All master’s theses completed and available to us at Western Michigan University since 1941 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. If you have any questions, please contact
Theses from 1977
Shear Waves in Glacial Till, Craig Woerpel
The Physical Anthropology of Chiggerville: Biological Relationships and Growth, Larry M. Wyckoff
A Report of an Internship in, and an Analysis of, the Benton Harbor Area School District, Jeanne O'Brien Yingst
Theses from 1976
Inhibition of Gastric Secretion and Ulcer Formation by Lithium Chloride in the Rat, Thomas H. Adair
The Effect of Attending Behavior Training on Performance of a Paired Color Discrimination Task, Stephen Michael Aggas
A Report of an Internship in Niles, Michigan, Public Schools, Frank A. Algate
Alcoholics in the Mental Hospital: The Effect of Admission Path, Arthur Anderson
The Effects of Shock Intensity on Discriminative Punishment of Consummatory Licking Behavior in Rats, Jose Gualberto Martins Angerami
A Three-Year Field Study of Cacalia Atriplicifolia, L. with Emphasis on Dispersal Mechanisms, Joann T. Athey
The Effects of Maternal Deprivation and Social Isolation on Later Social Dominance in the Albino Rat, Richard P. Banning
An Analysis of Systematic Desensitization and Covert Modeling: A Theoretical Comparison, Frank G. Barefield
A Comparison of Two Treatment Procedures on Assertive Training in Female Adults, Sandra K. Beaty
Stable Baselines for Single-Subject Experiments, Gerard Robert Brost
Behavioral Community Psychology: Encouraging the Community-Based Elderly to Participate in a Nutritious Meal Program, Theodore J. Bunck
Graph Multiplicities, David Burns
Summary of an Internship in the Battle Creek Public Schools, Lee A. Callaway
The Effects of Extrinsic Reinforcement on Previously Non-Reinforced "Preferred" Play Activities, Tanea Calou
Montcalm Area Intermediate School District Internship, David R. Clark
A Study of Forward vs. Backward Chaining, using Hutching's "Low Stress" Algorithm in Simple and Complex Addition Problems with Third Graders, Linda Sue Clark
The Effects of a Token Economy upon Reduction of Plaque Concentration on Teeth of Elementary School Children, Lester Cohen
Petrology of the Rockport Quarry Limestone (Middle Devonian Traverse Group) Alpena, Presque Isle and Montmorency Counties, Michigan, Charles Willard Cookman
Evaluations of Former Kalamazoo Learning Village Participants, Salvatore S. Cullari
Perceptual Motor Ability of Young Children as a Factor Affecting How Individual D.A.P. Characteristics Measure Self-Concept, Gregory F. Cvetkovic
The Effect of an Interdependent Group Contingency Contract on Weight Loss in Women, Carol Daisley
A Validation of Tests for Selection of Office Workers at Western Michigan University, Allen E. Doolittle
Reduction of Self-Injurious Behaviors in Retardates Using a Spray Mist, Michael F. Dorsey
A Study of Personal Characteristics and Behaviors Perceived to be Most Important for Effective Job Performance by Elementary School Principals, Thomas Lee Dunton
Silas Deane: Revolutionary or Profiteer?, Fred Gerard Flegal
A Descriptive Study of Child-Bearing Attitudes of Harried College Students, 1950 to the Present, Geraldine B. Flowers
Signalled and Unsignalled Response-Independent Electric Shock on a Food Reinforced Baseline: The Effects of Shock Intensity and Reinforcement Shock Pairings, Jose Carlos Simoes Fontes
Moral Perfection: An Interpretation of the Nicomachean Ethics, Stephen Foster
Behavioral Treatment of Alcoholism: An Avaluative Review, Kenneth Francis Foti
The Oakland Drive Neighborhood City of Kalamazoo, Michigan: A Study of Neighborhood Planning, Karl Francis Freed
A Comparison of Laboratory and Non-Laboratory Course Designs as a Setting for Increasing Agreement with Course Materials, J. Michael Gautney
A Survey of Non-Persisting Students Muskegon Community College Fall-Winter Semesters, 1974-75, Harold J. Gelderloos
Powerlessness in America the Underdeveloped Homo-Faber Negro, Glenn Edward Gibson
Student Preferences for the Hutchings' "Low Stress" Versus the Conventional Addition Algorithm under Conditions of Differentially Increasing Response Effort With and Without Reinforcement, Carolyn Louise Gillespie
A Report of a Project in the Central Administrative Offices of the Grand Rapids Public Schools, Steven J. Golembiewski
A Critical, Review of the Literature Dealing with Current Psychological Approaches to the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Pamela Jane Goy
An Evaluation of the Kalamazoo County Jail Rehabilitation Program, Janice Eileen Grady
An Analysis of the Self-Images of Workers with Physical Disabilities who Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits, Russell F. Guetschow
Toilet Training - A Critical Review, Albert Janes Gutierrez
The Nature of the Individual in the Thought of Nicholas of Cusa, Mary L. Haab
A Historical Review of the Treatment of Juvenile Delinquents, Lorenz Hansen
The Outsider Conceptual Definition and Linkages to Several Psychological Theories, Thomas R. Holmes
A Study and Analysis of Intern Training Experience at Western Michigan University's Community School Development Center, Henry Houseman
Survey of Investigations in Social Role Theory, Social Functioning, Role Conflict, Role Strain, Role Ambiguity, and a Proposal for Continued Research, Dennis A. Hunyadi
