All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1980
Out of Four Elements (1980), Michael H. Keur
Self-Protective Behavior: Acquisition and Generalization of Preschool Children's Responses to Strangers, Pamela K. Kies
Availability and Utilization of Student/Personnel Services for Academic and Personal Development at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Verlyn R. Knowles
A Study of the Portrayal of Saints Peter and Paul in French Gothic Art, Claire Kriebel
The Development and Validation of Concept Programmed Materials Based on a Direct Instruction Model, Curt E. LaLonde
The Effects of Staff Training, Incentive, and Information and Feedback on Incidence of Vandalism in a Dormitory Setting, Donald G. Landeck
The Effects of Self-Recording on the Academic Performance of Elementary School Students, Saundra Eileen Epps Landry
A Treatment Package to Improve Academic Performance, Lynn Daniel Larrow
Acculturation and Ethnic Identity of the Chinese Population in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Tsi-Yin Lee
The Effects of Behavioral Contracting on the Self-Administration of Tetraethylthiuram Disulfide, Alan G. Lewandowski
A Study of the Varying Degrees of Creativity Manifested by Kindergarten Children from Open or Traditional Classrooms, Susan Spelman Lewis
A Report of an Internship Experience in the Grand Rapids, Michigan, Public Schools, Daniel G. Licea
A Study of the Effects of Changes in Response Requirement on Lever Preference in a Discrete-Trial Choice Procedure, Charles L. Lowe
Variations in the Depositional Environment of the Lower Cincinnatian Kope Formation, Thomas K. Mahan
The Role of Generalization in the Acquisition of Autoshaping a Replication Procedure, Omar Mangrum
Admission Characteristics as Predictors of Alcohol Outpatient Treatment Contacts, William Charles Marshall
The Schwerdt Site (20 AE 127) Ceramics: A Berrien Phase Ceramic Assemblage in Allegan County, Michigan, Paul W. McAllister
Social Characteristics in Home Rule Elite Recruitment, Alireza Mohseni-Tabrizi
A Description and Quantitative Analysis of Artifacts Recovered from Fort Meigs (1813-1815) Wood County, Ohio, John P. Nass
Computer Aided Design for FET Circuits, Iyad Ahmad Natour
A Behavioral Parent Training Follow-Up Using Direct Observation and Audio-Taping in the Home Setting, Michelle Fedko Nelson
Biological Studies on Some Ghanats of Iran, Fardin Oliaei
A Guide for Leadership Consultants, Michael Joseph O'Shea
An Analysis of the Peak S h ift Explanation o f Response Summation, Jeanne Page
An Examination of Certain Factors which Contributed to the Separation of Central America From Spain: 1808-1821, John R. Permesang
Citizen Advisory Committees: The Relationship between Member Satisfaction and Committee Variables, Linda Kimmel Pifer
A Partial Component Analysis of Modeling as a Technique for Increasing Normative Work Rates in Rehabilitation, Ralph G. Pifer
The Effects of Prostaglandin Synthesis Inhibition on the Regulation of Blood Pressure in the Rat, David J. Pollock
A Report of an Internship in the Bloomingdale, Michigan, Public Schools, James F. Scholley
An Evaluation of a Videotape Discrimination Training Program to Teach One-to-One Training Skills, Norman L. Schultz
The 1973 Oil Embargo Arab Oil Diplomacy, Amal Mustafa Shamma
A Study of the Target Thickness Effect for Chlorine on Germanium from 25 to 49.5 MeV, James Robert Slusser
A Report of an Internship in School Administration at Mount Clemens Community Schools, Carolyn J. Smith
A Comparative Anatomical Study of the Pineal Gland in Mammals, Nishi Bala Sood
The Effect of Lead on Developing Rat Brain Lipids, Larry J. Stegink
The Possible Influence of Nestbox Size on Nesting Behavior and Reproductive Success in the House Wren (Troglodytes Aedon), Mary Anne Sydlik
Culture Conflict as it Relates to a Psychocultural Therapeutic Model for Chicanos, Armando Tena
Etiological Manifestations of Specific Reading Disorders Suggested in the Clinical Assessment Data of Children, Brett Thompson
Architectural Design, Neighboring, and Victimization in Group Housing: An Examination of Relationships, Kathleen Anne Tiemann
The Influence of the Introduction of Heavy Ordnance on the Development of the English Navy in the Early Tudor Period, Kristin MacLeod Tomlin
Charles Langlade in the French and Indian War, Paul M. Trap
A Report of an Internship in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Kalamazoo, Michigan, Celeste Kaiser Vogan
A Study of Opinions Related to Corporal Punishment: 1980, Susan J. Walz
An Investigation of Some Effects of Timeout Using the Repeated Acquisition Design with Children, Anita Lynn Wilson
Wife Battering: A Theoretical Model and Treatment Approaches, Joan Woods
The Effects of Cumulative Review in an Interspersal Procedure on the Acquisition and Retention of Sight Words, Kathleen M. Wright
Teaching Self-Protective Behaviors to Preschool Children Using a Videotape Training Program, Paul James Yoder
Theses from 1979
The Effects of EMG Biofeedback Assisted Relaxation Training on the Classroom Behaviors of Emotionally Impaired Children, Elizabeth Hein Akey
Hydrogeology of the Minjur Aquifer System in the Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia, Ibrahim A. Al-Jallal
