All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1965
Carcinostatic Sulfonic Acid Esters of Selected 1,4-Diols, Robert A. Earl
The Effects of Sensory Deprivation on Projection, Bryan R. Ellis
The Effect of Changes in the Requirements of Fixed Ratio Schedules on Post-Reinforcement Pauses and Rate of Response, Mark Irving Felton
Negligence in the Operation of Business Aircraft, Daniel J. Garber
A Study of Stereotype Perceptions of Northern and Southern College Students, G. Lance Gilbert
American Policy in Korea, 1867-1954, Ernest Gilman
The Utilization of Artillery and Mortars as Infantry Support Weapons in the Chaco War, Charles John Goodall
Helianthus Annuus - The Separation and Identification of a New Fatty Acid, Donald C. Gruber
Examiner Influence on the Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Robert G. Hamilton
Interests, Attitudes and Personality Patterns of Undergraduate Students in Speech Pathology and Audiology, Sandra Mary Henderson
A Comparative Study of the Pollen Morphology of the Solanaceae (Nightshade Family) of Michigan, Ronald A. Kudile
Land Utilization in the Allegan State Forest: A Historical Geography, Martin Lemerand
The Effects of Word Affectivity and Mode of Presentation on Retention, Lawrence W. Lezotte
An Investigation of the Maturation of Articulation of Elementary School Children, Thomas D. Marshall
The Social Implications of Dante’s Commedia, Judson I. Mather
The Polarizing Effects of Inhibitors upon the Reaction of Iron with Hydrochloric Acid, Duane L. Mickelson
Study of the Reliability of Peer Nominations and Their Relationship with Nominations by Superiors within an Established Organization, Ronald W. Miller
Parental Care of the Eastern Kingbird and the Great Crested Flycatcher, Elmer L. Morehouse
The Effect of Interlist Similarities on Verbal Transfer in Paired-Associate Learning, Marylyn Morrell
An Investigation of the Relationships between Judgements of Esophageal and Artificial Larynx Speech Made by Sophisticated and Naïve Judges, Gerald Robert Moses
Social Distance Attitudes of College Students Toward Three Minority Groups, Dennison W. Nichols
U.S. Foreign Aid Policy: Its Impact on Public Opinion, Jane L. Olson
Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Diffusion in Paraffin Oil, David E. Parker
Father Charles E. Coughlin and the Formation of the Union Party 1936, Michael H. Parsons
The Private Session in Michigan Council-Manager City Government, Dale H. Poel
Reaction of Dihydropyran with Substituted Benzenesulfonyl Azides, Douglas L. Rector
Time Effects of Subthreshold Stimuli Upon Supraliminal Stimuli, Martin Resnick
Kalamazoo, Michigan, and the Formation of the Republican Party of Michigan, James M. Rigterink
Plant-Derived Pigments and Dyes Used By Artists, Samuel C. Rizzetta
Synthesis of Potential Anti-Tumor Agents Related to Ethanolamine. I. Phenoxyacetic Acid Derivatives, Kenneth Wayne Rodarmer
United States Dollar Diplomacy in China During the Taft Administration, In Suk Ro
A Study of the Relationship of the Verb-Adjective Ratio in Linguistic Construction to Induced Stress, Bruce A. Schurman
Banesism and Molinism in Theory and Practice, Rev. Burns K. Seeley
Anglo-American Isthmian Diplomacy and the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, George W. Shipman
The Calculation of the Cross-Section of the Interaction between Two Yang-Mills Fields, Richard A. Starr
Boom to Bankruptcy the Story of the Manistee and Northeastern Railroad, Donald Stroup
Virginia Evangelicals and the American Revolution: The Role of the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Methodist Clergy, William Jennings Terman
History of the Port of St. Joseph- Benton Harbor, James A. Tolhuizen
Personality Differences Between Two Fundamental Religious Samples and a Sample of the General Population, Ross O. Ward
The Effect of Instructions on Problem Solving Efficiency, Douglas Allen Webb
Phase shift analysis of protons elastically scattered by 016 near Ep = 8.3 MeV, Glenn D. Westin
An Exploratory Study of Deferred Gratification Patterns of Junior High School and Senior High School Drop-Outs and Part-Time Attenders, Charles T. Woods
Theses from 1964
A Study of the Work Functions of Nigerian Industrial Technicians, Olugbenro A. Ajayi
Reliability of Aircraft Altitude Estimates by Ground Observers, Euegene W. Benson
The Relationship Between Various Wave Lengths and Dark Adaptation, Thomas Eugene Berghage
The Russian Revolution of 1905 as Depicted by Contemporary American Reports, with Special Emphasis on the "Bloody Sunday" Incident of January 22, 1905, Patrick Kay Bidelman
Construction and Validation of Six Mental Health Sub-Scales by Age, Sex, and Educational Status, Thomas James Boynton
A Measurement of the Spin Relaxation Time of Optically Pumped Rubidium Vapor, Robert Oliver Breault
Pachycereus Marginatus Alkaloids, John M. Brewer
An Investigation of the Effect of Auditory and Combined Auditory-Visual Cues Upon Judged Intelligibility of Artificial Larynx Speech and Esophageal Speech, Mary Ellen Carder
