Using a dialogic framework as the backdrop to course curriculum, I developed an Oral Communication course for pre-med students with the goal to enhance students’ public speaking skills while also incorporating health communication and applied communication research and activities to create opportunities for engagement. I propose best practices for teaching pre-med oral communication by deconstructing “bedside manner,” emphasizing a dialogic, audience-centered approach to communication, illustrating the praxis of genuine communication, creating a supportive climate through nonverbal and small group communication tenets, and creating a space to practice genuine communication. Using this approach, the layperson understanding of “bedside manner” becomes an intersection of these areas to better understand the complexities of physician-patient communication.
Recommended Citation
Grecu, N. C. (2022). Engaging Pre-Med Students in Field-Related Dialogue: Best Practices for a Dialogic Approach to a Health-Specific Oral Communication Course. Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 6, 255-262. https://doi.org/10.31446/JCP.2022.1.19.
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Health Communication Commons, Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Commons, Other Education Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Speech and Rhetorical Studies Commons