All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1979
A Report of an Internship Experience in the Central Administrative Offices of the Battle Creek Public Schools, Aileen M. Klingaman
The Effects of Written Instruction on the Giving of Feedback, Robert L. Kowalski
Prostaglandin E2: A Study of Intestinal Secretion as a Mechanism of Action for the Gastric Antisecretory Property in the Rat, Cleo Lancaster
Kinetic Study of the Formation of Mixed Ligand Complexes Formed from Triethylenetetramine Nickel (II) and Bidentate Ligands, Burtrand Insung Lee
The Effects of Homework on the Acquisition and Generalization of Couples Conflict Management Skills, Mary Lewis
Habilitation in Michigan’s Developmental Centers Since the Enactment of the Michigan Mental Health Code, Janet MacCormack
Learner-Controlled Instruction and an LCI Program to Train Motor Carrier Sales Representatives, David Richard MacDonald
A Report of an Internship in the Office of Instructional Development Western Michigan University, Emmanuel Mariampillai
The Impact of Women's Groups upon Psychological Androgyny, Ruth Mausert
Teaching Telephone Skills to Developmentally Disabled Persons Using Positive Reinforcement and Corrective Feedback, Lou Ann Mayhew
An Analysis of Pre and Post Employment Interview Opinions Held by Applicants in a University Job Placement Center, Robert J. McAvoy
The Plant Tension Zone in Michigan, Margaret Thompson McCann
Generalization of Behavior Modification Skills Acquired through Observation Training Procedures, Thomas E. McCarthy
Therapeutic Dance: An Annotated Bibliography of Books, Articles, Records and Films Applicable for Use with Adults and Published from January, 1975 through March, 1979, Susan Allene Meyer
Racial and Class Biases in the Criminal Justice System: A Radical Conflict Interpretation, Mansoor Moaddel
The Origins and Functional Significance of Incest Avoidance, R. Daniel Murray
Postglacial Environmental History of a Marl Lake Site in Kalamazoo County, Southwestern Michigan, Valerie A. Naeve
Photoconductivity and Photovoltaic Studies on Some II-VI Compounds, Challa Nagesh
Interaction with Americans and Length of Stay Related to the Unfavorable Attitudes of Saudi Students toward the Traditional Family Ideology, Ibrahim Obeidy
Generalization Effects of a Spray Mist to Reduce Self-Injurious Behaviors in Two Profoundly Retarded Female Adults, Pamela A. Ong
Increasing Audience Participation in Seminars, Linda J. Parrott
The United States and China: From Noncommunication to Diplomatic Relations, Mary Jeanne Patrick
Effects of EMG Relaxation Training and the Role of Cognitions, During Training, on Self Image: A Pilot Study with Three Direct Replications, Kathleen E. Paulsen
A Behavioral Analysis of Ethical Systems, Glen R. Peterson
A Study of the Changes in the Intellectual Environment from the Middle Ages to the Late Nineteenth Century Culminating in the Professionalization of Anthropology, Linda Marie Place
Hypoglycemia and Related Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Sharon Ruth Porteous
Communication Patterns of Domestic Cats in a Home Environment, Mary Ellen J. Ratuszny
Habituation and Sensitization Induced by Aggression, Diane Joy Redalia
Breastfeeding and Changing American Child-Rearing Practices, Jeanne Reed
The Prelinguistic Communication of Down's Syndrome Infants as Compared to their Normal Peers, Carol Ann Resch
Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Problems, Mary M. Riordan
Establishing an Employee Assistance Program at Checker Motors Corporation, Eileen E. Rogers
Reason and Revelation in Early Christian Thought the Synthetic Use of the Term Logos in Justin the Martyr and Greek Apologetic Literature, Rick M. Rogers
Music as an Educational Tool to Reinforce Schoolwork, Barry Steven Rothstein
A Comparative Analysis of Two Methods of Teaching: The Cecchetti Method of Classical Ballet and the Royal Academy of Dance, Barbara Ann Ruemenapp
The Characteristics of Home Rule Supporters in Seven Pennsylvania Municipalities, Shafie Bin Haji Mohd. Salleh
The Neutron Total Cross Section of 208Pb, Lawrence J. Satkowiak
The Effects of Two-Day vs. Seven-Day Prompts on Attendance at a Preschool Screening, Susan Simonds Savage
A Description of the Development of a Procedural Guide for Coordinating the Sturgis Public Schools' Language Arts Program, Viola A. Schuler
A Learner Verification and Revision of a Linear Programmed Text, Frank J. Schwartz
C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy: Metaphysical Theology in Science Fiction/Fantasy, Douglas L. Semark
The Application of Techniques for Specific Staining and Enhancement to the Ultrastructural Study of the Pancreatic Islands of Langerhans, Vern Leonard Shellman
Modification of Control Related Behaviors in Juvenile Diabetics: A Parent Training Class Approach, Robert J. Sheppard
The Effects of the Opportunity to Engage in Self-Stimulatory Behavior on Task Responding in Retarded Children, Paula Shilton
The Effects of Pre and Postnatal Gonadal Hormone Administration on the Adult Aggressive-Target Biting in Female Mice, David D. Smith
An Essay Regarding the Systems Approach in Social Science from the View of Political Science, Gregg William Smith
Effects of Cue Presence, Duration and Association with Reinforcement on a Punishment Procedure, Elias Robles Sotelo
The Allegan Dam Site: An Upper Mississippi Occupation in the Lower Kalamazoo River Basin, George B. Spero
