All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1984
A Geophysical Investigation of a Possible Astrobleme in Southwestern Michigan, Suhas L. Ghatge
Progression for Chamber Orchestra, David Edward Hansen
The Oral Self-Administration of Nicotine in Two Groups of Rats, Jay D. Hansor
The Effects of Validation Versus Reality Orientation Approaches in Music Therapy with Disoriented Elderly Adults, Debra Diane Harvey
A Comparative Study of the Members of Citizen Advisory Committees in Two Cities, Maryam Hasan
Resolution Algorithms in a Parallel Processing Environment, Paula Beth Brandman Hencken
Mothers' Intervention Strategies in a Structured Question-Answer Dialogue, Marcia C. Hill
A Comparison of Teacher and Student Absenteeism in Three School Districts of Different Size, John Clifton Huffman
Ralph III and the House of Tosny, Joseph P. Huffman
Reliability and Validity of the Black English Sentence Scoring System, Yvette D. Hyter
The Effects of a Structured Study-Support Program on the Academic Performance of Minority College Freshmen in a General Psychology Course, Mark Andrew Jackson
Using Performance-Management to Improve the Academic Success of High-Risk College Students, Valerie L. Jager
The Fungal Ecology of the Activated Sludge Process, Douglas William Jaques
A Query-Processing Optimization Strategy for Generalized File Structures, Donna Marie Kaminski
Use of Contingency Contracting for the Generalization of Social Skills of Emotionally Impaired Students, Michelle M. Kapp
The Fall of South Vietnam: A Study of the South Vietnamese Armed Forces, Binh Phuoc Le
An Investigation of the Effects of Different Running Shoes on the Gait Pattern of Runners, Linda S. Leeds
The Application of Multiderivative Infrared Spectroscopy to Iodine Number Determination, Jeffrey C. Lowry
Attendant Care and Occupational Therapy, Barbara Barrett Lucas
Behavioral Interventions for the Cessation of Cigarette Smoking Behavior: A Literature Review, Russell David Matthews
The Effects of Do-Say and Phase Sequencing on Correspondence Behaviors of Preschool Children, Catherine M. McManus
An Examination and Analysis of the Department of Special Education in the Muskegon Heights Public Schools, Doristine Louise Minott
Political Integration: A National Language for Malaysia, Zairina Othman
Manual Labor: The Twelfth-Century Cistercian Ideal, Dennis R. Overman
An Experiential Project Examining the Dual Roles of Curriculum Director and Elementary Principal, Michael M. Perry
Purification and Properties of a Mannitol-Binding Protein from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Gregory V. Plano
The Effects of Alprazolam and Triazolam on Two Methods of Induced Aggression in Rats, Howard Kiel Plummer
A Comparison of the Effects of Student-Generated Versus Instructor-Generated Questions on the Comprehension of Written Material, Helen Diann Pratt
Rhythmicity, Rate, and Perceived Effort Level of Fluent and Disfluent Children and Their Parents, Lorraine DeStefano Proctor
Chretien de Troyes' Erec et Enide and Cistercian Spirituality, Patricia Ann Quattrin
A Program to Teach Multiple Verbal Relations Involving a Small Number of Response Forms, Kimberly Lou Richter
The Effects of Given Versus Self-Derived Rules on Children's Performance of a Complex Discrimination Task, Susan F. Roy
The Upper Mississippi Component at The Fort Meigs Site, Northwest Ohio, with Special Emphasis on the Analysis of the Ceramic Assemblage, William Evan Rutter
Geology of a Section of the Northwest Tobacco Root Mountains, Madison County, Southwest Montana, Kiff James Samuelson
A Study of Integral Equations for Computing Radial Distribution Functions, Robert C. Scherzer
Foreign Graduate Students’ Political Participation in Two Different Political Environments, Ragaa Ibrahim Selim
Structural Geology of the Northern Snowcrest Range, Beaverhead and Madison Counties, Montana, Mark Kenneth Sheedlo
A Report of an Internship in the Niles Community Schools Niles, Michigan, David D. Shoemake
An Evaluation and Comparison of Various Diversity Indices as Illustrated by Portage Creek, Karl Josef Siebert
The Patterns of Cultural Behavior Which Promote and Disrupt the Transmission of Malaria in Haiti, Janet Jenks Sloan
The Depositional History of the Point Pleasant Member of the Cynthiana Formation in Northern Kentucky, Gary J. Stefaniak
The Use of Performance Data to Monitor and Support the Reorganization of an Educational System, Ellen Spall Thompson
Alcoholism: The Insidious Disease, Kathryn Van Bruggen
A Study of Treatment Effects of Short-Term Hospitalization, Sherwin R. Van Klompenberg
The Musical Sturm und Drang, Linn VanMeter-Drew
Inland Seawalls in Southwestern- Michigan: A Limnological Approach, Jeroen Wagendorp
An Experiential Project Examining the Development, Organization, Implementation, and Supervision of Summer Activity Programs, Thomas R. Weaver
