All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1963
The Effect of Renal Artery Constriction on the Course of Pregnancy in the Laboratory Rat, Julie Jones Medlin
Preparation of the CIS and TRANS Isomers of Methylcyclohexanecarboxylic Acids and Their 2-Diethylaminoethyl Esters, Paul Allen Meulman
Absent Fathers and Problem Behavior, A Comparison of Children from Broken and Unbroken Homes, Earl Walter Morris
Preparation and Properties of 3, 3’ -disbubstituted-2, 2’ – Three-Carbon-Atom Bridged Biphenyls, Allan E. Nader
Behavioral Interactions in a Fixed Aggregation of Bobwhites, Jack Pierce
The Radical Right and Its Influence upon American Foreign Policy, David Stringer Roberts
An Investigation of Creative College Students Using Two Measures of Flexibility, John L. Roberts
Anatomical Associations on the Rorschach Test as a Predictor of Assaultive Behavior, Keith O. Schmidt
A Study of Time Management – By a Selected Group of Employed Homemakers, Patricia M. Skrocki
Labor Turnover as a Factor in Personnel Evaluation, James D. Taylor
A Modified Procedure for the Quantitative Determination of Fluoride and the Application of This Procedure to a Fluoride Balance Study in Children, Beatrice Shuang Wu
Theses from 1962
Secondary Reinforcement and the Discrimination Hypothesis, J. David Barcik
The Reaction of N-Magnesium Halides on Nitriles in the Synthesis of Amidines, Robert Bauer
A Study of Personality Dimensions Associated with Creative Individuals, Michael J. Bodi
The Effect of Sensory Deprivation on Responses to the Word Association Test, Robert Mitchell Browning
An Investigation of a Possible Correlation between Metallic Elements in Human Hair and Coronary Heart Disease, Lamar E. Bullock
A Study of Aging in an Old Order Amish Mennonite Community, Louise Chahbazi
The Effects of Selected Factors on Design Sensitivity, Leslie Horshal Cochran
Attempts in the Synthesis of T-Alkylhydrazines, Richard A. Evans
A Study of the Variables Influencing Subliminal Perception, Daniel Gilman
The Congressional Phase of the Military Budget, 1961: A Study in Civil Military Relations, Leland E. Hall
Effect of Differentiation of Alternatives on Prolongation of Spontaneous Alternation the Y-Maze, Clarence D. Hammond
Specific Language Disability as Related to Clinical Failure in Public School Speech Therapy, G. Lorraine Hansen
On the Use of Tris (Hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane as a Diluent in Quantitative Analyses of Soil Bacteria, Barry L. Keller
A Method of Evaluating First Line Supervisory Training, Benjamin I. Killian
A Follow-up Study of Business Administration Graduates from Western Michigan University January, 1953 to August, 1961, David T. Kollat
Comparison of Alcohol Offenses of College Students with Those of Persons in a Similar Age Group Who Have Not Had College Experience, Cornelis Laban
The Construction of Two Light Sources with Adequate Intensity for Magneto-Optical Rotatory Dispersion Experiments, Norman D. Love
An Investigation of Drift-Covered Environments Using the Shallow Reflection Seismic Method, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Thomas Patrick Luby
An Investigation of the Genetic Basis of Alcoholism, Daniel F. Malamud
Prediction of Creativity by Two Parts of the AC Test of Creative Ability, David Austin Morris
A Survey of Merit Rating in Industry, N. K. Nahavandi
A Comparative Study of Musical Memory in Children with Articulation Disorders and Normal Speaking Children, Alf E. Preus
Fluctuations of Abundance of Planktonic Rotifers in a Polluted Portion of the Kalamazoo River, Rudolph Prins
A Critical Analysis of the Development of an American Business Apologetic from Knight and the Libertarians to Selekman and the New Business Moralists, Magondi N. Rudrabasavaraj
A Pilot Study of The Upper Pitch Limits of Young Children as Measured by Psychogalvanic Skin Resistance Audiometry, Lawrence M. Smith
The Effect of Food and Drug Laws on Producers of Paper and Paperboard used for the Packaging of Food, Charles W. Walton
The Correlation of Spectra and Steric Effects in Alkyl and Aryl Hydrazones, Dennis J. Weber
An Investigation into the Possible Relationship Between Reading Ability and Functional Articulatory Defective Speech, Joan Elizabeth Weir
The Effects of Sensory Deprivation upon the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Douglas J. Wolter
Studies Involving Modification of the Megregian Method of Fluoride Determination and Application to Fluoride Balance Studies in Infants, Gene R. Wright
Theses from 1961
A Study of Figural After-Effects in the Inverted-“T”-Illusion, Wayne H. Bartz
The First British Labor Government 1924, Donald Black
An Investigation of the Horizontal-Vertical Illusion, Frederick J. Boersma
Constant X of the Alcoholic Personality, Jean Carpenter
The Reaction of N, N-Disubstituted Ketohydrazones with Lead Tetraacetate, Elisabeth Cerda
Buttressing Effect in 3, 3' -Disubstituted-2, 2' -Three-Carbon-Atom Bridged Biphenyls, Yunn Hui Chiang
The Conception of the Proper Work of a Missionary in the Correspondence of Boniface, Albert Crawford
