All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1981
A Comparison of Calculation Speed and Accuracy on Two Levels of Problem Difficulty using the Conventional and Hutchings’ "Low Stress" Subtraction Algorithms and the Pocket Calculator, Margaret T. McGlinchey
A Diagnostic-Teaching Investigation of the Feasibility of Using the Hutchings' “Low-Stress" Algorithm for Addition Skill Development in Trainable Mentally Impaired Pupils, JoAnn Bankston McKay
A Comparison of Concurrent and Removed Component Procedures for Teaching Toothbrushing Skills to Preschoolers, Timothy Ian McKinley
Schedule Effects and Interim Activities in Two Retarded Subjects, Raymond G. Miltenberger
A Computer-Assisted Instructional System and its Application to a Course on Computer Structures and Hardware, Tahir Mufti
Detector Geometry for Cascade Photon Experiments, Roger Minoru Munechika
The Effects of Music on the Duration of Time Spent in a Store by a Customer, Danita J. Mussatto
A Study of Habitat Preference for the Aestivation of the Alfalfa Weevil Hyper Postica (Curculionidae: Coleoftera), Donald D. Myers
Parental Involvement in Education: Issues and Procedures, Nancy Jane Nelson
A Report of an Internship in Central Office Administration in the Forest Hills Public Schools, Joyce M. Newhouse
Job Satisfaction of Working Black Women and the Relationship of Social Awareness to Job Satisfaction, Lillian Denise Nunley
Response Latency: A Function of Within-Session Differences in Intertrial Interval, Training History, Cue Condition, and Ratio Requirement, James Bryant Nuzzo
The Creation of Holograms Utilizing Fiber Optics, Abdul Rahim Omar
The Paleoethnobotany of the Upper Mississippi Component at the Elam Site, a Seasonal Encampment on the Lower Kalamazoo River, Kathryn E. Parachini
Choice as a Dependent Measure in Autoshaping: Sensitivity to Frequency and Duration of Food Presentation, Mitchell Jon Picker
A Geochemical Study of the Sudbury Breccia, Kevin M. Prochaska
The Design and Development of an Instructional Package on How to Locate Information in a Textbook, Steven P. Ragotzy
Reduction of Aggressive Behavior of a Preschool Child Using Extinction and Teacher Attention Procedures, Greg Randle
A Study of the Library Knowledge of a Sample of Freshmen Students Enrolled at the University of Puerto Rico for the School Year 1980-81, Sarai Rodriguez de Perez
A Comparison of Behavioral Incentive Systems in a Job Search Program, Louise Smith Rogers
Reduction of Self-Stimulatory Behavior through the Use of Appropriate Toy Training and Sensory Reduction, Jacquelyn A. Rouh
Self-Injurious Behavior: Evaluations of Controlling Variables and Interventions, Scott Nelson Schrum
The Effects of Total Darkness on Stimulus Control, Richard E. Schulman
Liberalism and the Austrian School of Economics, Gilbert Mason Scott
A Study of the Films Produced by the Aluminum/Water Reaction Using Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy, Reed L. Shilts
A Report of an Internship Experience at Three Rivers Community Schools, Robert E. Sickles
The Effects of Prompts and Feedback on Frequency of Teacher Referrals of Students to a Contract Study Center, Leslie Marie Skinner
An Analysis of the Behavioral Consequences of an Attendance Bonus Program, David William Smith
Magnitude Estimation of the Quality and Intelligibility of Degraded Speech, Theresa Smith
The Paleoecology of Carbonaceous (Algal) Material in the Middle Devonian Rockport Quarry Limestone of the Northeastern Portion of Michegan's Lower Peninsula, Jeffrey Dean Spruit
A Peer-Managed Contract Study Program for High School Students, Jane F. Stinson
Effects of Informational Data upon Attendance in an Industrial Setting, Karen T. Suarez
A Comparative Analysis of John Foster Dulles and Henry A. Kissinger and the Impact Their Personalities Had on the Formulation of American Foreign Policy, Denis Joseph Sullivan