The Kinetics of the Metal Exchange Reaction between N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) Iminodiacetatonickelate (Il) and Copper(II), Craig R. Weed
The Training of a Few Response Forms under Multiple Controlling Variables, Mary-Ann Wiermanski
A Comparison of Two Methods of Presenting Nutrition Education to Senior Citizens Participating in a Congregate Meal Program, Janice M. Williams
Effects of the Center for the Self-Management of Academic Performance on High Risk Students, Connie J. Wittkopp
Acute Effects of Phenytoin and Thioridazine, Alone and Combination, upon Water Intake and Body Weight Changes in Rats, Miriana Witzig-Krstic
A Study of the Mannitol Binding Protein Active Transport System and a Catabolite Repression Resistant Mutant in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Joseph Arthur Wolff
Male-Female Differences in Expressed Work Attitudes: An Examination of Sex Roles and Gender Identity, Keith A. Woods
Interview Training for College Students: A Behavioral Approach Versus a Self-Help Approach, Toni Yvette Woolfork
Speech Results Following Modified Pharyngeal Flap Surgery, Karen S. Zalewski
Feature-Value Effect, Nedra N. Zerbel
Theses from 1983
A Histopathological Assessment of the Effects of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes on the Ears of Chinese Hamsters, Karen Ailsworth
An Evaluation of a Library Skills Workbook for Beginning College Students, David Dean Alleman
A Report of a Project in the Central Administrative Offices of the Jenison Public Schools, Gary W. Allen
Growth Rates: Influence of Prednisolone, Sex and Crowding in Rats, Karen M. Allen
An Optimal Design of Relational Data Model, Pissamai Amatayakul
Coalition Politics in Malaysia, Zakiah Awang
Two Apparently Effective Strategies for Increasing Employee Compliance, Ann M. Backe
Assertiveness Training for Black College Freshmen, Ollie G. Barnes
Sedimentation Rate of Salt Determined by Micrometeorite Analysis, James Matthew Barnett
A Report of an Internship in the St. Joseph Public Schools St. Joseph, Michigan, Richard H. Bartz
The Creationist Movement: Science, Religion and Ideology, George M. Bevins
Community Development in Northeast Thailand a Case Study of Don-Lum-Kom Village, Peerapat Booncharoen
The Effects of a Minimal Intervention on the Acquisition of Behavior and an Evaluation of the Utility of its Maintenance, Cheryl Anne Brandt
Instructional Leadership: A Comparison of the Roles of Principal and Curriculum Director, Bettina K. Brown
The Effect of Indoleacetic Acid and Related Chemicals on Growth Patterns of Decapitated Bean Plants, Lewis V. Buchanan
Self-Actualization and Well-Being of Baccalaureate Degree Nurses, Lori L. Butkovich
A Report of an Internship in the National Office of the American Occupational Therapy Association, Claire Callan
Input Frequency and Perceived Impact of an Interactive Newsletter in a Small Organization, Patricia Calle
A Uniform System for Data Base Directories, Karl Chang
Cationic and Anionic Micellar Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Hydroxamic Acids, Douglas Eugene Conran
Melody Plus Rhythm Drill: A Computerized Melodic Dictation Drill Program, Pamela Ann Covert
Teaching Change Computation to the Developmentally Disabled, Nancy Daeschlein
The Repeated Acquisition Procedure as a Means of Analyzing Instructional Stimulus Control and Rule-Directed Behavior, Jeffrey S. Danforth
The Effects of Parent Monitoring on Homework Completion of Low Performing Students, Maria del Carmen Barocio
The Effects of Caffeine Alone, and in Combination with Nicotine, on Several Behaviors in Rats, Judith S. DeVoe
Seasonal Effects on Blood Pressure, David C. Dotson
Using Anthropological Approaches in a Human Service Setting, Steven Alan Erickson
The Effects of Music Upon Job Attitudes and Performance in an Industrial Inspection Task, Christopher D. Freiburger
Reducing Severe Diurnal Bruxism in a Severely Retarded Person, A. Daniel Gomez Fuentes
An Evaluation of the Regulated Breathing Method in Treatment of Stuttering, Paul B. Greilick
Generalization of Self-Control for Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom, Darline Haley
Electrical Resistivity Survey Near the "KL" Avenue Landfill, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, David W. Hall
Preference under Concurrent Mixed Fixed-Ratio Fixed-Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement: Control by Intracomponent Ratio Length, Earl Hall-Johnson
Effects of Positive, Negative and Balanced Emphases on Perceived Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal, Joseph Andrew Hammond
The Geology and Geochemistry of the Summit Creek Molybdenum Prospect, Custer County, Idaho, Thomas Murray Hanna
Histopathology in Rat Temporal Bones Resulting from Excess Dietary Fluoride in Conjunction with Suspected Water Born Toxins, Donna Lee Healy
Cerebrovascular Lesions, Emotional Behavior and Changes in Reinforcement Density, George Kahle Henry
The Cultural Roots of Behaviorism, Juan Mario Herakovic