All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1957
A Study of Cholesterol and Lecithin Blood Levels in Rh Sensitized Women Treated with Rh Hapten, Franklyn Lewis
Historical Fiction in the Teaching of World History, Helen Bernice Lobdell
A Comparative Study of the Jaw Movements of Children with Normal and Abnormal Articulation, Jean Fraser Ward
Theses from 1956
Relationships of Football Injuries to Weather and Field Conditions, Clayton H. Borgman
An Exploratory Study of Differential Diadochokinesis, Marie C. Crickmay
An Analysis of the Qualifications of Selected Business Students Who Graduated from Comstock, Michigan, High School to Determine the Adequacy of Their Training, Esther Larsen Fellows
Factors Affecting the Enrollment of Students in Homemaking Programs in Junior and Senior High Schools of Southwestern Michigan, Cecile L. Herscher
The Relationship of Missing Teeth to Lisps, Richard Swerzbin
A Survey of Music Programs in Christian Schools of America, Robert V. Talsma
An Investigation of the Vocal Phonic Abilities of Children with Normal Speech and Articulation Disorders, Orville Wilson Wensley
Theses from 1955
Instructional Aids in Art for Elementary Teachers, Jeanne M. Fox Schier
Techniques for Teaching Swimming to Seventh Graders, Ernest L. Mary
An Analysis of the Effect of Reserpine on Adult Stutterers, Barbara Anne Mitchell
An Investigation of the Change in the Self Concept of Stutterer, Lois Nelson
Textbooks of World History for the Senior High School, David E. Proud
Theses from 1954
A Study of the Summer Recreation Program Administered by the Portage Township Park Board, Nina Piper Boyd
The Role of the Myrtle Heege Community Center in the Recreation Program of Kalamazoo, Fletcher S. Cooper
A Study of the Effect of Avoidance on Stuttering Frequency in an Adaptation Situation, Theodore Ray Dixon
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Spelling and Articulation, Richard Errol Ham
The Curriculum in Industrial Arts in Michigan High Schools Employing One Shop Instructor, John H. Koenig
Six Semester Courses in Graphic Arts, Glen D. Moerdyk
An Analysis of Selected History Tests Prepared for Use in the High School, Charles E. Reed
A Study of Reaction Time as a Test for Validity of Personality Questionnaires, William McCague Shearer
The Training and Experience of High School Football Coaches in Minnesota, Roy G. Walters
Theses from 1953
A Sociometric Study of Popularity and Academic Achievement in a Ninth Grade Class, Elizabeth V. Banks
An Analysis of the Notices of Judgement under the Federal Food, Drug and Costmetic Act, LaVerne H. Boss
How Television is Affecting the Lives of Sixth Graders in Kalamazoo – A Report from the Children, Charles R. Calhoun
A Study of Safety Education in Secondary-School Shops (Grades 7-12) in Southwestern Michigan, Wallace Frederick Fillingham
A Study of the Current Practices in Program Planning in the Summer Camps of the Y.W.C.A. in the Midwest, Mary Louise Lang
Programs of Intra-mural Sports in Class B High Schools in Michigan, Robert J, Prudon
Theses from 1952
A Suggested Program for Co-Educational Activities in Physical Education at Marshall High School, Melvin William Aussieker
Parental Comprehension of the Adolescent Stutterer’s Attitude toward His Stuttering, Katharine G. Butler
The Sociometric Technique with a Seventh-Grade Class in Social Studies and English, Cleo Chapekis
Development of a Teacher’s Guide for a One-Semester Speech Course Suitable for All College Students, Deldee Myriok Herman
A Study of a High School Marriage and Family Course, Wendell P. Hill
A Study of Clear Lake Camp’s Contributions to the Elementary Curriculum, Herman C. Kranzer
Some Demonstrations for High School Science, Richard F. Welch
Theses from 1951
An Investigation of Attitudes Toward, and Proficiencies in, Junior-High-School Arithmetic, Robert Lee Andrews
An Analysis of Aviation Education in Senior High School Textbooks, Herbert E. Ellinger
An Experimental Study of the Relative Effectiveness of Drill and Incidental Teaching in the Learning of the Multiplication Tables, Rena May Gates
A Study of the Summer Recreation Programs in Small Michigan Communities, Walter A. Gillett
The Value of Mental Arithmetic in Grades Seven and Eight, Edward Oren Kay
A Recommended Program of Related Instruction for Electrical Apprentices, Andrew C. Luff
A Comparison of the Relative Effectiveness of Teaching Seventh Grade Arithmetic with a Textbook and without a Textbook, Alfred John Reynolds
The Effect of the Use of a Textbook as Compared with Supplemental Material in Teaching Biology, Wayne A. Stafford
State and Local History in Michigan Schools, Robert R. Swartz
Theses from 1950
A Study of the Influence of a Church School Upon Its Youth, Esther Jane DeWeerd
An Analysis and Evaluation of Industrial Arts Projects Used in Midwestern Ohio, Henry W. Krause
Twelfth Grade Public School Business Students Deficient in Fundamentals, Jeannette Lawhun
Is Industrial Arts Benefitting a Representative Population of Kalamazoo Central High School Boys?, D. John Lucas
Theses from 1949
Examination of the Underlying Trends in Village and Rural Recreation with Application in the Three Oaks School District, Alfred Pfliger
Theses from 1948
An Investigation of the Amount and Kinds of Material Pertaining to Safety Education to be Found in Social Studies Textbooks, Dorothy D. Osborn
A Proposed Program for the Veterans’ Institute at Dowagiac, Michigan, Harold E. Telfer
Theses from 1947
Development of a Proposed Course of Study in American History for the Senior High School, Floyd Gagnon
Development of a Program of Art for Grades Four through Six, Julia Eloise Oliver
Theses from 1943
The Development of a Course of Study in Consumer Science for the Senior High School of Sturgis, Michigan, Harold R. Bowdish
The Analysis, Evaluation, and Selection of American History Textbooks for Senior High School Classroom Use, Fred A. Weiss