All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1978
An Investigation of Nitrogen Utilization as a Factor in the Size Selective Feeding Habits of Lepomis Macrochirus, Stephen M. Hinckley
The Unexpected Preferential Formation of 1-Alkyl-1-Phenyl-2–Propanones on Monoalkylation of the 1-Phenyl-2-Propanone Dianion, Jack M. Hinkley
The Effect of Prostaglandins and Aspirin on Insulin Release from Isolated Normal Rat Islets, Barbara Ann Hopps
Walking and Assertiveness Training as Treatment for Women Scoring High on the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, Janet L. Johnson
Self-Esteem and Goal Difficulty as Influences on Task Performance and Task Satisfaction, John W. Johnson
An Evaluation of the Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Athletic Apperception Test for the Sport of Hockey, Joseph Michael Kalinowski
A Method of Increasing in-Class Academic Productivity through a Work Adjustment Procedure, Duane E. Kiley
Psychotherapy and Humor: A Theoretical Study, Robert B. Koach
Behavioral Contracting with Community Based Inmates for Job-Seeking Behavior, Thomas Krupar
A Study Following-Up on Master's Degree Graduates in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at Western Michigan University, David Louis Lau
A Feasibility Study Concerning the Use of Alternate Energy Sources in Taiwan, Li-Juan Lee
Generalization of the Form of the T Matrix Operator of Non-Relativistic Scattering Theory, Francis Leone
A Descriptive Study of Parish Clergy and Their Counseling Practices, Gregory J. Ludlow
The Effects of Peer and Monitor Feedback on Correction and Descriptive Skills of Tutors, Cassandra Maddox
An in Vitro Study of the Effects of 17Β Estradiol on a Possible Atherosclerotic-Causing Enzyme, Xanthine Oxidase, Peter E. Malo
Chromosome Behavior and Cytokinesis of Nezara Sp. and Lygaeus Sp., Mohamed Barka Marwan
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Elementary Education in the Springfield School District, James R. McNutt
The Effects of Structured Versus Unstructured Instruction on the Generalization of Language Concepts in the Preschool Child, Cheryl A. Milford
Self-Control in the Elimination of Cigarette Smoking: Case Histories Using a Changing Criterion Design, Jeffrey Leo Miller
Report of an Internship in the Office of Curriculum Planning and Evaluation in Grand Rapids Public Schools, Joseph Steven Miller
The Distribution and Abundance of Tubificids in the Little Calumet River, Gladys Moreno
A Report of an Internship in the Three Rivers Community Schools, Three Rivers, Michigan, Janis Monreau Morton
The Response of the Micro-Adsorption Detector to Inorganic Anions, Maria E. Munera
Awareness and Usage of Community Mental Health Services by Chicanos: The Effect of Assimilation and Social Stratification, Fernando Munoz
Narcotics and Violence: An Examination of the Addict and Non-Addict Offender's Involvement in Certain Types of Crime, Terrence H. Murphy
The Effectiveness of Communication Training as Compared to Traditional Group Psychotherapy in an Inpatient Population, Patricia Ruth Murray
The Analysis of N-Methylscopolamine Bromide by High Speed Ion Pair Partition Chromatography, John L. Nappier
Acquisition of Problem-Solving Behavior via Precurrent Training, Diane E. Nelles
Archeological Site Survey of the Lower Kalamazoo River Basin: Results of the 1976 Field Season, Phillip D. Neusius
An Internship Experience at the Office of International Student Services, Chantra Nimityongskul
An Analysis of the Generalization of Multiple-Word Response Forms across Stimulus Conditions, James E. Nofziger
A Practical Method for Achieving Perturration and Changing Attitudes, Rick Edwin Noonon
Conditioned Reinforcement: An Attempt to Replicate the Thomas Procedure with Children, Michael B. Oberlin
The Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitors for Controlling Corrosion in Closed Paper Mill White Water Systems, Ifeanyi E. C. Okeke
Mammalian Succession on Lake Michigan Sand Dunes, John M. Olson
The Symbol of the Mirror in Le Roman de La Rose, Trijntje Zwolsman Ouwinga
An Analytical Study of Twentieth-Century Cadential Techniques, Rhenda Ronfeldt Pease
The Zoning Board of Appeals and Citizen Participation, Paul T. Prior
Climatic Change Considered as the Major Factor in the Abandonment of the Grand Canyon Region, Paulette Fern Rayel
The Role of Need Assessment in the Community Mental Health System, William K. Redmon
Color Preference as a Function of Personality, Robert J. Russell
The Influence of Food on Induction of Males in Daphnia Pulex, Paul Henry Schreuder
The Lithic Assemblage of the Hacklander Site, Allegan County, Michigan, Jerrel H. Sorensen
The Rhodesian Crisis: The Struggle for Majority Rule 1965-1978, Richard W. Stekette
Increasing the Appointment-Keeping Behavior of Senior Citizens through the Use of Prompts, Merri A. Terborgh
Correlates of Death Attitudes within a Specific Population: A Field Theory Approach, Beti Thompson
The Effects of Constant and Proportional Social Reinforcement on the Distances Walked by Overweight Vocational Rehabilitation Clients, Arthur Allen Thorn
