All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1975
The Bomber Menace, 1917-1933: The Evolution of the First Ultimate Weapon and the Inability to Cope with It, Ingo E. Banse
The Effects of Early Protein Malnutrition on the Passive Avoidance Behavior of the Rat, Amy Astri Barmeier
A Low-Cost Parent Training Program for Single Parent Families, Joanne Benjamin Bauman
Maintenance of Housekeeping Skills in an Independent Living Situation for Developmentally Disabled Persons, Kenneth E. Bauman
Kinetics of the Thermal Decomposition of Pyridine, Tesfaye Biftu
An Analysis of American Violence, John Bolcato
Factors Contributing to the Usage or Non-Usage of Mental Health Programs at the Comstock Community Center, John H. Bolton
An Experimental Study Comparing the Effects of Small Group-Discovery Learning and Conventional Instruction on Student Achievement and Attitudes in Calculus, Mary Catherine Brechting
The Effects of Free Shocks on a Free Operant Two Lever Discriminated Avoidance Procedure, Glenda Denise Brown
The Counseling Internship: A Trainee's Personal Report, Carole Marie Bullmer
Use of Optical Character Recognition in the Invoice Processing System of the Michigan Medicaid Program, Richard F. Burns
Some Effects of Changes in the Feeding Schedule and Weight of Squirrel Monkeys in a Non-Contingent Electric Shock Situation, John Edward Bushong
La Tension Entre L’ Individu et la Société Dans Deux Romans, Carmela Calderone
A Follow-Up Study of the Kalamazoo Learning Village, Margarita Camacho
Spin-Flip Inelastic Scattering in 12C(p,p1)12C Near the 9.14 Mev Doublet, Hsing-Tsuen Chen
William Turner: Weltanschauung of an Elizabethan, Dennis J. Clarke
Affects of Thermal Assimilation and Low Grade Metamorphism on a Xenolith Bearing Basalt Dike in Marquette, Michigan, William E. Coons
An Analysis and Comparison of Title II River Basin Commissions, Douglas Alden Cox
Statural Growth in Down Syndrome, Christine E. Cronk
The Effects of Positive Conditioned Suppression on Schedule-Induced Polydipsia, John Robert Crossen
Research Opportunities on the Nature of Human Aggression, Thomas Richard Currier
An Experiential Survey of a Comprehensive Community Mental Health Program, Gordon J. Dahm
The Effects of Videotape Feedback on the Behavior Modification Skills of Student Therapists Working in a School for Multiply Handicapped Children, Nancy L. Denniston
Grand Rapids Junior College Major Internship, Kenneth P. Diller
Effects of a Multiple Baseline Design on Maintenance of Treatment Effects across Time, Bernard D. Fabry
The Administrative Curricular Responsibilities within a University Regional Center-Specialist Project, Larry James Fairbanks
Membrane Associated Glucose and Gluconate Oxidase Enzymes in Pseudomonas Fluorescens: Characterization and Regulation, Scott D. Feighner
The Role of the Suprapharyngeal Ganglia in Regulation of Oxidative Metabolism in the Intestinal Mitochondria of Lumbricus Terrestris, Raymond H. Fetterer
A Central Administration Internship in the Grand Rapids Public School System, Ronald F. Fite
Progesterone and Cortisol in the Hamster: Their Role in Parturition, as Well as the Growth and Lactogenesis of the Mammary Glands, Anne Christine Flook
The United States' "Guest Workers": A Case Study of Korean Temporary Workers on Guam, Rose Marie T. Franklin
Limnological Investigation of the Muskegon County, Michigan, Wastewater Storage Lagoons, W. Randolph Frykberg
The Effects of Differential Reinforcement Magnitude in the Autoshaping Experiment, Barbara J. Fulton
Development of a Manual for Training Psychiatric Outpatients in Interpersonal Communication Skills, Gary Joseph Fusciardi
The Measurement of Affect in Unit 3 of the High School Geography Project, Barbara E. Gerken
Generalized Imitation: Review and New Perspectives, Lilia Irene Duran Gonzalez
The Effectiveness of an Audio-Tutorial Program in High School Biology, John W. Goudie
The Training and Evaluation of Crisis Line Volunteers in Suicide Prevention, Susan Jean Groat
The Effect of 900 Hz and 1200 Hz Audible Sound on the Germination and Development of Seeds of Oats, Wheat and Cucumber, Augustina Gyimah
A Single Subject Comparison on the Effects of Three Treatments on the Rate of Stuttering, Bradford S. Haire
An Evaluation of a Weight-Loss Contract within a Weight Control Program, Brandon L. Hall
A Family Affair: Pampangan Hukism, James P. Hardy
A Report of an Internship with the Bangor Public Schools, Alfred M. Hawkins
United States Policy in the Nigerian Civil War, C. Onokata Idisi
A Report of an Intern Experience in the Role of the Principal in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Kalamazoo, Michigan, Paulina B. Ikeda
A Report of an Internship in Gull Lake Community Schools, Gull Lake, Michigan, Gary J. Jackson
The Effects of Perceived Parental Evaluations on Skills Development in Mathematics, Donna M. Kaminski
An Analysis of the Stone Artifacts from Gallinas Springs, New Mexico, Marvin G. Keller
