All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1967
The Effects of Differential Instructions and the Level of Task Complexity on Decision Time, Dean Robert Mogelgaard
The Developing Image of the Soviet Union: A Case Study of Soviet Participation in Unesco, 1946 to 1967, Jerry J. Morris
Some Variables in Conditioned Suppression with Humans, David Wayne Mulder
Marital Integration and Orderly Replacement Activities of College Married Couples, Charles F. Petranek
A Spectral Study of the 4-Arylamino-1,2-Naphthoquinone System, Lloyd Myles Phipps
Some Effects of Discrimination Training on a Line Length Dimension, John Pokrzywinski
The Effect of Morphine on Conditioned Suppression and Response Topography of the Hooded Rat, Douglas Charles Reberg
Influence of Some Stressors on Peripheral Blood Response to Estrogen Stimulation in the Female Mallard Duck, Morton S. Rickless
The Synthesis of 3-Hydroxy-4-Imidazolidiones, Victor L. Rizzo
Ecology of Henslow's Sparrow, Jerome D. Robins
Studies of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Bruce A. Roe
The Development and Use of a Double Beam Photoelectric Polarimeter for the Study of the Faraday Effect, John Norman Rowe
A Power Comparison Study of Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests Under Severe Violations of the Parametric Assumptions of Normality and Homogeneity, Richard Edward Ryan
Cell Free Amino Acid Incorporating Systems from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Nisson Schechter
Alteration of Pupil Produced Noise in a Public School, Gilbert Walter Schmidt
An Exploratory Study of the Relation of Perceived Parental Attitudes to the Vocational Choices of Graduate Students at Western Michigan University, Colleen Cosgrove Schrier
On Reduction of Order of a System of Linear Nonhomogeneous Ordinary Differential Equations, Otis D. Shouse
A Study of Aquisition of Stimulus Matching, Stanley George Smith
Blood Constituent Levels Associated with Transition into Reproduction and During Egg Formation in the Female Mallard Duck, Robert L. Smoes
A Study of Dietary Effects on Peripheral Blood Constituents of the Female Mallard under Estrogen Stimulation, Nickolias George Smyrnios
Measurement of Ultrasonic Absorption in Liquids by a Thermal Method, Ronald J. Tanis
A Review of the Short Forms of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Edward Gerald Tava
Variables Influencing Cooperative Escape and Aggressive Behavior, Robert Walter Taylor
The Effects of Differential Delay of Knowledge of Results in a Motor Learning Task, Philip Teitelbaum
A Survey of Michigan School Psychologists: Some Facts and Opinions, Elisabeth Rebecca Thall
A Study of the Relative Effectiveness of Three Methods of Teaching an Unfamiliar Speech Sound, Nancy A. Thompson
An Analysis of Internal Reporting Systems in Commercial Banks, Gordon Eugene VanBeek
Visual Recognition Following Periods of Sensory Deprivation and Sensory Bombardment, Thomas W. Vodde
The Relation of Aggression to Escape Opportunity, Marshall Wolfe
Stability and Physical Parameters of Ribosomes from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Cynthia R. Y. Yang
Theses from 1966
The Effects of Pentobarbital Upon the Gross Activity of the White Rat and Modification of These Effects by Means of Water Immersion, Dominic Amante
Strain Differences in Alcohol Preference on Guinea Pigs and Experimental Manipulation of Preference by Forced Alcohol Consumption, Gerald L. Appleman
Activity in a Random Light-Dark Environment, Robert O. Baldwin
Foreign University Students’ Image of the United States of America, Austra P. Balks
The Effects of Varying Shock Intensifies on the Behavior of Domestic Fowl, Howard F. Bracco
Anonymous Versus Identifiable Individual Judgments Under Social Influence, Charles J. Campolo
The Effect of Neurosecretions from the Cerebral Ganglia on Blood Glucose Levels in Lumbricus Terrestris, Joan VanderPol Craig
Game Theory and Power Politics, Michael Decker
Sexual Receptivity and Fertility of Androgen Induced Persistent Estrous Rats, Norman Donald Diebel
Identification of Long-Tenure Hourly Factory Workers Using a Weighted Application Blank, Joffrey Michael Dornon
Biographical Data Related to Achievement in Undergraduate Psychology, Keith E. Fleming
Hydrolysis of Benzohydroxamic Acid, Robert L. Fuller
Japanese - American Relations, 1941: A Preface to Pearl Harbor, Edward Gorn
Evaluation of an Inservice Training Program for Psychiatric Attendants, Homer D. Green
Nickelous Nitrate Hexahydrate and Its Effect on Reproduction in the Mouse, Marvin R. Guthaus
A Technique for Teaching Science in the Junior High School, Thomas S. Harro
A Study of the Base Catalyzed Decompositions of Azoacetates, David V. Herman
The Effects of Estrogenic and Gonadotrophic Hormones on Normal Levels of Some Blood Chemical Constituents in the Non-Breeding Female Mallard Duck, Wendell F. Hofman
Studies on the Ribosomal Ribonucleic Acids from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Alice A. Holazo