Relation between Use of Lincomycin and Outgrowth of Yeast, Howard W. Clapp
Some Effects of Photoperiodicity on the Temperatures and Weights of Bobwhites, Bernard J. Cripps
The Reaction of Ketosemicarbazones with Lead Tetraacetate, Thomas M. Davies
An Investigation of the Influence of the Suprapharyngeal Ganglia upon Water Balance and on Osmoregulation in Lumbricus Terrestris, Richard M. Dennany
Individual Differences in the Reduction of Cognitive Dissonance, Richard S. Dunn
And Yet I Have Loved Him: The Judgement of William of Saint Thierry on Peter Abelard, Rozanne Elder
The Affect of Simultaneous Auditory Stimulation on Absolute Visual Sensitivity, Leonard M. Fisher
Relationship between Home Management and Ability to Manage Interpersonal Relationships, Carol Rathbun Fites
A Study of Certain Effects of Local and Topical Anesthetics on the Speech of Stutterers, Charles Michael Gross
Christianity Encounters Totalitarianism in Germany, Viola M. Gross
U. S. Gold Policy from April 1933 to De Facto Stabilization of the Dollar Upon a Gold. Basis in January 1934, Robert A. Hageman
Comparative Myology of the Pectoral Girdle of Microtus Pennsylvanicus and Pedomys Ochrogaster, Marie Hagerman
Ailred of Riveaulx the Consistency of His Life and Writings with His Thought and His Profession as Cistercian Monk, Tyrrell Hughes
Investigations of Neutron Collimators and Detector Systems Used in a Neutron-Capture Internal-Conversion Apparatus, William Charles Johnston
Angular correlation of CO60, Henry Kuhlman
An Examination of the Purchase and Pooling of Interests Methods for Recording Business Combinations, James J. Leisenring
Group Cohesiveness and Group Productivity, Michael M. Makedonsky
The Effect of Induced Movement of Induced Movement on the Naming of Pictured Objects and Persons-One Aspect of Thinking, Jack A. Nottingham
An Analysis of the Rapacki Plan to Denuclearize Central Europe, James R. Ozinga
The Development of Collective Investment Funds for Bank Trust Departments, Floyd L. Parks
An Investigation of the Influence of Certain Phonetic Contexts upon Articulation of the /S/ Sound, Theodore J. Peters
The Feasibility of an Automated System of Statistical Package Fill Control, David E. Portinga
An Investigation into the Possible Relationship Between Phonic Ability and Articulatory Defectiveness in University Students, Ralph W. Redel
An Analysis of Cytological Screening for Cervical Cancer (A 7 Year Survey), Phoebe E. Rutherford
An Investigation of Food Deprivation and Competition on Hoarding Behavior in the Domestic Cat, Jo Ann Sinclair
Investigation of Possible Autotoxicity in Daucus Carota L., Carole Greer Smith
Southern Expansion in the Caribbean Region, 1850-1860, Keith Ross Speiran
The Position of the City Manager in Decision Making in Kalamazoo, Michigan City Government, John Adrian Straayer
A Study of the Government of Parchment, Michigan, Shirley Forbes Swenson
An Exploratory Study of the Effect of Feeling and Behavior Upon Judgment, Wayne Van Zomeren
An Investigation of the Visual Processes Involved in the Vertical-Horizontal Illusion, Robert L. Vette
Andrew Jackson: Blackbird of L’arbre Croche, Grace Walz
An Investigation of Employee Attitudes and Employee Performance, Richard V. Washburn
The Reaction to Ketoacylhydrazones with Lead Tetraacetate, Lavern M. Weisenberger
Analysis of the Relationship of Items on an Employment Application to Length of Service, Margery Hidenach White
Theses from 1963
Federal – Local Relations: A Case Study of the City of Kalamazoo in 1962, Glen L. Bachelder
A Study of Verbal Output, Relating to Otsego Public School First Grade Students with Functional Articulatory Defects, John M. Bartholomy
Areas of Knowledge and Skills Essential to Occupational Therapists in Clinical Psychiatry --A Critical Study of 395 Performance Examples, Elizabeth A. Boles
Learning Set Formation in the Guinea Pig, Paul E. Burk
The Teaching of Succession through the use of Pond Infusion Cultures, James E. Cole
A Comparison of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar Albino Rats on Maze Learning Ability, Richard W. Daniels
Employment Opportunities for Marketing Graduates: A Mail Survey of the 500 Largest U.S. Industrial Corporations as Listed in the Fortune Directory 1962, Max L. Densmore
Factors Which Caused Changes in the Marketing Practices of the Sutherland Paper Company in the Period 1950-1960, Leslie C. Eaton
An Investigation of the Influence of the Suprapharyngeal Ganglion upon Oxygen Consumption of Resting Lumbrious Terrestris, William E. Elzinga
Development of a Two Channel Counter for Measurement of Faraday Rotations, Donald R. Flach
Microenvironmental Conditions of the Day Resting Places of Cottontail Rabbits, Orin Gelderloos
An Examination and Analysis of Current Supervisory Development Programs in Municipal Police Departments, Stanley W. Kelley
United We Serve Relief Efforts of the Women of New York City During the Civil War, Phyllis Korzilius
The Road to Murfreesboro: The Eleventh Michigan Volunteer Infantry from Organization Through Its First Battle, Wayne C. Mann