All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1968
Personality and Drinking Behavior of Alcohol and Non-Alcohol Offenders, Kent Allen Laudeman
Numerical Evaluations of the Virial Integrals, Li-Hwa Lee
An X-Ray Diffraction Study by the Powder Method of Solid Solutions in the System ZnO-CrO3-H2O at 25° C, William Alan Livingston
Vocational Interests and Curriculum Satisfaction of Juniors at Western Michigan University: A Pilot Study, Reiko Matsumura
Human Extinction Responding Following VI and VI-CRF Schedules of Reinforcement, Vaughn Thomas Mawhinney
Defensive Football, John H. McAvoy
An Inquiry into the Origins, Bibliography and Literary Analyses of Sir Orfeo, Michael E. Moriarty
Using an Inquiry Technique in Seventh Grade Science, LaMoine L. Motz
A Study of a Graphical Valued Function Associated With an Extension of Graphs, Douglas W. Nance
Comparative Osteology of Black-Capped and Carolina Chickadees, Sharon Olson
An Attempt to Develop a Model as a Secondary Reinforcer and Elicitor by Observational Learning, John William Pangburn
Le Developpement Des Idées Politiques de Francois Mauriac, Marcel Elisee Pichot
A Category of Banach Spaces, Kenneth Leroy Pothoven
Extensions of the Sigma and Tau Functions, Meredith Woods Potter
The Effects of Reinforcement and Classroom Activity on Vocal Behavior, Eugene Ramp
Application of Reinforcement Principles to the Modification of Isolate Behavior in a Withdrawn Child, Patricia C. Rinaldi
School Racial Composition: A Social-Psychological Study of Self Images and Achievement, Ellyn Ruth Robert
Discrimination Decrement in an Auditory Task as a Function of Time during a Prolonged Vigil, Wain Saeger
Economic Consequences of the European Economic Community: A Study of Economic Integration, Edward L. Sattler
A Study of Blood Constituent Levels and the Influence of Certain Environmental Factors upon Them in the Wild Mallard Duck, Christopher Louis Schatte
Application of Delayed Conditioning Procedures to the Behavior Problems of an Elementary School Child, Michael L. Schwarz
The Effect of Puromycin on Protein Synthesis of Cell Free Systems from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Philip Y. Shen
A Study of Intelligence and Its Measurement as It Pertains to the Preschool Deaf Child, Patricia H. Slesdet
Mössabauer Studies of Impurity Tin Atoms in Indium, Richard L. Smith
Personality Changes in Counselor Education, Robert Leonard Smith
The Effects of Confirmation and Disconfirmation of the Self-Concept on Task Performance under Two Test Conditions, Richard Craig Steele
The Validation of Tests Used to Select Secretarial and Clerical Employees at Western Michigan University, James Benjamin Stephens
Suggested Methods of Evaluating and Modifying Visual Perceptual Deficiencies as Related to Reading Disorders in Early Elementary Grades, Kenneth Elmer Sturm
Preparation and Properties of 2, 3, 4, 6-Tetramethoxybenzotropylium Perchlorate Salts, Robert E. Suder
An Elementary Student as a Behavioral Engineer, Paul R. Surratt
Generalization of a Relational Discrimination, John G. Svinicki
Stimulus Generalization along the Light Intensity Dimension as a Function of Discrimination Training, Marilla D. Svinicki
Positron Annihilation in Single Crystal Zinc at 250 Degrees Centigrade, Jon Wayne Swanson
Concentration and Fatty Acid Distribution of Aortic Cerebrosides in Cholesterol-Fed and Normal Rabbits, Robert V. P. Tao
An Investigation of the Relationship between Attitudes toward Beverage Alcohol and Dogmatism, Ronald Dean Teed
The Establishment and Maintenance of Mechanical Skills with Severely and Profoundly Retarded Males, Stephen C. Thornson
Two Indices of Aggression: Aggressive Fantasy and Change in Pupil Size, Filipinas S. Tinio
Social Status and Four Dimensions of Religiosity: Church-Like and Sect-Like Religious Involvement, Gerald A. Van Spronsen
The Effects of Response Group Size and Reinforcement Probability on the Rate of Generalized Imitative Responding in Adult Psychotics, Paul Douglas Vander Velde
Cue Conflict and Apparent Visual Movement, Michael Gerard Walraven
Fluorescence Studies of Cobalt (III) Complexes, Arnold T. Weibel
An Investigation of the Effect of Response-Contingent Shock on Stuttering Behavior, Kenneth Welt
The Dispersing Power of Oxidized Starches on Aqueous Pigment Suspensions, Louis K. Wilhelm
The Rate of Processing Visual Information within the Human Organism, Thomas E. Wilkins
A Statistical Analysis of the Factors Influencing Student Achievement and Instructional Effectiveness in the Audio-Tutorial Biological Science Program at Western Michigan University, William Lawrence Wissinger
The Effects of Non-Contingent Positive and Negative Reinforcers upon Escape Behavior, Gerald A. Young
The Effects of Information and Training on the Discrimination of Size in Different Planes of Space, Peter W. Zinkus
