All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1983
The Effects of Photoperiod on the Prolactin Cells of Notropis Cornutus (Mitchell), Matthew Kevin Hettinger
The Relationship between Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and Growth Patterns in Children Diagnosed as Hyperactive, Teri Mitchel Hibbard
The Determination' of a Strength Gain of the Quadriceps and Hamstrings from Recreational Cross-Country Skiing, Cheryl A. Hofman
A High Resolution Ground Magnetic Study of Part of the Albion-Scipio Trend, Steven James Hoin
The Marxian and the Weberian Theories of Bureaucracy: Contradictions and Approximations, Khai Leong Ho
Vocal Pitch Range and Habitual Pitch Level: The Study of Normal College Age Speakers, Patricia Jo Huss
A Report of an Internship with Senior Services, Incorporated, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Monroe H. Johnson
A Behavioral Approach in the Treatment of Hypertension: Exercise Therapy and Relaxation Training, Sheila Wang Kessenich
The Moral Majority: The Fundamental1st-Christian's Fight Against Humanism and Pluralism in American Politics, James A. Kruis
A Biomechanical Analysis of the Stages of Motor Development of Horizontal Jumping Patterns in Young Children, Theresa J. Landis
Effects of Perceived Power of those Assigning Goals on Goal Attainment, Larry L. Langeland
The Effect of the Nonverbal Cue of Female Clothing on Perceived Leadership as Determined by Naive Judges, Julie Ann Larson
A Magnetic and Resistivity Survey of Cork Street Landfill, Stanislaw Leja
Environment of Deposition of the A-1 Carbonate, Salina Group, Michigan Basin, Barbara June Leonard
A Report of an Internship at the Michigan State Department of Education, Lansing, Michigan, Reiniera Leroux
A Study of Financial Management Aspects of School Business Management, William Paul Le Tarte
Identifying Jungial Personality Type by the Instrument of Self-Report, Charles Clay Livingston
An Analysis of Plant Remains from Draper Park, a Late Woodland Site in Southeastern Michigan, Jean F. Marek
The Socio-Cultural Transformation of Japanese Medical Systems, Takako Matsunaga
Summary of an Internship at Kalamazoo Central High School and Portage Central High School, William James Mieras
A Report of an Internship in the St. Joseph Public Schools, St. Joseph, Michigan, Thomas J. Miller
The Effects of an Instructional Package on Study Question Completion Skills of High School Students, Jeffery David Montgomery
A Central Administration Internship in the Calhoun Intermediate School District, Donald J. Morris
Design, Construction, and Testing of a Microprocessor-Controlled Interface between Analog Geophysical Equipment and a Digital Cassette Recorder, Mohd. Nawawi Mohd. Nordin
Otopathology in Two Lines of the Diabetic Chinese Hamster, Cricetulus Griseus, Jo A. Oostveen
The Albigensian Heresy and the Gnostic Tradition, John Stine Penman
The Need for Compensating Victims of Violent Crime, Alan Roger Phelps
Medical Oncologists' Self-Reported Practices and Opinions Regarding Cancer Chemotherapy Informed Consent Procedures, George Walter Rakowsky
A Learning Strategy for a Class of Probabilistic Automata, Lyle Amos Reibling
The Geology of Burnt Ridge Quadrangle and Vicinity Ravalli County, Montana, Randall Reichert
The Validation of a Behavioral Programmed Text for Increasing Self-Control Attitudes, Douglas Howard Ruben
A Short Data Based Inservice Program for Teachers of Direct Instruction, Patricia McKeen Salvi
The Effects of Prostaglandin E2 on the Healing Processes of Rat Perforated Tympanic Membranes, Diane Sue Saylor
Michigan Schools Must Provide Necessary School Supplies, Tommie D. Saylor
A Microprocessor Controlled Pulsed Hollow Cathode Lamp for an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, James B. Schilling
The 1932 Coup in Thailand: An Account of a Participant in the Coup, Perasant Ratanakul Serireongrith
Non-Equilibrium L-Shell Effects on K-Shell X Rays for 20-54 MeV S+C Collisions, Donald Solon Shippy
An Experiential Project Examining the Summer School and Enrichment Elements of Community Education, Susan V. Slade
The Role of Automatic Conditioned Reinforcement and Automatic Conditioned Punishment in Infant Vocal Behavior, Rick A. Smith
A Biomechanical Analysis Theorizing the Effects of Long Term Meniscectomy on Q Angles and Pronation/Supination of the Foot During Running, Richard R. Squires
Behavioral Management of Multiple Food Aversions of a Multiply Handicapped Child, Steven A. Stang
Distribution Analysis of the Cultural Materials from the Mushroom Site (20 AE 88), Allegan County, Michigan, Charles B. Stout
The Geology of the Southern Bull Mountain Area, Jefferson County, Montana, Michael Edward Streeter
A Comparative Analysis of Two Methods of Administering the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ), Michael Heenan Swearingen
A Hearing Assessment Using Operant Audiological Testing with a Severely Retarded Deaf-Blind Child, Patricia Timpson
Knowledge Mapping: A System for the Design and Construction of Curricula, Linda M. Tipper
Improving Customer Service Using a Self-Recording Checklist, Donald Troy
Long Slow Distance Running as a Treatment for Moderate Depression of Outpatients, Dalene DeGraaf VandenHoek
Overcoming Unadaptive Behavior: An Assertive Skills Program for Women Entering the Workforce, Julia Sara Wolf
