Journal of Communication Pedagogy: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Instructions for Authors


This document provides details on layout requirements pertaining to manuscript submission to Journal of Communication Pedagogy.

All submissions to the Journal of Communication Pedagogy must follow the formatting requirements of the most recent edition of the APA style guide. All references must include accurate and linked Digital Object Identifiers.

It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure all images, figures and tables, follow the format requirements. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure all images have the needed permissions for use or are the property of the author(s). The act of submitting any image, table, or figure is an indication that all needed permissions have been obtained and cleared by the author(s).

If the authors cannot or choose not to comply with the submission requirements, JCP will remove the manuscript from publication and return the copyright to the author(s).

Authors are asked to create an ORCID before submitting a manuscript. ORCID provides a unique digital identifier that distinguishes authors. Information on how to create an ID can be found at the ORCID website.

All submissions to the journal must be in English and will undergo a rigorous double-anonymous peer review. Manuscripts must adhere to the most recent APA format guidelines. Please see the instructions for authors to ensure you have included all required components of a manuscript before submitting. Manuscripts that are incomplete or do not follow the required guidelines will be returned to the author.

There are no fees or charges to authors for the submission of manuscripts or upon publication of manuscripts. To be clear, the Journal of Communication Pedagogy (JCP) does not charge authors for the publication of scholarly research.

Formatting Requirements

  • Remember to include an abstract. The abstract may be a maximum of 125 words.
  • Within the system, provide:
  • Full name of all authors.
  • Institutional or organization affiliation.
  • Contact information for all authors (e.g., email address).
  • Include 4-5 keywords.
  • Do not include page numbers, headers, or footers. If the article is accepted for publication, these will be added during production.
  • All submissions must be in English.
  • Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single file (Word).
  • Page size should be 8.5 x 11 inches.
  • Use 1-inch margins (left, right, top and bottom) including your tables and figures.
  • The text should be doubled spaced.
  • Use a single column layout with both left and right margins justified.
  • Font: 12 pt. Times New Roman or the closest comparable font available.
  • If figures are included: 1200 dpi. Photos: highest resolution possible. Please place any figures, tables of photos after the references for the intal submission. If the article is accepted, the editor will provide further instructions on how to submit these.
  • Copy edit your manuscript.

Additional Requirements

    Language & Grammar

    All submissions must be in English. Except for common non-English words and phrases, the use of non-English words and phrases should be avoided.

    Authors should use proper, standard English grammar. The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White (now in its fourth edition) is the "standard" guide. Another popular guide is Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage edited by Jeremy Butterfield. However, other guides (e.g., The Chicago Manual of Style, University of Chicago Press) may also be consulted.

    Article Length

    Submissions are limited to 25 total pages including references (cover page and abstract do not count against the 25 limit).

    Emphasized text

    Whenever necessary italicize to indicate text you wish to emphasize rather than underlining it. Whenever necessary, titles of books, movies, etc., should be set in italics rather than underlined. The use of colored fonts is discouraged.


    Headings (e.g., start of sections) should be distinguished from the main body text though bold font.


    Footnotes are discouraged.

    Tables and Figures

    To the extent possible, note where tables and figures should appear in the document. For manuscript review, tables or figures may be placed within the document. However, if a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors will be asked to submit tables and figures separate from the primary document. Avoid the use of overly small type in tables. Only use tables when necessary. Please include tables after the references for the initial submission.

    References and Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)

    It is the author's obligation to provide complete references in APA style, with the necessary and required information.

    References must be in the most recent APA format and must include digital object identifiers (DOI) for all publications that have a DOI assigned. If the author(s) are unaware whether a specific work has been assigned a DOI, Crossref provides a search option which can be found at

    Authors must follow Crossref guidelines for how to display a DOI, see Crossref DOI display guidelines. Manuscripts that do not follow Crossref guidelines for DOI display will be returned to the author before being reviewed.