All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1969
Stimulus Balance and Preference in the Japanese Quail, Richard Leon Mead
Elastic Scattering of 1.33 MeV Gamma Rays from Lead, William Jack Merrow
An Experimental Analysis of Human Social Behavior in a Competitive Situation with the Opportunity for Aggression, William A. Michael
The Generalization Effects of Initially Improved Reading Skills Upon Social and Other Academic Behavior, C. Wesley Middlebush
The Effects of Continuous Shock Punishment on FR Reinforced Behavior, John Carter Moore
Reduction of Inappropriate Behavior of Two Public Grade School Students by Operant -Conditioning, Ronald Nederhoed
The Role of the Suprapharyngeal Ganglia of Lumbricus Terrestris in Respiratory Metabolism, John D. Nelson
A Program for Teaching Self-Care Techniques to Severely Retarded Residents of an Institution for the Retarded, Timothy S. Nelson
A Cinematographical Analysis of Selected Factors Affecting the Efficient Performance of the Back Somersault in Floor Tumbling, John W. Newton
Classical Discrimination Conditioning of Pain-Elicited Aggression, Delmar A. Ozolins
Attention: Its Meaning and Its Control in the Classroom, Robert G. Packard
Preparation and Lead Tetraacetate Oxidation of Aldehydic Hydrazones, Alan J. Quarfoot
British and American Strategy in the European Theater of Operations December 1941 to August 1944, Ronald A. Refior
The Effect of the Rate of Formation on the Structure and Properties of Paper, William M. Reif
Characterization of Some Unidentified Components in Aorta Lipids, Max Elvin Royer
Response Contingent Shock and Its Effect upon Self-Injurious Behavior, William N. Schlee
Elastic Scattering of 1.33 MeV Gamma Rays from Uranium, David Rood Schwandt
An Evaluation of the Community School Program Springfield Public Schools Battle Creek, Michigan, Robert Bruce Sellers
A Comparison of Art Course Offerings in Representative Community Colleges in the Midwest, Wayne L. Shaw
Comparison of an Oral Form of the MMPI with a Booklet Form, Ronald Andrew Simia
Parental Consequation of Classroom Behavior, David J. Sluyter
Immediate Feedback and Parental Consequation of Academic Behavior, Carroll Dean Smith
A Differentiation between Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Schizophrenic Patients, Gerald H. Smith
A Comparison of Differential Response Rates with Children under Two Schedules of Reinforcement and Extinction Using Programmed Mathematics Instruction, David L. Sorenson
Staff Perceptions of Psychiatric Patients in Relation to Disruptive Behavior, Thaddeus I. Stachowiak
Changes in Rates of Food-Reinforced Bar-Pressing and Collateral Licking during a Signal Preceding Response-Independent Shock, Sander Stern
An Assessment of the Problems of Recruiting and Retaining Substitute Teachers for the Elementary Schools of the Jackson Public Schools, Jackson, Michigan, William Henry Sumner
Use of an Avoidance Paradigm in the Treatment of Torticollis, Sharon L. Surratt
Avoidance of Time-Out from, and Withdrawal of, Positive Reinforcement in Humans: Reduction in Actual and Potential Reinforcement as a Stimulus for Aggression, Brigitte Symannek
The Elastic Scattering of 1.33 MeV Gamma Rays from Tin, J. Edward Terdal
A Survey of School Plant Needs in the Grandville School District, Elmer H. Theodore
Generalization Effects of Verbal Conditioning in Chronic Schizophrenics, James Larry Tichenor
Reference Group Theory and Predisposition toward Teacher Dropout, Anton John Tomas
School Application of Delayed Conditioning Procedures to Modify Home Behavior, David Arthur Vandervelde
A Reliability and Validity Assessment of Scales Measuring the Perception of the Evaluations of Others, John A. Vonk
A Study of Some Matrix Elements for the Four-Pion Decay Mode of Neutral Bosons, George Victor Weller
The Wittig Reaction of Stabalized Phosphonium Ylids with Derivatives of D-Ribose, George Robert Wellman
A Study of Completed Suicide and Attempted Suicide in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area of Flint: Michigan, I960, Friedrich Volker Wenz
An Analysis of Worker Satisfaction, Thomas W. Westrate
Behavioral Contrast: A Comparison of Responses Maintained by Qualitatively Different Reinforcers, Paul Whelan
A Study of Trace Metals in Hair and Nails of Myasthenia Gravis Patients, Frank Melvin Whitaker
A Late Pleistocene Geography of Southwestern Michigan: A Cultural and Historical Study, David R. Williams
The Mossbauer Effect in Ferric Stearate and Ferric Oleate, Ronald L. Wilson
The Evolution and Character of the Bedding Plants Industry in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Robert F. Wiseman
A Study of Change in Secondary Teachers' Attitudes towards School Library Concepts after Instruction in Librarianship, Rulon Kent Wood
Ten Hours or No Sawdust: A Study of Strikes in the Michigan Lumber Industry 1881-1885, Daniel J. Yakes
Fabrication of Lithium Drifted Germanium Detectors of Planar Structures, Khin M. Yin