Continentality Variability in the United States, 1934-1973, John L. Kerr
Fractionation of Ribosomal Proteins from Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Raymond J. Knaus
Sex and Curriculum Differences in Conceptions of the Teacher Role: A Role Theoretical Analysis, Steven Michael Koning
Obesity: Etiological and Therapeutic Perspectives, Lois B. Kuipers
A Survey of Cross-Cultural Determinants of Mental Disorders, Janet Lesniewski
The Acquisition of Stimulus Control, Roger C. Lubeck
Field Experiences in Counseling at a Methadone Treatment Program and a Rural Drug Abuse Program, Thomas E. Lucking
A Substance Abuse Prevention Plan Proposal for the State of Michigan, William Lucien MacLeod
Muskegon Area Intermediate School District Major Internship, James A. McClain
Synthesis and Analysis of Dimers of Alpha-Methylstyrene, Bhadreshkumar J. Mehta
Tensions for Wind Ensemble, Roger Menning
An a Priori Analysis of the Internal Validity of Interval Recording, Christopher R. Milar
A Logging of my Involvement in a Career Education Project in the Coloma Community Schools and the State of Michigan Summer Migrant Program, Diane M. Miller
A Report of an Internship Experience with the Kent Intermediate School District Grand Rapids, Michigan, Marcia Harriet Mills
A Comparison of Employer and Student Perceptions of College Graduate Employment, Ray Montagno
Dr. Francis W. Schofield and Korea, Doretha E. Mortimore
Some Pegmatites Near Gwinn, Michigan, Michael J. Moss
Concurrent Punishment of Aggression and Nonpunishment of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Responses, Kay L. Mueller
The Effects of Stimulus-Reinforcer Relationships on Key Pecking During Response Independent Multiple Schedules, Philip G. Muller
Trace Fossils of the Brassfield Formation, Lower Silurian, in South-Central Ohio and North Central Kentucky, Eugene J. Murray
The Study of the Pathology of the Middle One Third of the Small Intestine of the Spontaneously Diabetic Chinese Hamster, Patrick Murray
The Effects of Stimulus Repetition on Performance of a Discrimination Task, Nancy A. Neef
Causes and Treatment of Orgasmic Dysfunction: A Behavioral Approach, Francisco Jose Noleto Neto
Preparing Christian Missionaries to Work in Shame Oriented Cultures, Lowell L. Noble
Pulping of Rubber Wood for Pulp and Paper, George Paulose
The Evolution of the Gull Lake Community, 1900-1975, Mary E. Penzkofer
A Concept Analysis Program for Teaching Elementary Verbal Relationships, Norman McLeod Peterson
Effects of Hypobaric Hypoxia on Serotonin in Mouse Brain, Jacob Dale Peuler
An Interpretation of the Determinants and Development of the Cheyenne Council of Forty-Four, David J. Pfundt
Spectroscopic Studies of the Hydrogen-Chlorine Flame, Gonzalo Pizarro
Initial Evaluation of a Public School Drug Abuse Program: Student Service Center, David J. Potts
Territory and Mating System in the Bobolink, Dolichonyx Oryzivorus, Arlo J. Raim
Traffic Speed Control by Speed Feedback, Sanford M. Reece
The Attitudinal Differences of Party Elites in Developing Nations: The Case of South Korea, Kenneth G. Rocco
Developing a Program for Preventive Substance Abuse Education at Marshall High School, Sara Sue Schaeffer
Identity Degradation and Mental Disorder: An Empirical Assessment of the Conduct Impairment Scale, William R. Schley
Conditionability of Successively Presented Compound Stimulus Elements in a Conditioned Suppression Procedure, as a Function of Prior Conditioning to One of the Compound Elements, Michael Jay Schoenfeld
Reduced Remediation in a Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) Styled Psychology Course as a Function of Prequiz Discussion of Study Questions, Paul Hubert Selden III
The Effectiveness of Verbal Instruction on Teaching Behavior Modification Skills to Nonprofessionals, Harvey J. Sepler
The Effect of Response Effort Reduction, Instructions, Group and Individual Feedback, and Reinforcement on Staff Performance, Gerald Lyn Shook
The Isolation and Partial Structure Identification of a Polar Glycosphingolipid of Rabbit Blood, Michael B. Shubeck
The Policies of the Board of Education of Union City Community Schools, Richard G. Siler
A Comparative Study of Women and the Modernization Process in Taiwan and Japan, Natalie Robinson Sinanian
An Analysis of the Recovery of Responsiveness Subsequent to Habituation, Lowell G. Smith
The Influence of Potassium, Temperature and E. Coli on the Accumulation and Retention of Cesium-137 by Limnodrilus Hoffmeisteri, William Erl Steger
The Effect of Pairing a Stimulus with Food on Pellet-Controlled Licking in the Rat, Wendell Stone
The Study of the Pathology of the Anterior One Third of the Small Intestine of the Spontaneously Diabetic Chinese Hamster, Scot Stromsta
The Development of the Grand Rapids Educational Achievement Test, John S. Thatcher
The African Development Bank and the Development Process in Africa, Asukwo J. Udo
The Letter Identification Training Requiring an Extra Motor Response, Ali Uzunoz