All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1970
A Comparison of Choice and Forced Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity, David Bertsch Gray
A Comparative Analysis of the Language of Mentally Retarded and Non-Retarded Children, Hartmut Günther
The United Arab Republic's Relation with the U.S.S.R between the Suez, 1956, and the June, 1967, Wars, Helwan Mohamed Habter
An Evaluation of Student Attitudes in the Audio-Tutorial Biological Science Program at Western Michigan University and How They are Reflected in Student Achievement Versus Time Spent in Laboratory, Dorothy Anne Hackett
The Application and Refinement of Thin Layer Chromatographic Procedures in Analyzing the Ribonucleic Acids Present During the Morphological Development of Two Varieties of Avena Sativa L., Dorothy Anne Hackett
An Analysis of Instruction Duration as a Consequence for Correct and Incorrect Answers, J. Eric Hayes
An Analysis of Dogmatism and Military Experience, Daniel C. Hoeschen
A Study of Selected Aspects of Alcohol Education in Michigan's Elementary and Junior High Schools, Calvin J. Hoogstra
The Reaction of Ethylenediamine with Tetradentate Cobalt(III) Complexes, Laura H. C. Huang
Conditional Discrimination: Generalization Outside the Range of Training Stimuli, Martha D. Itkin
Some Relationships among Intelligence, Empathy and Leadership Attributes, Franklyn W. Jackson
The Effect of Daily Quizzes on Hour Exam Performance, Katherine Janczarek
A Study of the Attitudes of Michigan Civil Servants toward Regulations on their Political Activity, Lauri E. Kallio
Behavioral Changes in a Student in a Regular, Public-School Classroom through Token Reinforcement, Bonnie Hardy Kays
A Study of the Influence of Dogmatism on Student Perception of Teacher Qualities, Ann Elizabeth Laffan
Investigation of Sequencing of Motor Behaviors to be Imitated in Severely Retarded Children, Janet Marian Loeffler
Cobalt(III) Complexes With 1,2-Propanediaminediacetic Acid, Paul John Magnell
Environmental Stimulants upon the Activity Potential of Political Party Committees: A Case Study of Michigan Congressional District Committees, 1969, Shirley M. McFee
Basic Instrumentation of a Three-Zone Convection Coater Dryer for Calculation of Heat and Mass Balances, Byron H. McKinstry
The Metropolitan Area Concept and Its Development in Lima, Peru, Jose Luis Mesa
Piano Group Instruction Versus Individual Instruction, Renate L. Meyer
Student Attendance and Attrition of the Entering Class of 1966 at Western Michigan University, Michael W. Moran
The Identification of Common Library Goals, Objectives, and Activities Relative to a Planning, Programming, Budgeting System, George E. Morey
The Effect of Inequitable Payment upon Selected Task-Related Cognitions, Robert Dennis Moulton
The Relationship of Three Tests of Visual Synthesis to Lipreading Ability in a Hearing-Impaired Sample, Nicki M. Mulford
Future Social Science Teachers: An Exploratory Study of Political Attitudes and Orientations, Laird Douglas Murray
A Comparison of the Explanatory Utility of Theories of Social Change: Parsons and Other Selected Theorists, Joseph N. Muthiani
Alienation in Students as a Function of Systems Variables: The Effect of Different Teacher Organizations and School Structures, Theophilus Olatunde Odetola
Authority Characteristics and Municipal Outputs: An Analysis, Harold E. Old
A Study of Perceptions of the Effect of Student Dress and Grooming on Behavior and Achievement in Selected Michigan Public Secondary Schools, Ozzie D. Parks
The Justification of Jehan Petit: A Fifteenth-Century Attempt to Justify Tyrannicide, John C. Parsons
A Utilization of Topographic Maps to Verify Selected Aspects of Pre-Collected Data Accuracy, Larry L. Patrick
A Study to Determine Methods of Evaluating Achievement of Business Communications Students and Predicting Success of These Students, Susanne Bellaire Philp
Vegetational Pattern on a Sand Area Dominated by Prairie Species in Southwestern Michigan, Daniel Lee Pokora
Police Perceptions of Inner-City Youths Attitudes toward Law Enforcement, Thomas V. Schade
The Effects of Maternal Deprivation and Early Social Isolation on Emotionality and Discriminated Avoidance Learning in the Rat, Edward N. Schneider
Antibiotic Potential in the Liverworts, Especially Ricciocarpus Natans (L.) and Marchantia Polymorpha (L.), Theodore Roy Shields
A Direct Measurement of the Ratio of the Reaction Cross Sections for Two-Photon and Three-Photon Annihilation of a Positron and an Electron in Aluminum, Jeffrey Ira Siegel
John F. Kennedy’s Road to the White House, George T. Sink
A Study of the Development and Value of an Experimental Management Course for Librarians, William Keith Smith
El Simbolismo en el Teatro de Alejandro Casona, José P. Soler
The Reaction of Substituted Benzenesulfonyl Azides with N,N-Diethylaminoprop-l-yne, Frederick Warren Stanley
Production of Acute Duodenal Ulcers in Rats by Infusion of Gastric Secretogogues, Thomas John Stout
The Stepwise Nature of the Unwrapping and Transfer of Ethylenediaminediacetate from Nickel(II) to Copper(II), Robert Swann
A Comparison of Hospitalized and Non-Hospitalized Male Alcoholics on the Basis of Anxiety and Depression, Linda J. Townsend
Dodona: An Oracle of Zeus, Lawrence Treadwell
Extraction and Partial Purification of Neurosecretory Substances from the Suprapharyngeal Ganglion of Lumbricus terrestris, William D. VandenBosch