Theses from 1968
The Effects of Monetary Reinforcement on the Intelligibility Threshold for Spondee Words, John L. Allen
Rate of Extinction as a Function of the Distribution of Extinction Trials, Richard Louis Allers
Value Orientation and Game Theory, David Lloyd Andrews
Kinetics of the Thermal Decomposition of Acetonitrile, Thomas William Asmus
A Study of the Feasibility of Teaching Selected Library Science Courses by Tape and Two-Way Amplified Telephone Communication, Marguerite Baechtold
Signaled Shock Avoidance in Pigeons, John A. Bedford
A Study to Evaluate the Effect of the Minnesota Plan, (ESEA, Title II), on the Development of Selected School Libraries, Rolland Gerald Billings
The Office of the Registrar, Virgil Wesley Bopp
Effects of Discriminated Stimuli on Temporal Responding in a Free-Operant Discriminated Avoidance Procedure, Darrel Elmer Bostow
The Effects of Price Changes on Demand Deposits in Kalamazoo County, Marc A. Busman
A Social System Analysis of Preferred Leadership Role Characteristics in High School, Orel D. Callahan
Land Use Change and Natural Resource Problems on Eastern Long Island, John Edward Carroll
Spectrophotometric Studies of Complex Formation of Alpha Aminohydroxamic Acids, Jing Shyong Chen
Cerebrosides of Human Aorta: Isolation and Fatty Acid Distribution, Eric Coles
An Analysis of General Patterns and Variations in the Occurrence of Wet and Dry Days in Benton Harbor, Michigan, Linda Rae Dalrymple
The Effects of Required and Voluntary Counseling with Students of Exceptional Financial Need, Charles T. Dykstra
The Evolution of the Becket Controversy in the Twentieth Century, James Patrick Edmiston
The Construction of a Portable Hologram Camera, Michael Bruce Elzinga
The Hole and Causes of Political Instability in the Fall of Muslim Granada 1461-1492, Janice Fariborz
Characteristics of Adults Enrolled in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Adult High School Program, Walter W. Fiebig
An Attempt to Demonstrate the Presence of a Local Utero-Ovarian Transport Mechanism in the Guinea Pig by Radioisotope Tracer Techniques, Michael C. Fleck
An Analysis of Aggressive Display in the Game Cock: Response Decrement and Reinstatement, William Herbert Fullmer
A Study of the Effect of Fiber Length Distribution on the Tear Strength of a Synthetic Fiber Sheet, Kit Funderburk
Personality Differences among Three Religious Denominations, Richard Gay
A Study of the 16.7 MeV Level of the 5He, James David George
An Evaluation of a Rehabilitation Program for Adolescent Psychiatric Patients, Kenneth Richard Gibson
Classical Conditioning of Aggression: A Developmental Study, Bruce E. Gideon
Flavonoid Chemotaxonomy of Cacalia (Compositae), Paul Ernest Goldenbaum
Biochemically Instigated Avoidance of Alcohol in Hats, James Hugh Gold
A Histochemical Study of the Neurosecretory Substance(s) Controlling Osmoregulation of Lumbricus Terrestris, John W. Goudie
Angular Correlation Study of the 105 keV Level in Gd155, John B. Gouvas
The School Diagnostician Service, Everett A. Grambort
Une Comparaison du Monde de la Foret Dans le Roman de Tristan et Iseut et le Domaine Perdu Dans le Grand Meaulnes, Kay L. Griggs
The Accumulation and Retention of Radiophosphorous by Escherichia Coli, Douglas Gunnison
Synesthesia: Color-Pitch Associations and Mood Word-Pitch Associations, Walter Lawrence Hall
The Effect of Discrimination Training on Responses to a New Stimulus, Kathleen Ann Hammer
Escape from Conditioned Suppression in the Pigeon, Robert Douglas Hienz
An Investigation of Indecisive Behavior in Stutterers, John Charles Hotchkiss
An Examination of Selected Editions of Folklore for Children, Barbara Ann Hull
The Effects of a Controlled Eating and Drinking History on the Development of Schedule-Induced Polydipsia, Norman Hymowitz
Effects of Early Experience upon Open-Field Behavior and the Conditioning and Extinction of Conditioned Suppression, Larry D. Irey
The Effect of Color Training on the Perception of the Color of Geometric Forms, Larry John Ivey
The Modification and Generalization of Voice Loudness in an Emotionally Disturbed, Aphonic Girl as a Function of Reinforcement Contingencies in a Laboratory Setting, Donald Alan Jackson
The Influence of Ionic Polarizability on the High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ionic Crystals, William A. Johnston
The Participant-Run Courtship System: Sexual Behavior, Attitudes and Perception, James D. Jones
Verbal Behavior Modification of Psychotic Adults in a Group Setting, Richard J. Kale
The Secularization of Irish Society before the Norman Invasion of 1171, John Patrick Kelly
The Effect of Pregnancy and Lactation on Steroid-Induced Ulcers in the Rat, Paul A. Kelly
Generalization of a Nonmatching Discrimination, Frederick W. Kladder
A Comparison of Responses of Aphasics to Stimuli Presented by Pictures, Objects and Videotape, Lucille J. Kline