Acquiring and Maintaining Conflict Management Skills: An Experimental Validation of the Effects of Homework, Laurie L. Assadi
An Analysis of the Faunal Assemblage from the Elam Site: An Upper Mississippian Seasonal Encampment on the Kalamazoo River in Allegan County, Michigan, Kenneth A. Barr
The Effects of Hypophysectomy and Testosterone on Testicular Prostaglandin F2α, Diane Charron Beuving
The Effects of Behavioral Contracting on Student Participator Activities in a Junior High Student Service Center, Sandra K. Bickel
Effects of Homework Assignments, Parent Prompts, and Contingency Contracting on Classroom Spelling Accuracy of Trainably Mentally Impaired and Severely Multiply Impaired Students, Christine M. Blakeman
Improving Customer Service in a Large Department Store through the Use of Training and Feedback, Mark G. Brown
The Development of a High School Attendance Policy, Wallace A. Brown
Factors Influencing Prosecutorial Discretion in Criminal Sexual Conduct Cases, Susan Caringella-MacDonald
A Model Public Relations Plan for the K-12 Clintondale Community Schools Based on the Results of a Survey of Community Attitudes, James Caudill
Characteristics of the Narrator: Chaucer’s the Canterbury Tales, Gerald Cecere
The Use of Contingency Contracting to Maintain and Improve Jogging (an Exercise Behavior) in a Group of Community Women, Nancy Lai-Shi Chan
Development of an Integrated Program of Water Reuse in a Pulp and Paper Mill, Zafar M. Chaudhri
Response Strength: Changes in Concurrent Random-Interval Responding as a Function of Body Weight, Christopher T. Cherpas
Analysis of Mixtures of Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite, Ying-Chien Chu
Structural and Petrologic Comparison of the Southern Sapphire Range, Montana with the Northeast Border Zone of the Idaho Batholith, Stacy Lon Clark
The Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of a Bacterial Enzyme Catalyzing the Reductive Cleavage of Anthracycline Glycosides, Mark W. Collison
Increasing Head Extension with the Use of Automated Contingent Music, Susan Corman
The American Invasion of the Niagara Peninsula – 1814, Daniel K. R. Crosswell
Forces in the Criminality of Women, Doris J. Cubbernuss
A Report of an Internship in the Parchment Public Schools Parchment, Michigan, Rita Linnenkugel Current
A Taxonomy of Organizations for Assessing Research in Organizational Communication, Margaret E. Dennany
Photon Counting System for the Determination of Creatine Phosphokinase, Steven E. Dueball
Reinforcement Psychology and the Market Environment, Richard P. Eastman
Computer MMPI Reports: A Comparison of Three Commercially Available Reports on Accuracy, Format, and Utility, Kathryn Elaine Edwards
Response Strength in Multiple Pacing Schedules, Stephen J. Fath
Analysis and Interpretation of the 5,000 ft (1,538 M) Red-Bed Sequence Encountered in the Sparks et al. #1-8 (Michigan Basin Deep Borehole), John H. Fowler
A Behavioral System for Supervising Undergraduate Research, Gary D. Gant
Geology of the Central Peloncillo Mountains, the North Third of the Pratt Quadrangle, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, Dennis J. Gebben
A Comparison of Isotonic Versus Isokinetic Exercise in the Development of Strength and Concomitant Enhancement of Body Proportions for College Females, Diane Lloyd Gillo
Autocorrelation in Behavior Modification Data, Suzanne M. Girman
A Report of an Internship with a Uniserv Director of the Michigan Education Association Wayne County, Michigan, John Arthur Goniea
A Report of an Internship at Portage Public Schools, Mary A. Groening
A Report of an Internship at Paw Paw Public Schools, John A. Gunnell
A Suggested Sight Vocabulary Training Program, Martin Halvorsen
Observational Learning of an Intraverbal Response with Pairs of Multiply Handicapped Young Adults, Margaret C. Harkness
A Summary of Experiences in an Internship in the Area of Community College Administration, Charles E. Henkel
The Effect of a Training Program to Improve Abilities in the Accurate Perception of Emotion and Facilitative Skills in Undergraduate Music Therapy Students, Susan M. Higgins
Inmate Deaths in Kalamazoo County, Berrien County and 42 States: A Comparative Analysis for the Years 1970-1977, Janice Bernice Howard
A Comparison of Two Non-Vocal Language Systems for the Severely Physically Handicapped, Bonnie I. Hurlbut
Teaching-Care: Developing Therapeutic Staff-Client Interactions during Daily Care Activities, Martin T. Ivancic
Applications of Sidman's Mediated Transfer Paradigm to the Teaching of Reading: Total Communication and American Sign Language, Bruce C. Jackson
WISC-R Patterns for the Learning Disabled: A Study of the Recategorizations of Bannatyne and Kaufman, Dianne A. Johnston
Rule-Governed Versus Contingency-Shaped Self-Control in Preschool Children, Carol Sue Jones
The Effect of Vowel Context on Consonantal Intraoral Air Pressure, Michael Karnell
Olavus Petri's Polemic against Monasticism: A Translation with Critical Notes, Margaret Mary King
The Relationship between Contracting and the Level of Academic Achievement of High School Students, John Philip Kirkpatrick