated in a variety of contexts such as (but not limited to) health, business/industry, religious, risk/crisis, training and leadership, public relations, journalism, forensics, and nonprofits both within the borders of the United States and beyond them. We are particularly interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion research as well as the use of technology in instruction. We welcome manuscripts that focus on instructional communication research within the communication discipline and beyond it (e.g., education, agriculture, social work, legal studies, engineering and S.T.E.M., pharmacy, nursing, health sciences). In sum, we seek manuscripts that examine communication pedagogy as it occurs across subfields in the communication discipline, in disciplines throughout the academy, and in contexts beyond the walls of higher education.  

All manuscripts must adhere to the guidelines of the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and must not have been published elsewhere or be under review for any other publication.

The JCP will publish four types of articles: research articles, short reports, reflective essays, and best practices.  

Research Articles  are theory based, methodologically sound, and data-driven empirical analyses of communication pedagogy as it occurs in any context including, but not limited to traditional face-to-face or online classrooms. We welcome all methods of scholarly inquiry. The discussion section must include (a) conclusions as they extend theory and research, (b) implications that inform instructional communication practices, and (c) suggestions for future research. Manuscripts should not exceed 8500 words, including title page, abstract, tables, notes, references, and appendices. 

*Short Reports are research articles that replicate and/or revisit previous communication pedagogy or instructional communication research through a renewed lens on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). We welcome all methods of scholarly inquiry. The discussion section must include implications for instructional communication practices that are tied to DEIB. Manuscripts should not exceed 4500 words, including title page, abstract, tables, notes, references, and appendices. The title should begin with “Short Report.” Please submit under the “Research Article” tab and designate as “Short Report” in title and abstract description.

Reflective Essays  are agenda-setting pieces focused on a thorny issue or problem inherent in communication pedagogy that educators may need to address. Reflective essays may include issues across contexts (e.g., health, business, risk, crisis, public relations, journalism, education) or in relation to individual identities, group membership(s), and/or social justice (e.g., diversity, equity, and inclusion). Each essay must clearly identify the thorny issue or problem and suggest means by which to address it. Reflective essays may be written in first person and should not typically exceed 3000 words, including title, abstract, tables, notes, references, and appendices.

Best Practices  describe best practices in communication pedagogy in the classroom and other applied settings and professions (e.g., listening, empathy, civil discourse, formal presentations in face-to-face and online environments, conflict management and resolution, teamwork, gender, intercultural, leadership). These professions may range from health (e.g., doctor-patient relational communication) to business (e.g., employer-employee communication, customer service) to education, among others. Manuscripts must be grounded in research and include clearly designated best practice tips for successful implementation based on experience/assessment. Best practice articles may be written in first person and should not exceed 3500 words, including title, abstract, tables, notes, references, and appendices. 

Special Section of the Journal of Communication Pedagogy “Towards a Transgressive Communication Pedagogy”   Submission Deadline for Consideration: March 1, 2025

Special Section Editor: Lionnell ‘Badu’ Smith, San Francisco State University  

Description: This special section of the Journal of Communication Pedagogy will focus on the myriad ways in which teacher-scholars of communication and rhetoric embrace the praxis of transgressive teaching. Drawing on the work of bell hooks (1994) Teaching to Transgress: Education as a Practice of Freedom, this special section seeks to explore and address the discourses, practices, and policies that influence and inform educators’ abilities to empower students in the communication classroom through a transgressive framework.

This special section poses the following question: how might teachers and scholars of communication and rhetoric reimagine communication instruction through the lens of transgression or transgressive action? Essays addressing this question might examine the following: • anti-DEI laws and policies • racist discourses and legislation (i.e., anti-Black, anti-Latinx, anti-Asian) • anti-LGBTQIA+ discourses • the influence of religious rhetoric in education policy • xenophobic discourses • linguistic hegemony in education • corporeal and punitive practices in education

This special section invites only research articles and reflective essays; however, submissions from all methodological approaches are welcome. All submissions to the Journal of Communication Pedagogy must follow the formatting requirements of the most recent edition of the APA style guide. Essays should not exceed 3000-4000 words (including notes, figures, and citations). Please make sure to select ‘yes’ for special section “Towards a Transgressive Communication Pedagogy” when submitting in order to be considered. For questions regarding the special section, please contact: Dr. Lionnell Smith, San Francisco State University, at


Journal of Communication Pedagogy currently publishes one volume per year and is an open-access journal. Issues of the journal will appear at

Permission Policy

Journal of Communication Pedagogy is published by the Central States Communication Association.

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