All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1973
An Experience with College Administrators at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Christopher E. Nord
Introduction to Behavior Therapy Terminology, Alexandre Pacheo e Silva Nucci
Jean-Philippe Rameau's Demonstration du Principe de L'Harmonie (1750) and Pierre Esteve's Nouvelle Decouverte du Principe de L'Harmonie (1752): A Translation, Arsen Ralph Papakhian
The Use of Histological Techniques in the Determination of Cultural and/or Environmental Processes in Archaeological Skeletal Populations, Randy L. Parshall
Work, Self, Family, and Life Opinions of Injured Workers Rehabilitated by Two Different Strategies, Paul A. Pearson
Concept Acquisition as a Function of Two Verbal Training Sequences: Nonvocal-Vocal and Vocal-Nonvocal, Kim Thomas Pisor
A Report of an Internship in Western Michigan University Para-School Learning Center Kalamazoo, Michigan, Providentia Pollard
The Effects of Changes in Response-Independent Pay upon Human Masseter EMG, Tullio J. Proni
Citizen Participation in the Genesee County Model Cities Program: A Narrative History and a Test of Four Hypotheses, Gloria Jean Quinney
An Internship to Develop a Screening Process to Determine Probable Pilot Training Success, Ronald Dean Quisling
Celibacy and the Gregorian Reform, Raymond M. Rademacher
A Systems Approach to Complex Social Behavior: The Formulation of a Methodology and Its Application to the Peasant Village of Tzintzuntzan, William Earl Reynolds
Depositional History and Tool Industries at the Winter Site: A Lake Forest Middle Woodland Cultural Manifestation, Jeffrey J. Richner
A Study of Visual Pollution from Overhead Wires and Associated Structures, Robert J. Schodorf
The Shaping of Verbal Imitation and Multiple Effects of Aversive Schedules for Controlling Inattention in an Infant, Leta Hunt Secker
Binding of Aminoacyl-tRNA to Bacterial Ribosomes, Somesh Datt Sharma
A Survey of Graduate Students in Two Library Schools to Determine the Factors Considered of Primary Importance in the Selection of a Library School, Katherine V. Shaw
Parent Training: A Critical Review and Analysis, Mara Sapon Shevin
Political Verbal Behavior, Paul Richard Shukovsky
The Use of Multiple Auditory Cues in a Visual Search Task, Howard C. Silver
Loss Probabilities in Queueing Processes, R. P. Singh
An Analysis of the Relationship between the Instructional Emphasis of Two Filing Textbooks Commonly Used in Secondary Schools and Their Relation to the Filing Procedures in the Business Office, Patricia Ann Skinner
An Internship with the Western Michigan University Para-School Learning Center June 18, 1973-July 21, 1973, Diane S. Smith
The Synthesis and Reactions of Some α, β-Unsaturated Diazoketones, Virendra K. Sood
Teaching Higher-Order Concepts in Philosophy Using Siegfried Engelmann's Concept Analysis, Jonathan E. Spiegel
The Reduction of Long Latency Verbal Responding in a Multiplihandicapped Adolescent Utilizing an Avoidance-Positive Reinforcement Procedure, Steven H. Spiro
Campground Usage and User Attitudes in the Allegan State Game Area, Allegan County, Michigan, Gregg R. Squire
The Efficacy of Junior High School Beginning Typewriting Instruction as It Relates to Advanced Levels of Typewriting Success, David P. Stahle
The Effects of Negative Reinforcement on the Aggressive Response of the Squirrel Monkey, Darwin Dwain Stier
Relationships between Radiophosphorus Accumulation by Bacteria, Algae, and Tubificid Worms in Laboratory Food Chains, Warren L. Stromberg
Assimilation of Chinese Families in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Lily Shu-Hong Sun
Behavioral Comparison of Septal Lesioned and Anosmic Rats, Sharon Kay Suppes
A Systematic Analysis of Between and Within Grader Variability as Affected by Answer Key Condition, Grader Experience, and Test Set Assigned, Leonard Eugene Swistak
A Q-Sort Historical Analysis or the Learning Theories of Clark L. Hull and B. F. Skinner, Keith V. Syrja
An Acquisition of New Administrative Skills with Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Jerry B. Van Leeuwen
The Effects of Types of Music on Worker Productivity in a Sheltered Workshop, Wayne D. Veneklasen
The Religious Factor as an Influence Affecting the Attitudes of Teachers toward Sex Education, Richard Vander Voet
The Christian Commonwealth of Otto III, James E. Walker
The Effects of Dental Hygiene Information and Consequation on Plaque Control, Janel R. Walker
My Internship Experience at the Western Michigan University Counseling Center, Bruce Vern Weller
Toward the Third Metntal Health Revolution: A Program to Prepare High School Students for Parenthood, Linda Wienir
An Analysis of the Effects of Time and Competing Responses on Data Reliability, Paul B. Williams
The Combined and Differential Effects of Two Types of Preparatory Quizzes on College Student Behaviors, Randy Lee Williams
Pyramidal Instruction: The Use of Elementary Students as Instructors of Infants, Walter C. Williams
A Comparison between Self-Paced and Instructor-Paced Instructional Systems, Laura Lee Winter
