All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1971
The Impact of the Afro-Asian States on the International Labor Organization, 1960-1970, Edward F. Kamara
A Test as a Delayed Contingency for Acquiring Elementary Textual Behavior in a Classroom Setting for Trainable Retardates, Eugene A. Kaprowy
A Comparison of Three Measures of Stimulation Seeking, John L. Kasten
Time-Series Study of the Foreshore Zone in a Non-Tidal Environment, Randall Thomas Kerhin
The Influence of Visual Perception on the Academic Performance of the Mentally Retarded, Shirley A. Knapp
The *s-Product of Arithmetic Functions, Kathryn Diane Kopec
A Process Study: Developing an Elementary Language Arts Guide, Norma Korn
Avoidance and Escape Responses in a Free Operant Avoidance Procedure as a Function of Avoidance-Shock Intervals, Kathleen M. Krumhus
A Study of Isospin Mixing in 16O Near 18 MeV Exitation Energy, Li-yun Kuo
Student Dissonance toward Teachers: An Effect of Family Structure, Martha Bullock Lamberts
A History of Company C 156th Signal Battalion (Combat Area) Michigan Army National Guard in the Berlin Crisis 1961-62, Warren J. Lawrence
Elastic Scattering of Alpha Particles from 12C, Hsi-chiu Liu
Strength of Conditioned Reinforcement in Chain Schedules: The Effect of Altering Minimum Time to Reinforcement, Robert P. Ludlow
Lorentz-Invariant and Lorentz-Noninvariant Approximation Techniques in the Spin-Parity Analysis of Four-Pion Resonances, Wilson C. Lu
Patient Contributions to a Therapeutic Environment: Use of Patients as Behavioral Assistants in Occupational Therapy Settings, James Paul Mac Cormack
The Effects of Step Size, Mode of Response and Student Ability on Programmed Learning, Thomas Mackie
Schedule-Induced Polydipsia and Operant Licking: Effects of Chlorpromazine, Methamphetamine and Secobarbital, Paul Tobin Maginnis
A Study of Social Constraint as a Characteristic of Social Conditions Related to Suicide in Japan and Italy, Efrem Massano
The Effect of the Intersession Interval upon Avoidance Responding in a Free Operant Two Lever Escape-Avoidance Procedure, John Michael McCarthy
The Relation Backgrounds, IDeological Orientations, and Perceptions of the Judicial Role to Variation in Criminal Sentencing, Maureen E. McCully
The Response of the Micro-Adsorption Detector to Inorganic Cations, David P. McKay
A Study in Role Conflict: The Role of the University Research Administrator, Robert Mendelsohn
Drug Use and Abuse: Suggestions for Teaching in the Junior High School, Ardiccio Daniel Morales
The Useful Seed Plants and Plant Products of Kenya, Elizabeth A. Muthiani
Adaptation to the Functional Loss of Pinnae in Sound Localization Ability, Marvin Richard Navarro
Selecting Teachers as Role Models: Differences between White and Black Students, Bradley Everton Niles
The Effects of Diagonal Band of Broca Lesions upon Pain-Elicited Fighting and Water Intake, David A. Nolley
A Survey of Psychological Services Available to Two-Year Community College Students, Alice Hildrebrandt North
The Quantifiable Effects of Different Photographic Stimuli on Apparent Visual Movement, David L. Novak
Energy Calibration of the Western Michigan University Model en Tandem Accelerator, Michael Joseph Parrott
A Study of the Materials Used in the Teaching of Reading by Teachers with and without a Library-Media Center with a Full-Time Media Specialist, Mary Ann Paulin
Imbedding Graphs in Pseudosurfaces, Wayne S. Petroelje
Effects of Several Fixed-Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement and of Extinction upon Temporalis and Masseter Muscle Contractions in Humans, Gregory Earl Pierce
Waldensians and Franciscans a Comparative Study of Two Reform Movements in the Late Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Centuries, Stanley D. Pikaart
The Prediction of Job Success in a Plastics Company, Gerald Allen Poole
The Unwed Mothers' Family of Orientation a Study of Selected Dimensions of Familial Adaptations, Sandra J. Potter
Peripheral Blood Changes in Canada Geese and the Reproductive Condition of Three Michigan Flocks, William B. Potter
Synthesis and Proof of Structure of 2, 2-Dichloro-7H-Cyclobut-(A)-Indian-1-One: A New Route to 4, 5-Benztropolone, Thomas Renwick Potts
Participation of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Control of Vascular Capacity during Hemorrahagic Hypotension, James Robert Powell
Walter White of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Charles A. Pratt
Lower Bounds in the Stekloff Problem, Shrikant Narayan Rao
The Development of Behavioral Contrast in Human Subjects, Joel Steven Ray
A New Method for Studying Variables Controlling Television Viewing, Diana Reda
Galvanic Skin Response as a Function of Evaluative Message Content, Mode of Transmission, and Personality Traits, Richard W. Robinson
The 46th Street Site and the Occurrence of Allegan Ware in Southwestern Michigan, Margaret B. Rogers
Effects of Concentric and Eccentric Biting and Biceps Muscle Contraction on Absolute Auditory Threshold, Roland A. Sauer
A Workshop Approach to Training Paraprofessionals in the Theory and Application of Behavior Modification Principles and Techniques, Janice H. Schoonmaker
Explorations in Pre-Calculus Mathematics, Jon Wendell Scott
The Acquisition of a Complex Concept in Pigeons, James W. Siddall