A Social Impact Assessment Study of the Barrier Sand Dune Controversy in Bridgman, Michigan, Linda Lee Sweigart
Intimacy in Context: A Theory of Interpersonal Relationships, Sara Mirjam Terian
A Report of an Internship in the Buchanan Community Schools Buchanan, Michigan, Gloria M. Vanderbeck
A Comparison of the Hutchings' “Low-Stress", Fulkerson "Full-Record" and Conventional Addition Algorithms for Speed, Accuracy and Preference with Regular Education Students, John Robert VanHevel
Dolomitization of the Brassfield Formation (Lower Silurian) in Adams County, Ohio, Lisa L. Varga
The Monastic Libraries of the Diocese of Winchester during the Late Anglo-Saxon and Norman Periods, Steven F. Vincent
Verbal and Non-Verbal Curricula for Teaching Color Names to Preschool Children, Cynthia A. Wagner
A Methodology for Documenting the History of Michigan Houses Built between 1830 and 1930, Esther M. Walton
Business Office Internship, Kathryn S. Weeden
Formulation of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules Second Edition for Indonesian National Library Cataloguing: An Analytical Study, Wirawan Wirawan
The Effects of Glucocorticoids on Gluconeogenesis in Diabetic and Normal Chinese Hamsters, Charles James Woody
Assimilation of Korean College Students, Jei Hyun Yoo
Completing Long-Term Undergraduate Projects: Some Critical Variables, Timothy K. Zoia
A Comparison of Reading and Listening Performances of Braille and Print Readers, Betty P. Zook
Theses from 1980
An Analysis of the Role of Reinforcement Magnitude in the Transfer of Stimulus Control in a Receptive Discrimination Task, Beverly S. Adler
The Translation of Elementary Principles of Behavior from English to Persian, Kambiz Alavi
Development of a System for Water Quality Analysis Using Particle Induced X-Ray Emission, James Albert Andrus
Effects of Relative Heterogeneity of Competence in Peer-Tutoring Dyads, Meredith Dawson Argyropoulos
A Comparison of the Relationship between Self-Concept of Intellectual Ability and Self-Esteem in Nigeria, Julius Andera Ate
Studies on the Scorpions of Libya, Nuri Milad Barbash
The Importance of Sixteen Competency Dimensions for Therapy: A Comparison between Therapist Ratings, Mark A. Barnhouse
The Effects of a Lottery on Completion of Medical Records by Physicians, Richard William Beers
The Effect of Mand Training Upon Early Language Intervention, Thomas M. Bell
Roethke’s "Meditations of an Old Woman": A Myth and Ritual for Dying, Christopher K. Bennett
St. Osmund of Salisbury, Michael A. Benton
Principles of Choreography as Exemplified in the Works of George Balanchine, Virginia E. Bird
An Examination of the Red Blood Cell Alloantigentic System in the Chinese Hamster, Kathryn Elliget Blashfield
The Effects of a Transfer of Stimulus Control Procedure, Probes, and Reinforcement on the Acquisition and Generalization of an Intraverbal Repertoire, Steven John Braam
Establishing Verbal Behavior: The Effects of Using Establishing Operations and Imitative Prompts to Teach Mands to Two Non-Verbal Elderly Retarded Persons, Terry Steven Bradford
A Study of School Finance as it Relates to Cash Flow, Reserves, Negotiations, Board Philosophy, Inflation, and Budget Philosophy, James Alvin Brouwer
Trace Conditioning in Automaintenance: Effects of Trace Duration on Established Key-Pecking by the Pigeon, John Andrew Bryceland
Preferences of Students for the Hutchings "Low Stress" Compared to the Conventional Algorithm under Conditions of Differentially Increasing the Number of Problems With and Without Reinforcement, Pamela G. Buitendorp Drew
Leadership in Environmental Quality Organizations, Stephen A. Cannell
A Multiple-Baseline Analysis of Social/Academic-Skills Training Across Different Stimulus Conditions: Generalization as a Function of Stimulus Diversity, Stanley R. Carlock
A Report of an Internship in the Portage Public Schools, Diana Lung Castell
Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment - A Meta-Analytic Study, Kenny Benedict Cemane
The Effects of Remedial Quiz Procedures on College Student Performance, Lynette Kaye Chandler
A Study of the Models Describing Fines and Filler Retention by Utilizing Cationic Starch as the Retention Aid, Nen-Sen Chen
The Effect of Chlorpromazine on Behavior Maintained by an Escape Contingency and Fixed-Time Delivery of Shock, James P. Cleary
Physical Properties of DNA from Synchronously Grown Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacteria, Carol A. Cox
Effects of Withdrawing Diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin) on Matching to Sample Performance in Mentally Retarded Persons, Vicky June Davis
Effects of Fixed-Interval and Random-Interval Escape Paradigms on Presession and Postsession Levels of Corticosterone in the Rat, Duane Dregits
The Effect of Operant Conditioning of Heart Rate on Ambient Skin Conductance and Cognitive Interpretation, Steven Scott Ehlert
Citizen Perceptions of Various Police Behaviors: A Conceptual Framework and Practical Recommendations for Improvement, H. Preston Elrod
Variables Related to the Effectiveness of Instructions: A Theoretical Analysis of Experimental Results, Stephen Paul Enge
Relationship of Gravity Anomalies to a Drift Filled Bedrock Valley System in Calhoun County Michigan, James W. Farnsworth
An Assessment of an Urban School District's Compliance with Its Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Program, Patsy Ann Fox
A Column for the High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of Some Potentially Hazardous Metal Ions, Stephen R. Friebe
The Effects of a Teacher-Designed Classroom Management Plan on Behaviors in a High School Home Economics Class, Elizabeth Garcia
A Petrographic Analysis of Black Mesa, Arizona Ceramics, Elizabeth M. Garrett
An Analysis of the Usage Patterns of Cooperative Education Students by Employers in the Major Malls of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Glenn J. Gelderloss
Glucocorticoid Receptors in Liver Cytosol of Adrenalectomized Diabetic and Nondiabetic Chinese Hamsters, Richard E. Gibson
The Existence of Generalization Abilities in Five Aphasics, Jo Ellen Gilbert
The Construction and Testing of a New Empathy Rating Scale, Gary D. Gray
The Second and Third Crusades: Their Justification and Goals as Seen by the Clergy, Hugh Clifton Griffith
Effects of Selenium on 1, 2-Dimethylhydrazine (BMH) Metabolism and DNA Alkylation, Philip Robert Harbach
Management of Type a (Coronary-Prone) Behavior, Janel K. Harris
An Analysis of Salt Eating in Birds, Kathryn Julia Herson
An Analysis of the Faunal Remains from the Schwerdt Site, a Late Prehistoric Encampment in Allegan County, Michigan, Michael J. Higgins
Focus on Administration: An Internship Experience, Cheryl Lynn Holmes
A Study of the Effectiveness of the Beginning Reading Tutorial Program Administered by Elementary Aides, Reginald T. Hosner
A Formal Analysis of the Prehistoric Ceramics from Draper Park (20-SC-40): A Wayne Tradition Occupation on the St. Clair River in Southeastern Michigan, Robert David Hoxie
Analysis of Single Sperm Acrosomal Enzymes in Genetic Toxicology, Steven Craig Johnson
Effect of Changing Appointment Making Procedures on Increasing the Number of Initial Appointments Kept at a Family Planning Agency, Carla A. Jones
Fetal Alcohol Effects: A Review of the Current Literature and a Proposed Study of the Possible Additive Effects of Marihuana and Alcohol on the Fetus, Shirley Lange Kamp
The Development and Application of Service Management by Objectives within One Program of One Division of a Michigan Intermediate School District, James Harper Kaye
An Investigation of Relaxation Training Effects and Generality Using Biofeedback and Verbal Instructions, John W. Kesselring