All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1977
A Histological and Immunological Study of the Forty-Eight Hour Normal Lymphocyte Transfer Reaction, Charles W. Ford
A Comparison of Two Systems of Instruction in Three Sixth-Grade Language Classes, David G. Fossum
A Study Based on the Opinions of the Graduating Classes of 1970-1972 from the Springfield Public School System, Jo Ann Frank
Foreign Policy and the French Left in the Fifth Republic: An Analysis of the Role of Foreign Policy with Regard to Leftist Unity, Steven C. Gerts
Analysis of Chert by Particle Induced X-Ray Emission, Jeanette E. Gibeson
Generalization of an Academic Response Rate under Self and Externally Determined Reinforcement, Samuel James Gitchel
A Longitudinal Analysis of Selected Aspects of Faculty Activity and Institutional Reward Practices at a State University, Gregg M. Goodman
Behavior Systems Analysis of a Worker Managed Bakery, Marie Louise Greening
Cumulo Nimbus, Jon Jeffrey Grier
Effect of Role Imposed Academic Abilities on Group Induced Risk Shift with Choice Dilemma Questionnaire Items, Sang H. Han
Bird Populations in a Grassland-Thicket in Relation to Plant Succession and Adjacent Land Use, Steven L. Harbron
Ecclesiastics of the Crown under King Edgar: A Prosopographical Study of Bishops and Abbots in Anglo-Saxon England, 959-975, Valerie Catherine Hauch
Curriculum Development at the Ottawa Area Skills Center in the City of Holland, Weyman V. Helton
An Examination of the Ecological Psychology Literature with Respect to School Size, Behavioral Psychology and Cultural Survival, Bruce E. Hesse
Development and Evaluation of the Programmed Text One Plus One = Three: A Teenager’s Guide to Birth Control, Deborah L. Hollander
The Effectiveness of Sex-Specific MMPI Scales for Identifying Physically Abusive Parents, Kathleen A. Houghtaling
The Effects of Two Correction Procedures upon the Acquisition of Three Line-Tilt Discriminations, Jane Stewart Howard
An Application of Infrared Spectroscopy to the Study of Binder Migration in Paper Coatings, Fred E. Huang
Some Effects of Variable Duration Conditioned Stimuli in a Conditioned Suppression Procedure, Harvey E. Jacobs
Old Age in the Rural Philippines, Trina I. Jacob
The Effect of Withdrawal from the Negative Cue on Learning a Simultaneous Discrimination, Carl Merle Johnson
Alcohol Education: Approaches by the Business Community and the Public Schools, Colleen K. Johnson
A Reinterpretation of Plains Indian Adaptation: The Case of the Comanche, Lynn R. Johnson
Development of an Employment Clerical Aptitude Test for Use in India, Subhash R. Joshi
The Impact of Sex Roles Orientation and Career Orientation on the Career Development of Adolescent Females, Karen Fenske Kamischke
Behavioral Community Psychology: Increasing Participation in a Community-Based Blood Pressure Screening Program, Marcia L. Kane
A Study of Tee Relationship between Machiavellianism and Mutual Gaze in the Therapist-Client Dyad, James Paul Kelly
Millage and Bond Elections in the Pennfield School District: An Analysis of Three Ballot Proposals, James D. King
A Behavioral Assessment of Preference for Erotic Visual Stimuli, Robert P. King
A Statistical Analysis of the Prehistoric Ceramics from the Hacklander Site, Allegan County, Michigan, Robert G. Kingsley
A Report of a Project in the Business Administrative Office of East Grand Rapids Public Schools, Lorraine Koloseik
Method of Variational Secular Equation for the Ground State of Helium Atom, Mih-seh Kong
A Study of Stimulus Control Functions Following Discrimination Training Using a DRL Schedule of Reinforcement, Kathleen M. Krafft
A Cohort Analysis of Juvenile Probationers from the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Court, 1971, Karl B. Kucab
Effect of Cold Exposure on Serum Levels of Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin in Male and Virgin Female Rats, Erik R. Larsen
The Synthesis and Physical Properties of Some 1-Methyl and 2-Methyl Bridged Cycloheptapyrazolones, Gary R. Larson
Self-Management: A Comparison of the Effects of Self- and Experimenter-Imposed Schedules of Reinforcement on an Academic Response Rate, Robert S. Leopold
The Use of Early Recollections as a Measure of Personality: A Theoretical and Experimental Study, Douglas A. Lockwood
Malaysian Internship: A Personal Report, James V. Loser
Analysis of an Interlobate Boundary in the Wisconsinan Drift of Kalamazoo County and Adjacent Areas in Southwestern Michigan, Norman A. Lovan
The Half-Life of Bacterial Messenger RNA, John B. Madison
Training Social Work Students in a Practicum Setting, Linda L. Maier
The Kalamazoo County Citizens Probation Authority a Descriptive Analysis of the Referral and Selection Criteria January 1, 1973-January 1, 1974, Katherine Ruth Malzahn-Bass
Regional Fiction as a Source of Michigan History: A Collection of Readings, Larry B. Massie
A Point System for Maintaining Accurate Grading in a PSI Course, Terry E. McSween
Gap Formation: A Reproductive Isolating Mechanism for Parus Atricapillus and P. Carolinensis in Northern Indiana, Peter Gorham Merritt
A Bioassay Study of Portage Creek Using Tetrahymena Pyriformis as an Indicator Organism, George T. Mimidis