An Experience with School Administration in the City of Grand Rapids, Gerald L. Siegel
Elite Aspects in Selected Thinkers of Russian Communist Thought, Julianne E. Smith
Existentialism and the Freedom Theme, Kalmain D. Smith
El Drama de Antonio Buero Vallejo: Implicaciones de La Desviacion, La Estigmatizacion, La Normalidad y Los Valores, Mary F. Smith
A Handbook for Beginning School Business Officials in Michigan, Raymond M. Sreboth
A Comparative MMPI Study of Alcoholism and Criminal Behavior, Rudolf H. Stahlberg
Report of an Internship Experience in Coordinating a Summer School Program in Eight Target Schools, Russell W. Stanton
An Analysis and Annotated Bibliography of Selected Books for Children about Negro Life, Dorothy L. Stevens
A Geographical Analysis of Selected Causes and Effects of Michigan Tornado Patterns, 1930-1969, Hans J. Stolle
Making Friends: An Inquiry into the Nature of Initial Friendship Formation, Richard Svetlaukas
Imitative Behavior in Japanese Quail, Frank Joseph Unger
An Analysis of Polydipsia as Produced by a Multiple Schedule, Joseph J. Vaal
The Cumulative Effect of Teachers' Racial Identities on Black Students: An Eight Year Study, Karen Van Wagner
The Attitude of Students, Parents, Administrators, Faculty and Staff Regarding Hours and Visitation Privileges for Women College Students, B. Margaret Voss
Three Variations in the Administration of the Cat, Margot E. Warren
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Classroom Photography on the Self-Concepts of Culturally Disadvantaged Sixth Grade Students, Donald L. Wetmore
Medieval English Urban Social History: A Search through the Chronicles, Willard T. Wolff
Fraction of Bacterial Ribosomes, Katty S. F. H. Yang
Report of Internship Experiences, Richard V. Yenchesky
Theses from 1970
An Inquiry into Limited Membership in Jamaican Peasant Communities, Kathleen Joy Adams
The Use of Reinforcement and Punishment by Differently-Oriented Counselors, Victor Alvarado
A Study of the Effectiveness of Mail Order Library Service to Rural Communtities in Upper Michigan, Dorrine Ann Anderson
Immunological and Reproductive Responses in the Male Rat Following Challenge with Homologous or Autologous Sperm, James M. Andress
The Doctrine of the Recapitulation in the Theology of Irenaeus of Lyons, Apostolos N. Andritsopoulos
Baseline Response Rate and the Effect of a Stimulus which Precedes Response-Independent Reinforcement, William M. Arnold
Pretest Case History Information and Examiner Experience as Determinants of Scoring Variability on Wechsler Intelligence Tests, Joseph J. Auffrey
Synthesis and Structure Proof of Cis-6,6-Dichloro-2-Diphenylmethylene- Bicyclo [3.2.0] Hept-3-Ene-7-One and Cis-2,2- Dichloro- 1,2,2a,7a-Tetrahydro- 7-Diphenylmethylene-Cyclobut (a) Inden-1-0ne, William Douglas Barta
The Design, Construction, and Application of a Multibeam Fiber Optics Photometric Titrator, Marlin George Bensinger
Peter the Venerable's Concept of Friendship, James B. Bettendorf
The Utility of Social Psychological Variables as Predictors of Educational Aspirations, Robert W. Bilby
The Biodegradability of Detergents and the Effects of Biodegradable Detergents upon Root Elongation of Certain Plants, Nancy Lou Bishop
The Effects of Token Reinforcement on School Attendance and Study Behavior in a Special School for Delinquent and Pre-Delinquent Juvenile Males, Michael L. Boyle
A Study of the Factors Associated with the Various Degrees of Perceived Marginality among Black Business Leaders, Janet M. Brenneman
A Systematic Investigation of the Conditioned Facilitation Phenomenon with Human Beings as Subjects, Gladys Olivia Bright
Effects of Septal and Amygdaloid Lesions on Pain-Elicited Fighting, John H. Bryant
The Effects of Light Deprivation, Housing Arrangement and Duration of Treatment in Problem Solving Behavior in the Rat, Juan Carlos Carena
The Development of a New Organizational Pattern for an Elementary School in the Fruitport School District, John W. Carlson
Small Angle Elastic Scattering of 1.33 MeV Photons from Lead, Chwan-kang Chiang
A Test of the Affects of Selected Variables on Student Attitudes toward Political Participation, Donald R. Clark
Electrophysiological Correlates of the Basolateral and Corticomedial Amygdaloid Divisions Associated with Biting-Behavior, Jon F. DeFrance
Forecasting Classroom Adjustment: The Utility of Standard Language Fluency, Anne Despres
Elastic Scattering of 1.33 MeV Gamma Rays from Uranium, Joan Sue De Vries
In Vitro Hypothalamic Stimulation of FSH Synthesis and Release in Anterior Pituitaries from Five- and Twenty-Five-Day-Old Female Rats, James A. Dibbet
Exposure to Discriminative Stimuli in Operant Extinction, John A. Dunning
A Comparison of Luteinizing Hormone and Prostaglandin F2 α Stimulation of Pseudo-Pregnant Rat Ovarian Steroidogenesis in Vitro, Ross R. Erickson
A Study of Defects in Platinum Using Positron Annihilation, Clarence D. Esseltine
Frass Production in Oak Forests in Southern Michigan, James L. Faulkner
The Effects of Early Experience on Jumping Responses to Colored Stimuli of Coturnix Chicks, Edward J. Fliss
Maintaining Responding during Stimulus Generalization Testing in Extinction, Michael F. Glenn
An Analysis of Climatic Influences on Aggression, Alan M. Gonick