The Effects of Librium, Meprobamate and Phenobarbital on Shock Elicited Aggression and General Activity, Thomas R. Ziske
A Comparison of the Effects of Generalized Conditioned Reinforcement and Discrete Conditioned Reinforcement on Human Lever Press Responding Under Different Deprivation Conditions, Steven I. Zlutnick
Theses from 1967
A Descriptive Analysis of the Kalamazoo Consultation Center for Clergy, Arthur Eckert Bilyeu
Lattice Topologies, Alan A. Bishop
Aggression Caused by Withdrawal from Morphine, Irene Ann Bitinas
The Evaluation of Certain Serum Iron Analyses by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, James Allan Boersma
The Junior High School Librarian and Requirements beyond the Daily Library Schedule, Brenda May Branyan
The Effect of Indicator Velocity on Observer Response Time, Brian F. Briggs
An Investigation of the Protein Quality of Several Protein Materials, Marvin Eugene Buck
Achievement Motivation and Leadership Opinion, John Maxwell Clark
Metal Complexes of 1-Substituted-3-Hidroxyueeas, James C. Dabrowiak
A Study of Cotorsion Groups, Arlo D. Davis
A Survey of Employment Needs and Opportunities for Office Workers in Muskegon County, Kenneth L. Deal
Yugoslav Ideology and Its Importance to the Soviet Bloc: An Analysis, Christine Deichsel
Ideological Orientations of the New Left, John Henry Dinse
The Effect of Ribonucleic Acid on Learning in the White Rat, L. Duane Dove
A Geographic Interpretation of the Growth and Development of Constantine, Michigan, Mary Jeanne Dowty
An Investigation of the Refractive Index of Selected Liquids in the Ultraviolet, Robert Bruce Eaton
A Method for the Calculation of the Electric Microfield Distribution in a System of Charged Hard Spheres, Ronald M. Flegal
Pain Elicited Aggression as a Function of Withdrawal from Etonitazene Dependency, John Florea
A Correlational Study of Factors Utilized in Counselor Candidate Selection at Western Michigan University, Mary Lou Garrison
A Study of the Accuracy of Prediction Motion in Depth, Neal I. Gelfand
A Content Analysis of Philippine School Textbooks: A Study of Political Socialization and Development, Larry Lee Grosser
Effects of Monaural and Binaural Delayed Auditory Feedback on Reading Time of Stutterers and Non-Stutterers, Barry E. Guitar
The Spatial Context of the Church Building in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Harmon G. Hart
Charcoal: Its Multifarious Effect in a Rural Guatemalan Community, John G. Hehr
The Sensation Seeking Scale as a Predictor of Need for Sensory Stimulation, John C. Hocking
Voting Patterns in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Donald R. Holt
A Geographic Study Examining the Major Elements Involved in the Rise of Cotton Production in Southeast Missouri 1922-1925, Charles E. Hudson
The Development of Parzival as an Ideal Knight, Susan S. Huston
Relationship of Chronological Age to Kindergarten Admission, Basil E. Johnson
The Counseling Process and College Freshmen in Home Economics, Alice M. Kavanaugh
A Study of the Audit Opinions Issued by Certified Public Accountants, Thomas P. Klammer
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Establishment, Density, and Strength of Merion Kentucky Bluegrass Sod Grown on a Mineral Soil, Kent W. Kurtz
The Elastic Scattering of 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV Gamma Rays from Lead at 29°, Larry L. Learn
Pyrolysis Kinetics of Ethyl Nitrate, Betty Meihorng Lee
Approach to Nickel-Tin Alloy Electrodeposition and Parameters of the Nickel Tartrate Complex, Kenley R. Lee
Constant Elements of Soviet Inspection Proposals for Disarmament, Philip Clifton Lewis
Development of a Method for Measuring Magneto-Optical Rotatory Dispersion, Donald K. Loving
The Effect of Past Experience on the Perception of Visual Apparent Movement, Robert J. Lyngen
Slavery in Colonial Massachusetts, Thomas A. Malloy III
A Study of Lommel Functions, Robert Glenn Mayo
Social Reinforcement and Generalization of Changes in Verbal Behavior Development, William J. Mayville
Preparation and Spectral Studies of Heterocyclic Hydrazone Analogs, Michael McAneny
The Application of Behavioral Principles to the Modification of an Acting Out Child's Classroom Behavior in a Regular Classroom, Marjorie M. McArthur
A Study of the Effect of the National Science Foundation Course Content Improvement Materials on the School Library, Eleanor R. McKinney
A Normative Analysis of Psychological Test Results of Students Selecting Graduate Counselor Education, Buena Flor H. Mendoza
The Application of Role Theory in an Investigation of Affiliation with Alcoholics Anonymous, William Torvald Meyer
The Effects of Magnesium Pemoline on Delayed Interval Responding, Richard Dykes Millar
An Indirect Spectrophotometric Method for Expansion of the Optimum Concentration Range, Henry David Mitchell