The Effect of Temporal Separation on Performance of a Discrimination Task, Stanley Dale Winter
A Study of Pertinent Contract Information for Van Buren County Teacher-Negotiators, Howard W. Wood
Characterization of Streptozotocin Induced Small Colony Phenotypes in Bacteria, David M. Zimmer
Theses from 1972
The Order of Information Processing in the Perception of Short Sentences, Maryam Abusaidi
Effects of Manipulating Enforced Attention and Reinforcement for Correctness on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Performances of Kindergarten Children, Galen James Alessi
Daily Patterns of Oxygen Consumption in Limnodrilus Hoffmeisteri, Thomas Charles Beck
The Organ-Specific Mammalian Host-Mediated Microbial Mutagen Assay (OSHMA), Roger D. Beyer
A Critical Examination of Korman's Self-Esteem Motivation Theory, Dierdra E. Bowditch
The United States House of Representatives and the Military: A Study of Congressional Behavior in National Security Matters, Robert Wilford Boylan
A Comparison of Selected Students in the Honors College and in the General Degree Program at Western Michigan University, Clara H. Brainard
Development of a Fake Scale for Edwards Personal Preference Schedule - A, James Harvey Brammer
Two-Component Chained Schedules of Reinforcement and Fixed Interreinforcement Time, Philip D. Bruce
The Effects of Symbolic Modelling and Coaching on Social Anxiety, Richard L. Burtt
The Effect of Scale Location on the Speed and Accuracy of Reading Angularly-Viewed Circular Dials, George A. Casapulla
An Investigation of the Merits of Multi-Sensory Remedial Work in the Teaching of Tenth Grade Biology, Marie Agatha Champagne
Scattering Spin 1/2 Particles by Nuclei, Pui-Wah Cheng
The Comparison of Omission, Extinction, and Extinction-2 Procedures in a Multiple Schedule, Dan O. Coldeway
The Effects of Hippocampal Lesions on Short Term Memory in the Rat, Alfred Collins
Calculations of Nuclear Structure Using Isospin Formalism, Roger A. Cook
Community Resources Workshop, Kalamazoo Michigan, 1971: A Descriptive Study of a Pilot Project, Mary Hurlbut Cordier
The Application of the Species Specific Defense Reaction Hypothesis to Free Operant Avoidance, Deborah Ann Cory
Human Visual Observation as a Function of Stimulus Change, Richard L. Crandall
Community College Counseling Emphasizing Student Personnel Services and Placement, Ronald R. Crandell
The Formation and Study of Certain Bicyclic Enolate Monoanions and Dianions, Ernest William Crowe
An Inner-City Junior High School Experience with School Administration in the City of Benton Harbor, Dale P. Cryan
The Relationship between Degree of Clay Dispersion and the Optical and Pore Properties of Starch - Clay Coatings, Chinu S. Dalal
Experimental Production of Duodenal Ulcers in Rats with Corresponding Changes in Gastric Secretory Patterns, James Ellis Dale
A Report of an Internship in Three Rivers, Michigan, Public Schools, Jerry E. Dalman
Effects of Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors on the Activity of Rat Myocardial Adenyl Cyclase, Garry Lee DeGraaf
The Feasibility of a Middle School in Modern Education, George Denda
Thyroid and LDH Activity in Coho Salmon from West Coast and Lake Michigan Regions, Robert A. Drongowski
An Evaluation of a Portable Automated Desensitization Device Using a Standardized Hierarchy, Robert John Eizenga
Ovum Transport in Rabbits Injected with Prostaglandin E1 or F2α, James Vernon Ellinger
Behavior Change in University Students through Participation in a Workshop for Eliminating Self-Defeating Behavior, Margaret Eileen Feringa
Some Factors Involved in Acquisition of Escape and Avoidance Behavior within the T-Classification Schedule, Douglas J. Fetterolf
A Quantitative Analysis by Emission Spectroscopy of the Metallic Constituents of Biological Samples after Treatment by a Carcinogenic Agent, Charles R. Frydrych
Supervised Internship Report, Marie Paulette Garthe
Operant Aspects of Auto-Maintenance: Conditioned Reinforcement and Superstitious Behavior, Michael B. Granat
A Contingency Management Program for the Treatment of Overweight, Giuliana Guerci
The Recovery of Portage Creek in Vicksburg, Michigan, Michael Henry Herbert
On the Genus of Hamiltonian Groups, Paul E. Himelwright
The Effects of a Brief Preparatory Quiz on Exam Taking Proficiency, William F. Hoehle
Membrane Bound NADH Oxidase Complex of Micrococcus Lysodeikticus, Karen Ju-Kuang Hsia
Kinetics of Free Radical-Initiated Polymerization of α-Methylstyrene in the Region of the Ceiling Temperature, Fred E. Huang
Heats of Combustion of Alpha-Methylstyrene Oligomers, Dale Keith Humbert
Indian-Ladino Relations in Mesoamerica, Sharon K. Hunt
Orderly versus Random Stimulus Organization as a Parameter of Problem-Solving Difficulty in a Visual Discrimination Task, Edward S. Itkin
N-Methyl-N’-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine Induced Dominant and Recessive Mutations in Zea Mays, Frank Charles Janca
The Influence of Prior Training on the Acquisition of DRL Performance, Susan E. Jasin
A Memory Training Procedure for Learning the Ordering of Machine Set Up Instructions, Douglas Stephen Johnson