A Report of an Internship in Berrien Springs Public Schools Berrien Springs, Michigan, Samuel L. Wright
The Effects of Contingency-Management on Probationary Students' Academic Behavior, Brian Delano Yancey
A Comparison of Three Monitoring Systems on the Management of Contingency Contracting Behavior, James V. Yanna
The Effects of Insulin on Hepatic Glucocorticoid Receptor Content in the Diabetic Rat, Jeffrey John Yourick
The Use of Punishment in Industry, Promise Sibonisiwe Zungu
Theses from 1982
Autocorrelation in Behavioral Time-Series Data: The Search Goes On, Robert James Anderson
A Study of the Contemporary Struggle for Power in Iran, Reza Assadi
A Comparison of the Effects of Participation, Expected Payment, and No Expected Payment on Clerical Performance, James Theodore Austin
Exercise as Antecedent Control of Various Inappropriate Behaviors, Jan E. Bachman
Glycosaminoglycans of Normal and Diabetic Human Plasma, Gloria Badiner
A Study of Flow Languages, Vector Machines, Petri Nets and Convex Languages, Shyam Kishore Bajpai
Acquisition and Transfer of Behavior Management Skills: An Empirical Functional Analysis of Staff and Client Gains, Elaine Bellis
Design and Implementation of Computer Assisted Instruction in Money Concepts for Elementary Students, Jack H. Bender
The Differential Effects of Three Job-Related Manipulations on the Task Performance of Movie Theatre Employees, Raymond Douglas Bennett
The Effects of Three Instructional Strategies on the Food Group Labeling Responses in Preschool Children, Jon Jeffery Boes
Behavioral Science in the Design of Cultures, Robert G. Brown
Rational-Emotive Therapy: A Literature Review, William T. Castell
The Perceived Effectiveness of the Borgess Human Assistance Program as Measured by a Checklist of Key Components, Kevin G. Clark
Research in the Use of State Diagramming as a Communication, Diagnostic, and Descriptive Tool in Applied Educational Programs, Roger S. Coates
Significance Evaluation and Research Potential of Prehistoric Sites in Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming, Christopher A. Cojeen
Cardio-Vascular Conditioning in Pre-School Children, Patricia Anne Cole
A Comparison of Hutchings' Low Stress Algorithm and Three Other Methods in Multidigit Multiplication for Calculation Speed and Accuracy, John Byron Connors
The Development of a Curriculum Model for Undergraduate Education of Manufacturing Engineers, Mark Allen Curtis
The Effect of Heroin on the Sexual Behavior of Males: A Comparison of Addicts, their Cohorts, and Other Drug Abusers, Kimberley A. Decker
A Computer Assisted Instruction Package for Computer Graphics, Robert Normand Dutilly
Analogues of Steffimycinone, David Wayne Elrod
The Use of a Job Model with Self-Recording and Performance Information as an Alternative to On-Site Supervision, Mark Kevin Forbes
A Staff Training Program to Change Target Behaviors: Acquisition, Transfer, and Effects of Behavior Management Training with Paraprofessionals, Patricia D. Foster
A Computer System for Understanding English Text in a Kindergarten Story, Janice Anne Freyburger
The Origin of Carbonate Cements in Bahama Escarpment Limestones, Katharine D. Fulker
The Effects of a Cumulative Review Procedure Upon the Acquisition and Retention of Basic Addition Facts Under Mastery Learning Conditions, Michael Jeffrey Harshman
Jesuit Rings from Fort Michilimackinac and Other European Contact Sues, Judith Ann Hauser
The Effects of Intermittent Schedules of Reinforcement on the Generation of Adjunctive Behavior in Humans, Kenneth L. Hearn
The Features and Significance of Layering and Shearing Within the Zone of Mylonitization, Northeastern Idaho Batholith, Jon Michael Hermann
An Analysis of the Validity of Albert Ellis's A-B-C Paradigm of Psychopathology, Alan M. Hill
The Teaching of Music Theory in the Piano Lesson: A Survey of Methods, Donna R. Hood
The Detection of Behavioral Effects in the F1 Generation of Mice Treated During Spermatogenesis with Mitcmycin C and Ethyl-Nitrosourea, Bethel Elizabeth Imel
The Effects of In-School and Out-of-School Contracting on Academic Performance, Kelly Lynn Kent
Sex Differential Responding in Preschool Teachers: A Foundation for a Functional Analysis, Joanne Kimak
Christianity and Delinquency: A Study of Religiosity and Delinquency Involvement, Brenda T. King
The Effects of Pre and Post-Performance Review Goal Setting on Subsequent Job Performance in a Human Services Setting, Christie L. Kleinhuizen
A History of Bronson Park, Kalamazoo, Michigan from 1829 to 1940, Carol Knauss
Political Leadership and National Development in the Republic of Korea, Woo-Sung Koh
A Component Analysis of Hutchings' Low-Stress Subtraction Algorithm with Third Grade Students, Karen J. Lascurettes
A Report of an Internship in the St. Joseph Public Schools St. Joseph, Michigan, Dennis David Lundgren
The Management of Blood Pressure Using Progressive Muscle Relaxation under Nonstressful and Stressful Conditions, A. Janelle Maldonado
Pennsylvanian Deltaic Sedimentation in Grand Ledge, Michigan, Jeffrey R. Martin
A Review of an Internship with the Educational Services Department of Bronson Methodist Hospital Kalamazoo, Michigan, Krista T. McKay
Intelligibility of Speech Produced with an Artificial Larynx at Various Frequencies, Sandra Arlene Merritt