Ohmic Magnetoresistance in Nonparabolic Semiconductors: Application to n-InSb, Mahmoud Jaafarian
A Report of an Internship in the Reading Center and Clinic Western Michigan University, Lucetta A. Johnson
An Evaluation of the Volunteer Training Program at Gryphon Place, Randall I. Katz
The Interactive Effects of Assignment Length and Reinforcement of Academic Performance on Classroom Conduct, Emily S. Koenig
The Second Part of the Tractatus De Materia Concilii Generalis of Pierre D'ailly, Patrick Lally
Self-Reinforcement in the Classroom: Assessing Efficacy, Durability, Prior History and Unmerited Self-Reward, Mark Henry Lewis
The Interactive Effects of Problem Difficulty and Reinforcement of Social Behavior on Academic Performance in the Classroom, Wendy Lee Leys
A T-Matrix Analysis for the Scattering Cross Section, Michael J. Linville
The Microbiological Ecology of Slime Formation in a Paper Mill, Alexander E. Maccubbin
Response Preferences of Blacks and Roleplaying Whites to Affirmative Action Subscripts in Job Advertisements, David Richard MacDonald
East Grand Rapids Public School District Major Internship, Robert G. MacEachran
A Faunal Analysis of Five Woodland Period Archaeological Sites in Southwestern Michigan, Terrance J. Martin
Response Preferences to Affirmative Action Statements in Job Advertisements, Milo Anthony Masura
Training School Personnel in the Theory and Application of Behavior Modification Principles and Techniques: A Workshop Approach, Susan Wiles Meston
An Internship Experience at the Family Divorce Counseling Service, Barbara L. Metcalfe
Ethological Anthropology: An Examination of Biological and Experimental Influences on Some Behavioral Systems in Human and Non-Human Primates, Robert Jennings Miller
An Examination of the Functionality of Self-Monitoring under External Reactive Conditions, Richard Scott Montier
A Follow-Up Study of the Master's Degree Graduates in the Department of Business Education and Administrative Services at Western Michigan University, Jane Gustafson Morrison
Electronic Contribution to Magneto-Thermoelectric Power in Many-Valley Model of n-Ge, Carlos Humberto Munera
Morality Among Cathar Perfects and Believers in France and Italy, 1100-1300, James Edward Myers
Effects of Rheology on Pigmented Size Press Coating Pattern, Stanley L. Oakleaf
A Study of Asymptotic Solutions of Second Order Linear Differential Equations, Toshitake Okada
A Comparative Study of the Physical Fitness of Nigerian Elementary School Children of Different Socioeconomic Status, Adeline Omokhogie Oseni
The Validation of a Test Battery and Biographical Data Used to Select Key-Punch Operators, Michael F. O'Toole
Effects of Simulator Training on the Acquisition and Generalization of Pedestrian Skills in Retarded Persons, Terry J. Page
Evaluation of an Experimental Time-Telling Program for Normal and Mentally Impaired Children, James W. Partington
Physiological Iron Deficiency Anemia in Suckling Beagle Pups, Timothy F. Porter
Comparative Evaluation of Glucose Stimulated Insulin Secretion in Nondiabetic, Diabetic, and Prediabetic Chinese Hamsters, Ronald Neil Prange
The Prevalence of 47, XYY Males among Collegiate Basketball Players, Joy Ann Price
The Paraprofessional Polemic: Investigating the Case of the Paraprofessional in the Community Mental Health Center, William Joseph Riley
A Comparison of the Hutchings' “Low-Stress" and Current Addition Algorithms for Speed and Accuracy in Two School Settings with Regular and Special Education Children, Laurence E. Rudolph
The Role, Views, and Background Characteristics of Current Michigan School Psychologists, Sharon Sue Russell
Stimulus Properties of Population Density, Robert Alan Schauerhamer
Mapping Interpersonal Communication Behaviors on the Leary Circumplex, Yvonne L. Spaulding
A Summary of Experiences in an Internship in the Area of School Business Management, Lawrence H. Stancliff
A Report of an Internship in the Central Office of the Vicksburg Community Schools, Raymond C. Staples
The Revision and Implementation of an Assessment Form, Cleophus Sturdivant
The Use of Make-a-Picture Story Test Background Cards as Diagnostic Indicators in Comparison with Elevated MMPI Scales, Melissa Eddy Tatum
Rubidium-Strontium and Uranium-Lead Geochronology of the Northeastern Border Zone of the Idaho Batholith Bitterroot Range, Montana, Steven E. Tripp
Avian Succession on Lake Michigan Sand Dunes, John B. Van Orman
An Investigation of the Study Habits and Attitudes of Successful and Unsuccessful Introductory Accounting Students, Chander Kanta Varma
Cortical and Subcortical Interhemispheric Interrelation in the Visual System, George C. Wagner
The Interactive Effects of Assignment Difficulty and Reinforcement of Conduct Behavior on Classroom Spelling Performance, Robert Victor Weis
Studies of Michigan Lycosidae, Robert John Wolff
On the Analytic Foundations of Behaviorism, Samuel Yaffe
Counseling the Alcoholic and Drug Abuser, Carolyn B. Yaple
Theses from 1975
Inhibitors and Retarders for the Free Radical Polymerization of Alpha-Methylstyrene, Alexander Accetta
Solar Heat Capacitors, Taddesse Aregahegn
The Status of the Dominant Cognitive and Operant Theories of Motivation in Industrial Psychology, Walter M. Baker