All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1975
A Study of Behavior Modification Practices in Work Oriented Rehabilitation Facilities, Robert Bruce Verplank
The Effects of Overcorrection on Self-Stimulatory Behaviors, Michael L. Vreeland
The Effect of Audible Sound on the Germination and Root Elongation of Selected Seedlings, Micheal Dennis Walton
The Effects of Modeling vs. Instruction on On-Task Behavior, Noel Wehrung
The Problem of Differential Treatment of Males and Females in Juvenile Court, Nancy A. Woods
Programming the Generalization of Greeting Responses in Retarded Children: A Comparative Study, Benjamin B. Wu
A Classroom Investigation of the Effect of Delayed Time-Out from Activities of Different Reinforcing Value, Alan Stuart Zamosky
Relationship of Chemical Structure and Mutagenic Activity of Streptozotocin and Its Analogs, Riaz-ul Islam Zuberi
Theses from 1974
The Effects of an Absence Policy on Attendance and Grades, Judith A. Adelman
Discussion Procedures in College Teaching, Victor A. Arredondo
Influence of Business Faculty upon Students’ Attitudes: A Partial Replication of Edgar Schein’s Study of Attitude Change during Management Education, Robert Eugene Ashenhurst
A Model of an Environmental Advisory Committee for City Government, Henry Barrett Baker
The Effects of Three Different Mastery Criterion Levels on Undergraduate Test Performance, David R. Barkmeier
Feeling Good and Helping: Really?, Gregory A. Blevins
The Positive Effects of Study Objectives Generalize to Novel Probes, Joan Warmbold Boggs
An Investigation of the Effects of Randomization of the Item Order in the Mini-Mult, Robert A. Bornstein
The Effects of Legislative Changes in Michigan on the Role of the School Psychologist, Michael G. Brunett
A Normative and Validation Study of the Behavior Problem Checklist, Wilma J. Busse
The Effects of Dilute Copper Sulphate Concentrations on Selected Aquatic Invertebrates, Michael D. Campbell
Studies with an In Vitro Protein Synthesizing System Derived from Acetobacter Aceti Var. Liquefaciens, Joyce I. Cialdella
Guidelines for the School Business Administrator, Larry James Cole
A Comparative Analysis of Individually Guided Education in the Elementary Grades of the Benton Harbor Area Schools, Leslie C. Collins
A Counseling Internship at a Community Mental Health Center, Mary Lou Collins
The Effects of Informational Feedback on the Grading Accuracy of Undergraduate Assistants, Paul D. Coyne
The Effect of General versus Descriptive Vocal Praise on Concurrent Behaviors, Vernon L. Crouch
Benton Harbor Area Schools Major Internship, Edwin R. Dass
Development and Evaluation of a Student-Opinion Questionnaire for Career Education and Planning District 35's Shared-Time Programs, Charles Edward Dee
The Application of Behavior Analysis to Business and Industry, James L. Dehem
The Effects of Observer Load on Inter-Observer Agreement, Victor A. Dotson
Response Duration in Acquisition, Discriminated Avoidance, and Extinction, Michael Oliver Duncan
A Classroom Investigation of Delayed Timeout with Educable Retarded Children, Phillip Kent Duncan
Behavioral Techniques to Increase Conceptual Mastery, William D. Ellis
The Extended Tukey Procedure Compared to the Scheffe and Bonferroni Procedures, Wilber B. Emmert
A Generalized Dirac Equation with Spin I, Tilahun Eneyew
A Comparison of the Contractual Approach and the Traditional Method for Teaching High School Biology, Bernard G. Fecher
A Psychophysiological Study of Response to Fear Evoking Stimuli, Phyllis E. Fecher
A Five-Year Study of Community College Business Graduates with Implications for Curriculum Improvement, Mary Elizabeth Foster
The German Social Democratic Party, 1949-1953: An Analysis of Schumacher's Bid for Mass Support, Robert L. Gaddis
Imbedding Cayley Graphs, Brian L. Garman
The Public Library Magazine Collection and Its Patrons: A Circulating Periodical Use Study, Mishawaka (Indiana) Public Library, Melba J. Geoffroy
Natural Areas for Community Colleges: Their Role in Environmental Education, John Henry Gerdes
The Projective Expression of Need for Achievement in Women, Robert S. Gibson
The Application of Operant Methodology and Its Effect in Improving Employees' Efficiency on a Quick Service Restaurant, Silva J. Goncalves
Modernization in Micronesia: Acculturation, Colonialism and Culture Change, Kirk L. Gray
The Church of their Father's, John W. Halteman
Temporal Patterning in Adjusting Avoidance, Bruce Edward Hamilton
A Review of Research with Benzedrine, Dexedrine, and Ritalin on the Hyperkinetic Behavior Syndrome, William J. Hampstead
Aspects of Habitat Selection in Grassland Birds, Keith Graham Harrison
An Investigation of Variables Affecting Self Modification Techniques, Patricia Ann Hartlep
The Sediments and Sedimentary Environments of a Barrier Island, Cedar Island, Virginia, John Walter Heinsius