A Comparative Approach into the Differentiation of Two Strains of Staphylococci, Walter D. Hosksema
Supervisory Attitude Change through Reward of Verbal Behavior, Gary A. Howitt
An Examination of the Attitudes of Students in Clinical Training Toward Concepts Judged Important to the Therapeutic Process, David B. Ingram
The Effect of the Norm of Reciprocity in a Two-Person Non-Zero-Sum Game, Thomas G. Jacks
A Study of Child Rearing Attitudes Among Negro Mothers Residing in a Low Status Neighborhood, Curtis J. Jones
Dogmatism and Decision-Making in a Variable Risk Situation, Robert E. Jones
Discrepancies between Historical Accounting Data and the Theoretical Data Requirements for Economical Order Quantity Application, James Edward Joyce
Studies on the Preparation of Tetrasubstituted Hydrazones, William Kao
The Effect of Morphine on Pain-Elicited Aggression in Rats, Dagnija Kaskurs
The Application of the Verwey-Overbeek Theory to the Relative Sediment Volume of Kaolin-Water Dispersions, James E. Kline
The Ideal Historian, Ruler, and Philosopher as Envisioned in the Writings of Otto, Bishop of Freising, Lynn Lindeman
An Examination of the Concepts and Critics of the Theories of Mass Society, Jeffrey Stephen Margolis
Perception and the Administrator an Investigation into the Perceptual Areas of Difference Between the Various Levels of an Organization, W. W. McIntire
Six Dimensions of Religiosity and Riesman's Inner/Other-Direction, Edward E. McKenna
An Outline for Physical Geography in the Secondary School, David S. Mellander
Studies on the Effects of Commercial Detergents on Cucumber and Barley, Marylu Elizabeth Mudd
The Relation of Anxiety Level to the Performance of an Abstract Reasoning Task Under Stressful and Non-Stressful Conditions, Melvin J. NeCamken
The Study of the Metal Complexes of Alpha Aminohydroxamic Acids, Richard N. Nipe
Effects of Ribonuclease upon the Regenerating Tissue of Conditioned Planaria, Harland E. Noll
Walsingham and Burghley: Factionalism in the Privy Council Under Elizabeth I, John W. Nott
Synthesis of a Substituted Tetrahydropyrimidopyrimidine, Jack Lee Parsons
Conditioned Suppression in Humans, Eric W. Pott
Sir Frederick Lugard, World War I and the Amalgamation of Nigeria 1914-1919, John F. Riddick
Conditioned Avoidance to Water Following Exposure to X-Irradiation, Albert E. Roberts
A Report of Early Professional Experiences, Joy Rogers
The Relationship Between Shock Duration and Shock Induced Fighting in the Domestic Hen, Elliott Seligman
The Agrarian Revolution in Kenya, Margie Senkowski
An Investigation of the Surface Temperature Distribution in the Detroit Region, Allen R. Smith
The Politics of Urban Renewal in Outstate Michigan, Lewis E. Soli
The Prediction of Trainee Success in Manpower Development and Training Programs, Donald A. Sommerfeld
An Investigation of the Use of the Semantic Differential for Assessing Reactions to Stuttering Behavior, Douglas J. Spurlock
Order and Organization as Problems of Developing Political Systems: Ghana and Nigeria, Hugh Michael Stevenson
Effects of Radiation upon Consumption of Alcohol as a Discriminated Fluid Stimulus in the Rat, Joseph A. Straka
Pain Elicited Aggression as a Function of Withdrawal from Morphine Addiction, Brian G. Teel
The Effect of Deprivation Level on Resistance to Extinction: A Test of a Single Organism Design, Enzo Richard Valenzi
Budget Effects on Defense Planning, Charles Ventura
A Synoptic Air Mass Climatology of the Eastern United States, Robert I. Wittick
Dimethyl Sulfoxide Oxidation of Primary Alcohols, Carmen Vargas Zenarosa
Theses from 1965
The Reaction of Metal Hydrides with Azoacetates, Thomas H. Althuis
The Effects of Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride upon Temporally Spaced Responding, Stephen M. Bean
Great Britain and the Balkan Crisis of 1875-1878, Carol Zainfeld Becker
The Orientation and Mobility Needs of Blind Youth in a Highly-Impacted Metropolitan Area, Lawrence E. Blaha
An Exploratory Investigation of the Indifferent Pattern of Accommodation to Work-Related Organizations, John E. Blissick
An Investigation of Adaptation to the Delayed Auditory Feedback Effect by Normal Speakers, Nelson H. Bormann
The Effects of Prior Success or Failure and Subsequent Deviant Verbal Behavior on Group Puzzle Completion, James L. Bowditch
A Comparison of Authentic and Simulated MMPI Profiles, Gaylis D. Brown
Aminomethylation and Hydroxymethylation of 6-Mercaptopublne and 6-Alkylthiopubines, Charles P. Bryant
Study of the Stereochemistry of a Carbanion Generated from an Azoacetate, Nguyen Thanh Buu
An Exploratory Study of the Effect of Aggressive Feelings and Their Relation to Humor Preference, J. Edward Chase
A Study of the Fluctuation of Some Blood Chemical Constituents In Relation to the Reproductive Cycle of the Mallard Duck, Edward H. Decker
The Preparation of 5-Arylazopyrimidines, Frederic Edwin Dutton