Exploratory Behavior as a Function of Two Different Feeding Conditions in the Gerbil, Dennis A. VanderWeele
A Study of the 1968 Emergency Legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, Donald J. Van Doeselaar
A Study of the Effect of School Socio-Economic Composition on Student Achievement, Ruth Van Kampen
Three Occupational Choice Categories and Their Perceived Reference Groups and Reference Individuals, Stephen M. Vargo
Personality Factors in Mothers as Related to Problem Behavior in Children, Josephine H. Veldman
The Effect of Group Counseling on the Adjustment and Behavior of Returning Foreign Study Students at Kalamazoo College, Thomas J. Walsh
The Role of the Student Council in Selected Michigan High Schools, Loren C. Warfield
Stuttering Tremor; an Exploration of Methodologies for Recording and Analysis, James J. Welsh
Organization of the Bird Community of a Michigan Oak Forest, Jerome D. Wenger
Effects of Extraneous Auditory Stimulation on Visual Choice Reaction Time, William J. Wenger
Theses from 1969
Kinetic Studies of the Cell Elongation Phenomenon in Etiolated Pisum Stem Segments, Grant M. Barkley
Reinforcement of Sitting Behavior in Retardates in an Institutional Setting, Robert James Bonner
Inelastic Deuteron Scattering from 151Eu, Gerald Ralph Boss
Foliage Production and Consumption in an Oak Forest, David A. Boyce
The Influence of Experimental Stress upon Selected Rorschach Variables, William P. Brady
The Prediction of High School Dropouts, Clifford E. Bryan
An Indeterministic Approach to the Investigation of CBD Commuter Flows in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bruce Richard Bullis
A Popular Uprising in Twelfth Century France the Capuciati of the Auvergne, Lila Beth Burke
An Attempt to Manipulate the Results of a Psychomotor Learning Task, Robert D. Cable
Transpiration Measurements of the Decomposition Pressures of Barium Hexafluorosilicate, Kemal Cankaya
An Examination of the Secular Deterioration Hypothesis, Roger L. Carothers
Some Relationships Associated with Academic Success in Graduate Work at a Midwestern University, Stelios Georgiou Chimonides
An Exploration of the "Fear of Hawk" Hypothesis Using Stationary Silhouetted Stimuli with Naive Japanese Quail, John Stuart Clement
Skeletal Pathology in the Kenya Baboon, Ronald R. Copping
Skin Color, Race, and Self Image: An Exploratory Study of a Group of High School Youths, Zelte Crawford
Patterns of Intergenerational Occupational Mobility of American Females, Peter DeJong
The Availability and Adequacy of Some Spanish Translated Tests, Nelson Diaz-Mora
The Differential Impact of Protestant, Catholic, and Public Schooling Upon Attitudes toward the Police of Kalamazoo Junior High Students, Daniel James Dingman
Effects of X-Radiation on Saccharine Consumption as a Function of Dosage and Interstimulus Interval, Michael Drillings
A Program for Teaching Beginning Language Skills to Mentally Retarded Children, Thomas James Elzinga
The Effects of Morphine on Shock-Induced Aggression in the Squirrel Monkey, Grace S. Emley
Max Weber's Methodology: A Probabilistic Perspective, Rudolf J. Faller
An Analysis of the Comparative Effectiveness of Day Center Treatment and Out-Patient Treatment for a Psychiatric Population, John T. Gallagher
Comparisons of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Bert Douglas Goens
Bird Populations of Three Oak Forest Areas in Southern Michigan, Ted B. Gottshall
Odo of Morimond: His System of Contemplation as Based on Matthew XX, the Parable of the Vineyard, Richard M. Green
The Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Decision Factors on Company Selection among College Seniors, Lawrence J. Hahn
School Library Supervision in Michigan, Mary Ann Hanna
Effects of Disrupted Taction on Certain Dimensions of Speech in an Adventitiously Deafened Individual, George Graham Helliesen
Knudsen- and Torsion- Effusion Measurements of the Vapor Pressure of Manganese(II) Fluoride, Walter Clayton Hitchingham
Populations of Some Mammals of Oak Forests in Southwestern Michigan, James R. Hodgson
Angular Correlation of Positron Annihilation Radiation in Damaged Nickel and Iron, Hsien Chen Huang
History and Archetypes a Critique of Mircea Eliade's Philosophy of History as Applied to a Study of Spatial Orientation in Dante, Marilyn J. Hughes
Comfort Climates at Grand Rapids, Michigan: A Dynamic Approach, Robert L. Janiskee
An Appraisal of the Performance of Selected Secondary School Principals as Perceived by Teachers and as Perceived by Themselves, Vernon J. Johnson
Simultaneous Knudsen- and Torsion- Effusion Measurements of the Vapor Pressures of Tetraphenyltin and Hexaphenylditin, Dale Keiser
Randomness as an Element of Stimulus Complexity, Norman M. Kiracofe
An Early Intracounty Railroad Network and the Development of Fruit Culture: Van Buren County, Michigan, Dale L. Kubicki
The Effects of Non-Contingent Stimuli on Rate of Lever Pressing Using Human Subjects, Dan V. Lebenta
Generalization of a Matching Discrimination, Klaus E. Liebold
An Exploratory Study of the Relationship of High School Non-Academic Achievements to Community College Academic Achievement, Ira C. Livingston
The Yugoslav Communist Party: Decentralization and Reorganization, Barbara P. McCrea
History and Symbol in Hugh of Saint-Victor, Thomas M. McElmeel