Effect of "Stressors" on Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin Activity in the Rat during Pregnancy, Muhammad Nasir Hussain
The Alliance Party and the Process of Political Integration in Malaysia, Etty Zainab Ibrahim
United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East with Reference to Zionism, 1945 to Mid-1973, Elizabeth Ann IsHak
A Report of an Internship Experience in the Benton Harbor Area Schools Benton Harbor, Michigan, Judith Jean Johansen
Studies on the Membrane Associated L-Malate Dehydrogenase-Oxidase Complex of Micrococcus Lysodeikticus, Jerry James Johnson
A Study of Substance Abuse by Black Youths, Monroe H. Johnson
Carman School District Major Internship, James Stanton Jones
The Effects of Simultaneous but Unequal Response-Independent Pay to Pairs of Human Subjects on Masseter EMG and Bodily Movements, David M. Keenan
A Behavioral-Analysis, Systems Approach in a University-Based, Food Co-Operative, Harry M. Kent
Geology of Klump's Cave, Perry County, Missouri, Ernest L. Kern
The Utility of the Maxi-Mult in an Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic, Mazhar A. Khan
The Clinical Applications of Reverse Transcriptase for the Early Detection of Cancer, Bryan Leslie Kiehl
An Investigation of the Maxi-Mult, Thomas Kozlowski
The Design and Development of an Educational Data Processing System, Sandra L. Laham
An Approach to a Kalamazoo Metropolitan Data Bank and Information System, Alan Benjamin Le Coff
Recent Developments of Phenomenological Psychology in the United States and Their Implications for Empirical Inquiry, D. Scott Leigh
A Spectrographic Method for Determination of Lead in Human Blood Utilizing the Far Ultraviolet Wavelength Region, Marianne Oriel Lull
An Investigation of Photographic Phase Holograms, Dale Lance Markham
The Effect of Sheet Moisture on the Anisotropy of Paper Subjected to Various Degrees of Restraint during Drying, Ivan T. Mascarenhas
A Study of the Feasibility of the W.A.I.S. as a Self-Administered Pencil-Paper Test, Marlene Mason
Job Satisfaction and Work Effort: A Study Involving Use of the Herzberg Two Factor Theory, Thomas J. McCann
A Report of my Internship with the Van Buren Intermediate School District Migrant Program, Franklin S. McCarroll
A Study of the Attitudes of First-Year Shorthand Students, Carol Yvonne McLoughlin
Evidence of Eutrophication in Wall Lake Barry County, Michigan, John J. Meany
The Effects of Different Behavioral Definitions on Peer Recording and Observer Behavior, James T. Mecoli
The Effect of the Ostpolitik on the Opposing Bloc Systems in Europe, Thomas C. Mericle
The Effects of Sodium Chloride on Hyalella Azteca, Ameletus Sparsatus, and Tubifex Tubifex, Stephen A. Miller
Availability of an Aggressive Response During Sidman Avoidance, Michael Albert Minervini
Operation and Maintenance of an Accelerator for Neutral Bombardment Level-Crossing Spectroscopy, James Vincent Morford
A Comparison of Changes in Student Responses to Counselor Education, Rosemary McCauley Morley
Spin-Flip in 12C (p,p') 12C Near the 9.14 MeV Doublet, John Ambani Muhanji
The Interaction between Response-Independent Fixed-Time Tail Shock and Chronic Voluntary Alcohol Consumption in Squirrel Monkeys, J. Leonard Peebles
A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of a Library Instruction Course in Teaching the Use of the Library to Upward Bound Students, Emma Bradford Perry
An Application of the Species-Specific Defense Reaction Hypothesis, Michael R. Petersen
Systemic Adaptation: Can the Soviet System Accommodate the “Democratic Movement”?, Phillip A. Petersen
Geology of the Sweetwater Canyon Area and Origin of Interbasinal Canyons, Southwestern Montana, James Carl Peterson
Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of Ribosomal Proteins from Thermophilic and Mesophilic Bacteria, Walter C. Pickett
The Coastal Plain Floristic Element in Michigan, Gary J. Pierce
Effects of UCS Habituation on the Conditioned Aggressive Display in Betta Splendens, Timothy G. Plaska
Distribution-Free Interval Estimation of the Largest α-Quantile, William E. Plouff
Transvection for Band, David L. Purcell
Occupational Choices and Expectations of Adolescent Female Students, Ruby Quaak
An Analysis of Power and Influence Patterns on the Michigan Supreme Court 1968-1973, Thomas R. Radecki
The Development of Generalized Imitation in an Autistic Boy, Andrew L. Reitz
A Classroom Investigation of Self-Recording of Teacher Verbal Approval, Dale Laurel Robertson
Measurement of Neutron Differential Cross Sections Using the Associated Particle Method, Gary Eugene Rochau
The Effects of Self-Monitoring on the Frequency of Talk-Out Behavior, Jean Casen Romaniuk
Smoking Modification Research: An Evaluative Review, Michael Romaniuk