All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 2020
Agricultural Irrigation Induced Evaporation in a Temperate Study Area: A Stable Isotope Approach, Lincoln Grevengoed
The Urban Morphology of Hyderabad, India: A Historical Geographic Analysis, Kevin B. Haynes
Using Historical Maps for Contaminated Site Identification and Prediction, and Environmental Justice Implications: A Case Study in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Dana Heusinkveld
Creating a Distribution Model of Invasive Rusty Crayfish (Faxonius Rusticus) in Michigan Streams Using Publically Accessible Data, Robert C. Homan
The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for Place Value: Developmentally Appropriate or Not?, Sarah N. Hughey
Cellular Attachment on Poly(Lactic Acid) for Use in Tissue Engineering, Stephen R. Hunter
Optimized System for On-Route Charging of Battery Electric Buses and High-Fidelity Modelling and Simulation of In-Motion Wireless Power Transfer, Yogesh Bappasaheb Jagdale
Exploring Song as a Reproductive Isolation Mechanism in a Hybridizing Population of Winged Warblers, Amy E. Janik
Assessing the Robustness and Versatility of Nanojars for Anion Binding, Mia Lily Ann Jawor
Development of a Single Emitter Ionic Liquid Ion Source Research Platform, Thomas V. Kerber
“Someone’s Got to Look out for the People”: Exploring Donald Trump and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Online Performance of Populism and Immigration Rhetoric, Taylor P. Koopman
The Genuine Purpose of the Polity, Heritier Lingoso
Effect of Implementing a Guaranteed and Viable ELA Curriculum, Christian Manley
Creating a Transformative Visual Art Curriculum, Alison M. Marchbanks
Incorporating Fine Arts into Online Education, Tosha Tessen McDonald
Constructing and Experiencing the Medieval Waddenland, Hugh R. Milner
A Framework to Support Automatic Certification for Self-Adaptive Systems, Ioannis Nearchou
Fatigue Damage Characterization by Surface Roughness and Instrumented Micro – Hardness Measurements, Suraj Sanjay Nikam
Flexible Capacitive Pressure Sensors and Triboelectric Energy Harvesters Using Laser-Assisted Patterning Process for Flexible Hybrid Electronic Applications, Valliammai Palaniappan
Boethian Variations: Musical Thought in Sir Orfeo, Troilus and Criseyde, and Robert Henryson’s Orpheus and Eurydice, Joshua T. Parks
Comparison of Optimal Energy Management Strategies Using Dynamic Programming, Model Predictive Control, and Constant Velocity Prediction, Amol Arvind Patil
Development of a Finite Element Model of the Stamping Process to Predict the Natural Frequencies of Dimpled Beams, Varad Vasudeo Pendse
Prediction of Isotropic Strain Hardening Material Properties Using Gradient Boosted Regression Tree Method and Hyperparameter Optimization, Darren R. Promer
Transition to Renewable Energy Generation to Mitigate Climate Change: Implications on Japanese and Indian Energy Policies, Vaibhav S. Pujari
The Effects of Tiered Goals When Performers Receive Fixed and Incentive Pay, Alejandro Ramos
Theoretical and Experimental Study on Thermoelectric Generators Using Liquid-To-Liquid Flow Ducts at a Temperature Range Between 10ºC and 100ºC, Sudarshan Rawale
Evaluation of Autoreactivity in VH4-34-Containing Antibodies from Human B-1 VS B-2 Cells, Michelle E. Ray
The Color Line in Communism: The East German Ministry of Culture’s Portrayal of Paul Robeson’s State Visit, Colin J. Rensch
“College is Mandatory in Our Family”: A Study of Homeschooler Anticipatory Memorable Messages about College, Gina S. Reynolds
An Analysis of Factors Influencing Chemistry Students’ Choice of Major and Career, Jennifer Marie Ribble
The Influence of Environment: A Holistic Approach to Middle and Secondary Art Room Design, Leslie Y. Roberts
Prescribed Freedom, Proscribed Freedom: Compositional and Improvisational Balances in Jazz, Andrew W. Saliba
A Multiscale Thermomechanical Metal Additive Manufacturing Simulation and the Impact of Geometry on Residual Stress and Distortion, Luis Fernando Silva Velasco
Can’t Stop: The Effects of High-P Sequencing on Fluency and Retention, Andrew R. Smith
Synthesis and Characterization of Non-PGM Catalysts for Fuel Cell Applications, Sudharsan Sridhar
Changes in Gene Expression Profiles in Müller Glia Following Exposure to an α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agonist, Megan L. Stanchfield
Applied Behavior Analysis in the Secondary Art Classroom, Linda S. Stewart
Understanding the Resiliency of the Kalamazoo Mall, Emily Szymanski
binary, Jared Tubbs
Atherosclerosis: Pathology, Role of sd-LDL, Particle Size Characterization of sd-LDL with Multiangle Light Scattering, Akshay Sudhakar Ukey
Cellulose Based Separator for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries, Akshit Vaidya
Mission Architecture Analysis: Exploring Long-Period Comets From Multiple Staging Orbits, Gabriel Prescinotti Vivan
Developing Student Leadership: The Use of Programs and Methods to Build Adolescent Leadership Capacity, Jonathan D. Waldron
An Analysis of Large Displacement Pneumatic Slug Tests for the Characterization of Aquifer Parameters – Guidelines for an Alternative Field Procedure, Madison E. Wayt
Skin Friction Topology in Junction Flow Affected By Upstream Rod, Bo Ching Wong
English Language Learners and Cultural Responsivity in the Art Classroom, Jessica Wycoff
Effects of Music and Meditative Movement on Affect and Flow: A Feasibility Study, Lai Yiu Yeung