Structural Effects on Micellar Catalyzed Reaction of Hydroxamic Acids, Nop Utrapiromsuk
Vegetational Communities on an Abandoned Farm in Van Buren County, Michigan, Larry G. Visser
An Exploratory Analysis of Participation in the Laetrile Movement, Yvonne M. Vissing
The Development and Feasibility of Supplementary Materials Utilizing the Computer in the Introductory College-Level Accounting Course, Richard Walker
Negative Behavioral Contrast as a Function of Response Effort, Nile Elliott Warner
A Comparison of Total Communication and Traditional Speech Training Methods with Hearing Noncommunicating, Severely Mentally Retarded Individuals, Michael E. Wells
Ethnography for Archaeology: A Functional Interpretation of an Upper Great Lakes Prehistoric Fishing Artifact, Donald E. Weston
An Alternative Sets Analysis of Temporal Responding, Francis H. E. Wojnicki
Goal Achievement in Two English New Towns: An Analysis of Occupational Class Mixing in Crawley and Hemel Hempstead New Towns, Phillip J. Zimmerman
Evaluation of a Tutorial Service: Design and Implementation, Alexander F. Zissu
Modification of Verbal Deficits of Rural Teachers, Elizabeth Zissu
Theses from 1977
The Preparation and Study of Some Bridged Tropones, Sultan T. Abu-Orabi
Urbanization and Changing Status of Iranian Women, 1956-1966, Kianoush Ahmadi-Soroosh
An Experiential Report of an Internship with the Nottawa Christian (Beachy Amish) Day School, Daisy Marie Allabach
The Collegiate Activities Research Effort: The Assessment of Continuing Education Services, Procedures and Personnel at Grand Rapids Junior College, Drew William Allbritten
Generalization of Question-Asking from a Training Situation to a Child's Natural Environment, Joan J. Andress
Flexible vs. Instructor-Paced College Quizzing: An Analysis of Preference and Performance, James A. Atkins
Movements of the Gastropod, Campeloma Decisum, in an Artificial Stream, John Badgerow
Side-Chain Metalations of Certain Dimethylpyridines by Means of Organoalkali Metal Reagents, Stephen Bendzunas
Auditory Discrimination of Pitch Differences among Pure Tone and Voice Stimuli, Demetria Bilycia
A Rationale and Program for School-Community Relations for the Jenison Public Schools, David E. Bly
The Effects of Two Types of Remedial Procedures on Test Performance of Middle School Students, Linda Borgman
The Development of Scientific Careers among Black and White Students: A Longitudinal Study, Willard B. Bowe
Women's Liberation Ideology and Union Participation among Michigan Women, Marilyn Boyd
A Survey of the Relationship between Rhetoric and Music, Robert Stephen Brown
Development and Application of Computer Assisted Instruction for Mini-Computers, Thomas A. Burne
Summary of an Internship in the Portage Public Schools, Franzetta M. Callaway
A Report of an Internship with the Northwest School District Jackson, Michigan, Catherine M. Campbell
The Comparative Effects of Assignment Size and Pacing Contingencies on the Academic and Social Behavior of High School Students, Linda M. Campbell
The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Program to Train Educational Advocates, Sue Ann Carpenter
An Internship Experience at the Riverwood Community Mental Health Center, LeRoy Stanley Carter
Career Education for Benton Harbor Area School Youth a Report of Involvement and Experiences with the Career Education Committee, Veloriah M. Carter
Early Education: Preschool to Kindergarten, a Critical Period, John R. Chirco
Differential Preference for Fixed-Time Delay over Variable-Time Food Presentation, Robert I. Cobez
Validity of the MMPI-168 as an Estimate of the Full MMPI, Judith Ellen Cohen
Effects of Anticonvulsant Drugs on the Morphological and Neurophysiological Aspects of an Experimental Model of Epilepsy, Linda D. Compton
A Descriptive Analysis of Individuals with Congenital Palatal Insufficiency, Judith Dabkowski
Conditioned Reinforcement: An Attempt to Use Zimmerman Technique with Children, Priscila R. Derdyk
A Behavioral Research-Supervising System for Masters Level Research, Michael J. Dillon
Comparison of Protein Kinase Activity in Tissue Extracts of the Diabetic and Nondiabetic Chinese Hamster, Michael Andrew Dombos
A Comparison of Electromyographic Feedback and Progressive Relaxation in Training Frontalis and Forearm Muscle Relaxation, Denise Ann Dommers
An Examination of Distinguishing Characteristics between Recidivist and Non-Recidivist Juvenile Offenders, Peter A. Draugalis
A Study of Foreign and United States Students' Perceptions of Seriousness of Selected Criminal Offenses: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry, Obi N. Ignatius Ebbe
The Schmidt Site: A Pre-Nipissing Village in the Saginaw Valley, Michigan, Jerry D. Fairchild
Elimination of Disruptive Bus Riding Behavior via Token Reinforcement, Sandra J. Ferrell
A Guide for Preparing Office Procedures Manuals, George Fisher
The Physiological Effects of Brief and Abbreviated Relaxation Training, Robert Flachier
The Neuroendocrine Basis of Nest Building in Mice, Aldair Fiori Simoes Fontes