The Use of Classroom and Home-Based Reinforcement to Increase Verbal Responses to Questions in Preschool Children, Katherine Anne Muir
A Component Analysis of Therapeutic Empathy Behaviors, Barbara P. Nash
A Treatment Package for Proctor Pre-Quiz Discussion in an Instructor-Paced Introductory Psychology Course, Benjamin Robert Ober
The Role of Prior Learning and Direct Reinforcement in Observational Learning and Vicarious Reinforcement, Larry D. Olsen
A Comparison of Two Job Satisfaction Measures, Marianne Osterkorn
The Effects of Sucrose Concentration on Punishment Produced Suppression of Licking Behavior in Rats, Okechukwu Igboanumma S. Ozuzu
The Effects of a "Therapeutic" Card Sorting Task on Anagram and Mood Assessment Measures Using Nondepressed Helpless Subjects, Harvey J. Pennington
Response Variability as a Function of Stimulus Change, Margaret E. Peterson
A Study of Cataloging Procedures in Community Colleges in Eleven Southeastern States, Gayle L. Pierce
The Development of Communication Strategies in Children, Judith Claire Pier
Effects of Indomethacin on Gastric Secretion and Duodenal Ulcer Formation in Bile Duct-Ligated Rats, Diane M. Przewozniak
The Synthesis and Study of the Enolate Monoanion of 2, 4-Di-p-anisylbicyclo(3.2.1)oct-6-en-3-one, Phillip D. Reynhout
An Analysis of Overcorrection Movements: Topographic Relation and Re-Educative Function, Pamela Roberts
Judicial Character the Characters of Chief Justices John Marshall and Earl Warren, Ronald G. Robinson
An Investigation of Vicarious Reinforcement in a Basic Research Setting, Ted R. Ruggles
The Experience of God in the De Contemplando Deo of William of Saint Thierry, Patrick H. Ryan
The Effects of Staff-Training and Daily Feedback on Self-Care Behavior in a Nursing Home, Lorraine F. Schack
Behavioral Aspects of Southwest Michigan Opilionids, Wolfgang C. Schroeter
The Effect of Metabolites, which Accumulate During Phenylketonuria, on the Activity of Stearoyl-Coenzyme a Desaturase, Walter Scott
An Analysis of the Factors that Determine the Success of Congressional Campaigns, Paul J. Seigel
Theoretical Thermodynamic Functions for Argon, Peter Yi-Ren Sheh
Godwin Heights Public School District Major Internship, Walter E. Skavnak
A Central Administration Internship in the Hastings Area School System, Jane M. Skidmore
A Review on the History and Application of Videotape Self-Confrontation in Therapy and Human Relations Training, Gerald F. Skillings
Comstock High School Comstock Public Schools Major Internship, David F. Smith
New Directions in the Application of Covert and Overt Techniques to Behavioral Self-Control, Sema Bayla Smith
The Development and Increase of Two Prosocial Behaviors as a Function of Social and Peer Reinforcement with Preschool Children, Carol R. Solander
An Examination and Explanation of Paranormal Phenomena as a Legitimate and Significant Area of Communication Studies, Leonard O. Sowers
Ottawa Intermediate School District Major Internship, Earl J. Spoors
Variable versus Fixed Immediacies of Reinforcement for Responding and Non-Responding, Kenneth Ray Stephens
Foliage Preference and Habitat Utilization by Migrating Warblers, John Calvin Stiner
The Physical Anthropology of Chiggerville: Demography and Pathology, Norman C. Sullivan
An Examination of the Differential Effects of Retesting and a Mastery Criterion on Student Performance in a PSI Course, Carol M. Sundberg
An Investigation into the Nature of Action of the Hyperglycemic Factor Present in the Suprapharyngeal Ganglia of Lumbricus Terrestris, Bruce M. Taylor
Unusual Alkylations of the 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Propanone Dianion, Ruth E. TenBrink
Bringing About and Maintaining a Mature Sentence Style in Undergraduate Students, Mary Beth Tillema
Trust, Efficacy, and Political Reform Behavior: A Study of Voters in Seven Pennsylvania Municipalities, Seyed Alaeddin Tolouie
Studies toward the Total Synthesis of a Colchicine Analog, Jacob Shya Tou
The Effect of an Individualized Remediation Program on Comprehensive Final Examination Performance, Timothy N. Trainor
Assimilation: An Empirical Test of Milton Gordon's Model on Mexican Americans in Holland, Michigan, Denise L. Tyiska
A Report of an Internship Experience with the Grand Rapids Public Schools Grand Rapids, Michigan, William D. Upton
Training and Generalization of Restauranting Skills: Programming Primary Reinforcement for Community Travel, Richard Aart van den Pol
Variable Time Shock Schedules and Time Allocation in Rats: Differential Control by Relative Shock Frequency, Frans van Haaren
A Comparison of Circadian Rhythms in Feeding, Plasma Insulin, Glucose and Glucagon and Pancreatic Insulin and Glucagon between Normal and Diabetic Chinese Hamsters, William VanSickle
Policy Development in a Small School District, John H. Wagar
The Effects of Gonadal Hormone Manipulations on Aggressive Target-Biting in Mice, George C. Wagner
The Persistence of Suppression in Discriminative Punishment Following Several Extinction Procedures, Marion M. Walton
The Use of Behavioral Contracting to Eliminate Procrastination in a “PSI” Course, Thomas M. Welsh
An Analysis of the Role of the Principal in a Selected Middle School, Susan B. Weybright
A Systems Analysis of Laboratory Report Editing, Suanne A. Williams