Theses from 2019
Spatial Variation of Low Birth Weight and Its Association with Socioeconomic Status, Housing Types, and Accessibility in Kalamazoo County, Eugene Kojo Opare Ahwireng
Potential Implications for Music Therapy on Nursing Assessment of Patients with Dementia in Hospice, Kamilla Akmuradova
Chronostratigraphic Correlation of the Burnt Bluff Group across the Michigan Basin, USA, Mohammed A. Al-Musawi
From Mainstream to Fringe Conspiracy: Examining White Supremacist Literature Before and After the Civil-Rights Movement, James Andres
Gearbox Baffle Optimization, Megan Arduin
The Use of Music Therapy towards Social Development in Children with Disabilities: A Rapid Review, Yuanyuan Bai
The Selfie Phenomenon: Exploring the Evolution of the Self-Portrait in the Photography Classroom, Sarah J. Bentley
The Use of High and Medium Resolution Imagery to Detect Agricultural Land Cover in Chinese Cities: A Case Study of Nanjing 2000 to 2015, Erik Breidinger
Planning for a Sustainable Future: Rethinking the Role of Bicycle Parking at Western Michigan University, Gregory J. Carlton
Electrodermal Activity during Dissonant Music in Musicians and Non-Musicians, Joshua Chapin
The Wrongful Conviction Program: A Program Evaluation, Ashley M. Chlebek
Assessing the Impact of 3D Printed Terrain on Teaching Topography in Introductory Earth Science Labs, Jay Alan Cockrell
Evaluating the Effects of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium Concentrations on Dolomite Stoichiometry, Cation Ordering, and Reaction Rate, Hanna F. Cohen
The Effects of Deforestation on Carbon Storage in Khabarovsk Krai, Russia, Rowan E. Cole
Extending the Capabilities of Von Neumann with a Dataflow Sub-ISA, Martin Cowley
Postactivation Potentiation Effects from Maximal Isometric Contractions Performed at Different Hip Joint Angles, Kyle DeRosia
Supporting Black Mothers at the Transition: A Collaborative Design Prenatal Coparenting Program, Jordan Ebanaya
Intracellular Electrometer, Lucas M. Essenburg
Synthesis and Characterization of Ion-Implanted Gold Nanoparticles, Nurlathifah Fnu
Effect of Caffeine Supplementation on Vertical Jump Performance, Heart Rate Variability, and Electromyography, Collin T. Garner
An Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Structure-From-Motion for Fluvial Large Wood Sensing and Risk Assessment, Daniel Gerke
Integrating Visual Thinking Strategies into Art Education: A Curriculum for the Middle School Level, Shelley K. Gibbs
Portable Electrochemical System for Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Anthony Joseph Hanson
PCR Analysis on the Effects of Alpha Synuclein Treatment on C6 Rat Glioma Cells, Michael John Helmus
Training Functional Analysis Skills with Instruction with Video Modeling and Video-Self Monitoring, Haley Ciara Hughes
Thermal Maturation Modeling of the Michigan Basin, Jack H. Hybza
Police-Community Collaboration in an Upper Midwest City, Samuel Imbody
Optimal Energy Management for Forward-Looking Serial-Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Rule-Based Control Strategy, Abhijit Bhaskar Jadhav
Reconsidering ‘Soul and Body II’: Who is Culpable for Their Combined Fate?, Sarah Jaran
Utilizing Geophysical Attributes to Investigate the Architecture of a Pinnacle Reef Complex, Michigan Basin, USA, Austin M. Johnson
Inconel 625 Additive Manufacturing Process Parameter Investigation on an EOS M290, Joseph W. Johnson
Aristocratic Women’s Kinship Ties in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Flanders and Champagne, Sydne Reid Johnson
An Examination of Flintlock Components at Fort St. Joseph (20BE23), Niles, Michigan, Kevin Paul Jones
The Meaning of the Civil War in Northern Religious Periodicals, 1865-1877, Jeffrey Mark Charles Joslin
Music Improvisation as Treatment for Adolescents with Anxiety: An Integrative Review, Laura Lee Julian
Modeling and Simulation with Optimal Gear Ratio for a Forward-Looking, Velocity-Driven, Power-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Sonal Babasaheb Kanap
Relationship between One Repetition Maximum Parallel Squat and Jump Squat Peak Power, Corey Klitzke
A Kingdom of Co-Inherence: Christian Theology and the Laws of King Magnus the Lawmender of Norway, 1261-1281, Dillon Richard Frank Knackstedt
The Boundaries of Modern Jazz Composition: Interaction between Tango and Jazz Music, Evgeniya Kozhevnikova
Student-Provided Technology in the Classroom, Matthew LaFleur
Mal_Functions for String Quartet and Live Electronics, Elliott Andrew Lupp
Model Based Development of Enhanced Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator and Effect of Thermoelectric Leg Length on eMMRTG, Swapnil Dnyandev Magdum
Deep Imprints 20th-Century Media Stereotypes towards East Asian Immigrants and the Development of a Pan-Ethnic East-Asian-American Identity, Christopher Maiytt
Structures, Experiences, and Perceptions of Undergraduate Students’ Networks: A Mixed Methods Study, Rhoda E. Marshall
Understanding Individuals’ Perceptions of Oak Wilt and Its Implications for Invasive Species Management, Matthew Morrissey
Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Silurian Reefs, Michigan Basin, USA, Zaid N. Nadhim
Virtual Realities in Archaeology: Employing the Oculus Rift for Artifact Visualization and Education, Jeffrey R. Nau
Bedrock Topography Mapping of the East Leroy and Climax 7.5’ Quadrangles, MI using HVSR and Other Geophysical Methods, Tyler A. Norris