A Survey of the Status of Secondary School Intramural Sports for Boys in the State of Michigan, Robert Epskamp
Fort St. Joseph Under French Control: 1693-1760, Cornelius Eringaard
An Investigation of Dramatic Arts Programs and Attitudes in Sixteen Counties of Southwestern Michigan, Philip F. Faustman
A Study of the Application of Science and Mathematics in Industrial Arts, Jack David Fox
An Investigation of the Identification of One’s Own Voice by Speech Defective and Normal Speaking Children, Robert L. Frankenberger
Evaluation of Hydroxyprogesterone Acetate in the Prevention of Canine Estrus, Kenneth B. Haas
The Building and Establishment of Washington, 1788-1809, Robert C. Harris
English Radicalism and Political Reform in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in Applied Philosophy, Grace Rogers Mauzy
A Comparison between Signal-to-Noise Ratios of Stutterers and Normal Speakers, Allen A. Montgomery
A Survey of Current Techniques for Selecting First-Line Supervisors in Industry, Linford A. Sutherland
Introducing Aquatic Ecology to Ninth Graders, Inez P. Sutton
Validity of the Goodenough Draw-A-Man Test with Children Aged Four, Five, and Six, Jaren Van Den Heuvel
Two Forms of Somatic Concern, Philip Van Every
Theses from 1960
Studies on the Role of the Seed Coat in the Germination of Rhodotypos Kerrioides, Glenn H. Campbell
Beliefs and Attitudes of Recent High School Graduates on the Subject of Beverage Alcohol, Francis E. Chape
Factors of the Microclimate Affecting the Activity of Fox Squirrels in Southwestern Michigan, Frederick K. Courville
Children's Associations to the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Designs, Margaret J. Garvey
A Survey to Determine the Attitudes and Opinions of Young People Toward a Career in Supermarket Management, William O. Haynes
A Follow-Up Study of Industrial Technology Graduates from Western Michigan University, Dale Donald King
Community Driver Education: A Study of the Driver Education Program of the Kalamazoo Area Safety Council, Milton J. Marovich
A Follow-Up Study of Western Michigan University Graduates with Majors in Industrial Arts, Richard Duane Murphy
The Relationship between Achievement and Laboratory Work in High-School Physics, Herbert W. Richter
Notes on the Tardigrades of Southwestern Michigan, James J. Sawtell
Business-Sponsored Films for Physical Science, Bertha Elizabeth Slye
The Extinction of an Instrumental Response as a Function of the Size of the Reward and the Number of Acquisition Trials, Venan E. Thompson
Gladstone, the Irish Home Rule Question, and Its Effect on the Liberal Party, Kenneth John Van Dellen
Theses from 1959
The Effect of Recorded Lateral Lisping on Listener Comprehension, Leslie Gene Adkins
The Relationship between Verbal Facility and Delayed Speech Feedback, Charles Joseph Arens
An Attempt to Demonstrate a Learned Drive Based on Saline Induced Thirst, David G. Born
An Investigation of the Relationship of Tongue Clicking to Mandibular Descent, Amy Louise Bricker
An Analysis of the Articulation Errors in Spontaneous Speech of One Hundred Children with Lisps, Paula C. Downs
A Study of the Latvian Exile-Immigrant Group in Kalamazoo, Henry George Halla
The Correspondence of Error Between the Voiced and Unvoiced Cognates “s” and “z” in Children with Articulatory Disorders, Gerald F. Johnson
The Apparent Effects Of RH Hapten Ingestion On The Circulating Blood Phosphorus, Barbara Lyke
A Study of the Effects of Delayed Side-Tone Upon Voiced and Whispered Reading Time, Bruce Presten Ryan
Hymnody in the Liturgical Aspects of Worship, Philip Steen
An Analysis of the School Shop Maintenance Activities of Industrial Education Teachers in a Selected Group of Michigan Schools, Alan Roman Suess
The Relationship of Union Attitude to Work Performance, Donald Leo Wass
A Study of Trans-Apparatus Generalization and the Effects of Reward and Non-Reward, Roderick Wong
Theses from 1958
The Effects of Manifest Anxiety on Stuttering Adaptation, Joseph Agnello
The Effect of the Free Throw on the Outcome of Basketball Games, Leo Paul Boller
The Use of Art Activities in the Later Elementary Social Studies Program, Maryellen Harsha
The Effect of Recorded Stuttering on Listener Compression, Harold Walter William Homann
The Analysis and Evaluation of Supervisory and Managerial Personnel, Robert A. Huston
An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Congressional Campaign in Fourth Congressional District, Richard Earl Marshall
Discrimination as a Function of Sex and Meaning of Stimuli, Thomas Joseph Schmitz
The Status of Upward Communication in Area Industry, John Clinton Schweitzer
A Survey of Management Opinions of Noise in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Carola Trittin
Theses from 1957
An Investigation of Certain Factors Influencing the Testing of Auditory Phonetic Discrimination, Warren Scott Curtis
An Ecological Survey of Maple Products as a Natural Resource of Athens Township, Calhoun County, State of Michigan, Ralph P. Gies