Time-Related Changes in Rat Androgen Binding Protein Following a Sterilizing Dose of 3-Chloro-1, 2-Propanediol, Shirley J. Stein
A Comparison of Supervisor Graphing and Self-Graphing of Performance in a Procedure for Controlling Time on Scheduled Tasks, Sheldon L. Stone
A Study of Behavioral Contrast Using Multiple Discriminative Stimuli, Gary M. Stoynoff
Rationale for Vocational Programming in Barry County, Michigan, James W. Sutherland
A Study of Schistosomiasis in the Mizurata Area, Libya, Abubaker I. Swehli
Operant Control of Pathological Tongue Thrust, George A. Thompson
Teaching Basic Laundry Skills to Multiply-Handicapped Persons: An Experimental Validation, Thomas J. Thompson
A Developmental Study of the Choreographic Works of Erick Hawkins Including a Guide to Available Literature, Jane Ellen Thornbury
The Use of Written Assignments with Deadlines to Increase the Completion of Non-Recurring Tasks, James S. Torrey
The Interpretation of Generic Language as Male or Male/Female by Nine and Ten Year Old Children, Jane H. Vander Weyden
Fractionation of Ribosomal Proteins by Affinity Chromatography, Corazon E. Victoria
A Survey of In-Service Training of Water Treatment Systems’ Operators in Michigan, Alouch Whitfield
Communication Effectiveness and Implications for Job Satisfaction in a Retail Merchandising Corporation, Elisa S. Wierenga
A Report of an Internship in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Kalamazoo, Michigan, Barbara J. Wright
Theses from 1978
NMR Instrumentation with Solid State Devices, Syed M. Ahmed
Theoretical Thermodynamic Functions for Krypton Gas, A-Hamid Aidinejad
The Modification of Exercise Behavior of Retarded Adults: Increasing Participation in Exercises Using Games as a Reinforcer, Linda Dawn Allen
A Behavior and Cost Analysis of Two Remediation Procedures, Theodore D. Apking
An Investigation of the Role of the Electrodermal Activity in Reduction of Snake Phobia, Mohammad Jaafar Behbehani
A Conceptual Analysis of Radical Behaviorist Epistemology, Marcia L. Bennett
A Comparison of Choice Procedures: Positive Reinforcement, Michael Joseph Boivin
The Use of Aphasia Treatment Techniques in Restoring Language Behavior in the Senile Aged, Forrest H. Braack
A Replication Study: The Police and Cynicism, Trenia B. Brown
A Survey of the Writings of the First Fifteen Women Presidents of the American Library Association, O. Mell Bushin
Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Nepali Shamanism, Christopher J. Busick
Employee Reactions to Job Characteristics: A Partial Replication, Artegal R. Camburn
A Comparison of EEG Feedback Techniques in the Enhancement of Bilateral Theta: A Tri-Phasic Design, Gary M. Chavoya
The Exploration and Exposition of Factors Related to Lunar Influence on Suicides, Suicide Calls and Crisis Calls, Scott Gene Cook
Mastery of Course Material as a Function of Workbook Assignments and Test Frequency, John S. Corbett
Music Therapy versus Music Education: The Effect of Two Approaches on Severely Emotionally Impaired Children's Musical Growth and Self Esteem Development, Judith Bertsch D'Arcangelis
The Effects of Body Size, Hair and Brown Adipose Tissue upon Fever in the Rabbit, Reginald L. Dean
A Comparison of Choice Procedures: Negative Reinforcement, Raul Rene de la Garza Cano
A Report of an Internship in Public Relations at Western Michigan University, John G. Dezek
Comparison of Work Samples and a Psychological Test in a Vocational Evaluation Program, Charles Dircken
A Comparison of the Phobic Test Apparatus with Traditional Measures of Fear and Avoidance, Robert F. Doljanac
A Study of User and Nonuser Reactions to WMU Online Automated Retrieval System (OARS), Janet Dommer
The Ceramics of the Sand Point Site (20BG14) Baraga County, Michigan: A Preliminary Description, Lawrence G. Dorothy
An Evaluation of the Precision Teaching Project, Jerilynn Dorow
A Triphasic Design for Comparison of Three Biofeedback Training Methods on Bilateral Theta EEG Wave Activity, Morris D. Edwards
The Effects of Electron-Donating and Electron-Withdrawing Groups on the Alkylation Sites of Para-Substituted Phenylacetones, Abraham L. Faburada
Age and Attitude Similarity-Dissimilarity as Determinants of Task-Related Attraction, Sharon Fange von Montry
A Survey of Nine Common Laboratory Compounds as Causative Agents of Ciliostasis in Tracheal Explants from Mice, Josie Marshall Fletcher
An Internship Experience at the Specialty Products Division Brown Company, Ronald L. Freemire
Shallow Water High-Magnesium Calcite Mud Production and Dispersal, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Jonathan A. Fuller
A Study of the Process by Which a Central Administrative Office Functions in a Selected School System, D. Bruce Galland
The Effects of Prompting and Stimulus Novelty on the Frequency of Play with Toys, Gloria J. Gasparotto
Paleoecology of the Spiriferid Brachiopods of the Silica Shale Formation (Middle Devonian), S.E. Michigan and N.W. Ohio, Darioush T. Ghahremani
Training Retarded Adults to Reinforce Work Behaviors of Retarded Clients, A. Celso Goyos
A Study of the Influence of the Naturalistic Philosophies in the Development of Political Science in America, James Michael Graham
Robert Alfonzo Taft: And the Quest for the Presidency, William Little Hafer
Rapture in the Spirituality of St. Thomas Aquinas, Diane L. Harwood